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Recent content by Clownmite

  1. C

    Looking for a System

    I'm looking for a fantasy RPG system that is good for casual players (relatively rules-light) and has fast, fun combat. Ideally, combat should allow a player several options (more than just "I attack the monster"), and players should have to change strategies each combat. I don't like the way...
  2. C

    Players as Storytellers (or, giving them limited OOC story control)

    After reading about the Savage Worlds' dramatic interludes system, I'd like to see what other ways Gms allow players to have story control outside of the actions their character takes. For those not in the know, that system has players each draw a playing card when they're taking a long...
  3. C

    Things I Miss....

    Haha, I saw the "My free mostly-OGC OGL game" part and stopped reading, not knowing what those acronyms were and assuming they weren't related. My bad.
  4. C

    Things I Miss....

    Do you have these posted anywhere?
  5. C

    Interesting Situations: PC choices and plans

    Excellent point. I ran one dungeon with a Cadaver Collector (has a bunch of spikes on its back that it impales things on). The PCs needed a key that was on one of the corpses. I figured they would just try to fight it, or lure it into a pool of flammable oil and light it on fire if they were...
  6. C

    Interesting Situations: PC choices and plans

    I think the most fun situations in an RPG come when the PCs have a situation that has multiple and varied ways of being resolved. As a player, my favorite parts of playing are the times when I can be creative, and the party can form a plan to deal with a situation that allows each character to...
  7. C

    Introducing Enlightened Grognard

    One other thing I wanted to ask was what would you think if tokens could be spent retroactively 1-for-1 for everything? The main problem I see with this is that it could lead to a loop of someone increasing their attack by 1, other person dodging (speed token) for one, etc. I don't know how this...
  8. C

    Introducing Enlightened Grognard

    I read through all your feats and spells yesterday, there's definitely a lot of good stuff in there. I may try to tie some of them to specific weapon types. Even with the table I made out, I think a lot of weapons still feel too similar. I can further divide weapons up by damage type...
  9. C

    Introducing Enlightened Grognard

    So, another thing about D&D that I've never liked was that weapons were generally only different by the dice that they roll damage with. I was thinking of ways to spice things up, and had the idea that some of the initial tokens in battle should be generated by the weapon someone is wielding...
  10. C

    Introducing Enlightened Grognard

    Yeah, I may try a test battle or two to see how the token system would work in straight 3.5. Also, what would you think of allowing players to exchange 3 tokens of 1 type to gain 1 token of another type, like 3 speed tokens for a power token?
  11. C

    Introducing Enlightened Grognard

    I did look at the conversion guide; I was under the impression that it was converting 3.5 to EG, whereas all I want to do here is stick the combat token mechanic in 3.5 so my players don't have to learn a new system. My question is basically: would it be appropriate to play 3.5 with the...
  12. C

    Introducing Enlightened Grognard

    I'd just like to say that this looks like a great system, and I like the philosophy around it very much. I don't think I can convince my players to give it a go, since we just learned 3.5 for our first system, but I'm thinking about adding combat tokens to my next campaign. Do you have any...