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Recent content by Giddeon

  1. G

    Item creation and XP

    I was trying to work with a few photocopied pages, not the entire book. I don't like trying to do calculations and give answers to other players with out a solid reference. I did pick up the book and took a look.
  2. G

    Item creation and XP

    Very helpful. Thanks. I find it strange that it doesn't mention it in the DMG whereas it does for scrolls, potions and wands.
  3. G

    Item creation and XP

    Hello All. I have a quick question concerning item creation, specifically forge ring. When a ring is created, does it have an XP cost for the base price like scrolls, potions and wands? I was reading the DMG and under the creating rings, it doesn't state either way so I assume it wouldn't...
  4. G

    How to get these rogues off my back....

    I just hit the 9th level mark for my little gnome wizard. We have a ranger of 8th level, a cleric of Lathander who is 9th, and our own resident rogue of 9th level. I am guessing the encounter will more than likely occur in the more populated regions. It will make a big difference with my plan...
  5. G

    How to get these rogues off my back....

    OK, within the next couple of sessions we will be facing a large faction of Mask's followers in a FR campaign. Does anyone have some tried and true ways of taking out rogues with ease and limiting/negating their sneak attack altogether??
  6. G

    Top 20 monster minis wish list

    I think it would be nice to see seige engines and maybe some loose weapons or even treasure piles. It has been mentioned by DaveMage already but the Huge + sizes would be nice to see as well. Maybe a bunch of tiny and dimunitive minis for familiars and the like. Of course it would be hard...
  7. G

    "Swords are no more use here"

    To help the fighters equal the power of a spellcaster with the save-or-die spells, we use a house rule and a nifty table for the critical hits. There is an option for instant kill, albeit more rare than the spells with the same effect.
  8. G

    "Swords are no more use here"

    Ok, look at that spell in the PHB. It has SR and if you get past that, a will save and then a fort save. Not the best example to use. I think it is not meant to see which class is better than the other. It is matter of which classes best compliment each other. Once a wizard uses up the...
  9. G

    "Swords are no more use here"

    Ditto. I play a 3'3" gnome wizard. It is funny when we get into a skirmish that I end up taking the lead. My hp are better than the rogue and close to the ranger. Lucky dice rolls and an 18 Con has helped me tremendously. All except one encounter we have faced I have been the spearhead of...
  10. G

    Top 20 monster minis wish list

    How many heads would you like to see on that hydra?? ;) I know my players in my group that I DM really like to see an actual representation of creatures. We have a plethora of minis and some are so bland. I think stirges would be a great mini to have. I recently threw a handful of dice on...
  11. G

    Leadership and a giant for a cohort??

    Thank You. Personally I think it is a power gaming step. It takes the fun out of the game when there is limited challenges. The game becomes unbalanced in my opinion.
  12. G

    Hanlding Spell Resistance

    As a spellcaster, I know it really takes the wind out of my sails when It is a make or break when dealing with multiple targets with SR. As a DM, I roll it individually for the player's sake because after all, they are individuals with different chances. It only takes a few extra seconds to do...
  13. G

    Leadership and a giant for a cohort??

    Hello everyone. OK, as silly as the title sounds, I really would like a little back up on this one. I know I am not alone in this thought within my group and I am sure my DM will rectify this ASAP. I was privy to a bit of info about my fellow PC's decision on a cohort, or at least what he...
  14. G

    One DM for the campaign please

    We try to play once a week and to my suprize, he is off to join the ranks of the Navy in a month. It will be difficult to write him out because he has made himself into the "allstar" of the party.
  15. G

    Alchohol During A D&D Game?

    I think the group I play with has learned the lesson of alcohol consumption before gaming. Our DM moved about 5 hours away and we had a road trip to go play for the weekend. We arrived on a Friday night and consumed beer and a few mixed drinks. I was feeling the effects after only 3 hours of...