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Recent content by Dark Seraph

  1. Dark Seraph

    Could you play in a fantasy world without clerics

    Yes I would. I find that it robs players of some choice opportunities to truly get creative in dealing with difficult and challenging circumstances when they have a ready safety net in the form of the "traditional" D&D cleric with an almost on-tap supply of healing and curative spells ready to...
  2. Dark Seraph

    Help Me Populate My World!

    The Swines of Quonarii: A medium sized mercenary company made up of a diverse mix of races. What is unique about this company is (1) they are led by a dwarven wereboar who has successuly retained command for close to a century, (2) they have developed the means to glide on wind currents without...
  3. Dark Seraph

    Help Me Populate My World!

    A forested hill country surrounded by a larger region of unspoilt ever-green forest that rings around. A large community of halflings organised in 12 tribes roam these wooded hills as nomads atsride wolves and hounds which they employ as mounts, companions and gaurds. They are xenophobic and do...
  4. Dark Seraph

    Fantasy Ranks

    welcome to the forum pages, ruinvalor...here are some suggestions: Private: Ember-Blade Corporal: Flame-Blade Sergent: Blaze-Fist Senior / Staff Sergent: Fire-Star Lieutenant: Morning-Star Captain: Inferno Major: Radiance Colonel: High Radiance General: Solar BTW, I like the flavour of what...
  5. Dark Seraph

    Help Me Populate My World!

    Shae-E'Leah A community of elves locked away from the known world and most of civilisation within their forested valley deep within the mountain range, several thousand feet above the tallest of hills. This secluded settlement is made up of a tight community of mystics who have dedicated their...
  6. Dark Seraph

    Help Me Populate My World!

    Jorgan's Peak (pronounced: Yor-ghun) This is a pronounced singular mountain that towers over the surrounding hills prominently. It was once an active volcano some 300 years ago. It is now home to 3 clans of dwarves who have successfully constructed a vast network of tunnels and about two dozen...
  7. Dark Seraph

    Help Me Populate My World!

    no worries, mate! I was glad to be part of a creative exercise. Just wish more had come to play. It has the potential to be a real good release for creative juices. :-) DS
  8. Dark Seraph

    Help Me Populate My World!

    Rhiathon It is a mining town founded among the foothills of a vast northern mountain range. Its founding fathers were the original pioneering folks who discovered the first mines in these parts, harvesting thick veins of silver. Since then the settlement of a dozen wooden shacks has grown to a...
  9. Dark Seraph

    Iron Heroes vs Conan

    Actually, I have said what I needed to say - FYI! Now, back to our usual "programme". DS
  10. Dark Seraph

    Iron Heroes vs Conan

    DITTO! I do not mean to hijack this thread, but of late, I have started to see far more acidic posts by folks who for some reason or other in their own little heads feel justified in being plain rude and caustic for no apparent reason. This was not so just a couple of years back, when I thought...
  11. Dark Seraph

    [Creative Exercise] Worlds in a word, planes in a paragraph

    ARTHYSIEN: This plane / world is a living entity. Vein and artery like tunnels course beneath the surface in a complex network carrying arcane energies which may be harnessed by certain intelligent races that thrive here, but only with extreme caution and proficiency. The atmosphere is made up...
  12. Dark Seraph

    Rpgnow creditcard information stolen

    Kudos Zaukrie! Very constructive suggestions. I think in this day and age too much is being taken for granted, irrespective of the real and potential adverse consequences for those who have implicitly entrusted the safety and security of their personal and financial details to vendors plying...
  13. Dark Seraph

    Rpgnow creditcard information stolen

    Irrespective of whether it is old data or new data, this sort of leak and the means to gain unauthorised access to data that can either actually or potentially compromise a person's financial and credit facilities is unacceptable to say the least. It is difficult enough to feel secure about...
  14. Dark Seraph

    Sell me on Psionics

    I have avoided using Psionics for similar reasons to the OP. If one was to consider using Psionics as a substitute to Magic (divine and arcane), which Books (PDF only) should one get to have a good solid grip on the core mechanics and flavourful options. Thanks. DS.
  15. Dark Seraph

    Aeon (updated 10/9/14)

    Cheiro, If it is not too much of an imposition could you perhaps provide a new comer to these parts with a link or three where Sep's tale is/are compiled as a single unbroken thread, if there is one. Thank you. DS.