Recent content by Dayspire

  1. Dayspire

    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    I just found this character sheet - and I love it (and I have very high standards on character sheets - kudos!). One question, and maybe it's me. When I try and add a portrait, it actually only will let you put in another PDF. Not a .jpg or .bmp or anything else. By design?
  2. Dayspire

    Sorcerer doing massive damage - or is he?

    I'm running a low-Paragon level game (level 12), and I'm a little concerned about the damage output of the sorcerer. I wanted to run this data by other DM's who might be running games around that level, and see if it's about what I should expect. Take the Chaos Bolt spell. It's an At-Will...
  3. Dayspire

    Enough with the halos already!

    I respectfully disagree with you there, Zaran. I think it's a way to differentiate those who use the psionic power source from those who don't. They could have gone with a simple 'glowing forehead' or 'third eye' - but I've never heard of psionic powers manifesting a halo - so it gets points...
  4. Dayspire

    DM Hindsight is 20/20...

    I disagree with WanderingMonster. Humiliating? Seriously? Any barbarian worth his salt would have looked to that scar later and taken it for what it was worth: a lesson.
  5. Dayspire

    What are good Action Point Alternatives/Enhancements?

    Here's my take. I've been using this for quite a while, and it's worked out well for the goals I intended. The only change I've made is giving players one Karma Point at the start of a session.
  6. Dayspire

    Lessons from Torg

    Yeah, kudos for bringing up Torg - one of my favorite all time games. This weekend I'm having a garage sale - my wife looked over at a large bin filled with every Torg book ever printed and said, "Hey, let's sell that!" I divorced her immediately.* * Ok, not really. But I thought about it.
  7. Dayspire

    How Can You Politely Say, "Your Character Sucks?"

    I think the first step if for you to realize that his character doesn't suck. Nor do his choices in building the character. You simply have a different idea about optimization than he does. It's entirely possible he knows what he's doing! I would offer aid in case he doesn't know what he's...
  8. Dayspire

    Kalashtar: am I missing something?

    Someone else briefly touched on telepathy, but I'll be a little more blunt. If your game is full of hack and slash, telepathy will be minimally useful. If your game is full of roleplaying, telepathy will be incredibly useful.
  9. Dayspire

    [Orlando, FL] Looking for one more for 4E D&D game

    Yowza that would be a hell of a commute! We usually start at 6pm on Fridays, and go until about midnight. Sundays is 11-12, until about 7-8pm. But... that's what, a two hour commute?? No DM can be that good! :)
  10. Dayspire

    Are wardens overpowered?

    Too late. He decided on the answer long ago, and he's ignored evidence to the contrary since then.
  11. Dayspire

    Moving grabbed target into fire ...

    I notice you have hazardous terrain in quotes. Please define that term for me, I'd love to hear it.
  12. Dayspire

    [Orlando, FL] Looking for one more for 4E D&D game

    We have a total of four in our group (one DM, three players), and we're looking for one more player. I run a D&D 4E game set in Eberron, and the characters are 7th level at this point. We often play either Friday night or Saturday afternoons, depending on scheduling and the other factors...
  13. Dayspire

    Moving grabbed target into fire ...

    I would say no to the saving throw - this isn't instant death (like pushing them off a cliff, for instance). Pushing a foe into a fire is a nice set piece to a battle, giving the players more options - so it's all good to me. As far as how to do it, I would look at the bull rush rules (i.e...
  14. Dayspire

    [Swordmage] Frigid Blade: One round or two?

    These are all self-buffs, are there any condition-applying attacks that last 2 turns?
  15. Dayspire

    [Swordmage] Frigid Blade: One round or two?

    Is there any precedence for a power lasting two turns?