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Recent content by Keepiru

  1. Keepiru

    Best way to beef up encounters: Higher CRs or larger numbers?

    . I'm running a campaign with a small group of characters avg. level 7. So far they have pounded every "major" encounter they've come across. So I started adjusting the environment to make things a more difficult. They ended up having a far more difficult time getting the group past a waterfall...
  2. Keepiru

    Spells for a 'Treasure Hunter'?

    Utility spells that might mesh well with an adventurer like that: 0 Light Detect Magic Mage Hand 1 Detect Secret Doors Animate Rope Feather Fall 2 Invis Knock Spider Climb
  3. Keepiru

    Creative Exercise - The City

    Some of the more organized and radical dezians of the Soot district have planned a way to force the high council to recognize their guild and accept them as equals in the city. They call themselves the Hammers Wrath. They have begun excavating tunnels beneath one of the tall, spindly buildings...
  4. Keepiru

    Overlooked, underappreciated, spells and powers

    Phantom Steed is awesome. A flying mount that has a movement rate 240' at max level? heck yeah! My bard uses that for a lot of things. Very nice for staying out of reach while casting. I'm just jealous that druids got a Phantom Stag that is the same spell except it has more hit points (40), +5...
  5. Keepiru

    Overlooked, underappreciated, spells and powers

    Grease. If you don't make a DC10 balance check you can't move. If you make the check you move at half speed. If you stay in the area you make reflex saves or fall down. If you fail the check by 5 or more you fall prone. Very rarely do I see a character in our campaigns have ranks in Balance...
  6. Keepiru

    Do you have any dice superstitions

    I have a Cursed touch. Maybe it was the time I ran over the gypsy woman in my car, or the time I smashed all those mirrors with a black cat in the ladder factory, whatever it is, it's there. I am well known for rolling low for everything if it is a d20. Saves, attacks, skill checks, you name it...
  7. Keepiru

    New In-Game Slang Based On Your Games

    "It's a Moose" Used whenever we see a Beholder. Also, "It's a Beholder" when we see a moose. Origin - We had a thief with no tongue scouting the bottom of a tower while we were on the roof. He suddenly comes flying up to use wiggling all his fingers over his head trying to signal us. Our...
  8. Keepiru

    Bards - let's hear some strategies and suggestions, please.

    "While raging a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or activate magic items that require a...
  9. Keepiru

    Bards - let's hear some strategies and suggestions, please.

    A great link I saw on another bard thread has some good information you could look at. http://www.buckbd.com/games/bards.html - Bard's Munchkin Fakebook I'm playing a 3.5 level 14 Bard / 2 Seeker of the Song right now (My first character, somehow still alive!) and I'm pretty happy with the...
  10. Keepiru

    Building an 11th Level Bard

    Seeker If you'd like to do a bit more with your bardic music abilities in combat, you may want to look at the Seeker of the Song class from the Complete Arcane. At 11th level you'd only be able to do the 1st level of the seeker due to the pre-reqs on skill ranks. As soon as you level though...
  11. Keepiru

    Describe your favorite traps

    I ran a short campaign where my players were scouting an enemy's army camp. They snuck into the generals tent, surrounded by 8 guards, and which was divided into two sections by a curtain. On the otherside of the curtain in the bedroom area was a thin wire running a stack of metal objects. They...
  12. Keepiru

    DMing from a Laptop

    In Microsoft Office XP I found it under "Tools -> Add-Ins" Put a checkmark next to "Analysis Toolpack". I needed the Office XP CD to install the option. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/assistance/HP052092301033.aspx Just wanted to say, that projector + the NWN editing tools is an awesome idea!