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Recent content by Manchu

  1. M

    D&D 5E Convince me to Spend the Money

    @OP: If you really like playing Pathfinder (as in, you never find yourself saying something like "this is really too complicated for a RPG") then save yourself the money and trouble of buying the 5E core books. You will not like 5E. On the other hand, if you have doubts about the density of 3.X...
  2. M

    7 Years of D&D Stories? And a "Big Reveal" Coming?

    That said, I'd love to own the design studio that created a beloved 5E AP. Best advertising ever.
  3. M

    7 Years of D&D Stories? And a "Big Reveal" Coming?

    If somebody points out WotC didn't design these APs in-house, someone else will come along to post that WotC still puts in a lot of work on them (usually to answer the point that WotC doesn't invest enough in 5E). But if somebody points out that WotC's reputation for APs will suffer because...
  4. M

    D&D 5E So what exactly is Wizards working on?

    I think the current team emphasized and are emphasizing slimness to leverage the broader audience.
  5. M

    D&D 5E Reasons Why My Interest in 5e is Waning

    Does ICv2 count Amazon and the box chains? I have a feeling they will make the most from 5E as people who are new to D&D or returning after a while seem to be driving a good amount of sales (anecdotally).
  6. M

    7 Years of D&D Stories? And a "Big Reveal" Coming?

    Hi there. One of the cool things about a discussion forum is you can see what people have posted previous to the post you are currently reading. I guarantee making use of this feature will really aid your comprehension of the conversation. But don't take my word for it, try it yourself!
  7. M

    7 Years of D&D Stories? And a "Big Reveal" Coming?

    Staffan, my point was actually that not everything published by WotC is made by WotC employees.
  8. M

    D&D 5E So what exactly is Wizards working on?

    IME the playtest set high expectations for continued transparency and solid comms. Maybe too high? In any case, it's not just a case of falling short of high expectations. Feels like a reverse course. For Torm's sake, we're huddled around cryptic tweets like the last morsels in a starving town.
  9. M

    7 Years of D&D Stories? And a "Big Reveal" Coming?

    Designed by Kobold Press and Sasquatch Studios respectively. But I know layout is no joke.
  10. M

    D&D 5E Reasons Why My Interest in 5e is Waning

    MerricB I think Paizo's subscription model grew out of its experience publishing magazines (particularly Dungeon). I don't think any other RPG-focused company has the skill or experience to make that successful. Hasbro has the money to throw at such a problem but of course will not, given the...
  11. M

    D&D 5E So what exactly is Wizards working on?

    I guess I am using a "played best when" standard. B/X, etc, are played best as guidelines for rulings. 3E and 4E are played best "by the rules" whether those rules are published or homebrewed.
  12. M

    7 Years of D&D Stories? And a "Big Reveal" Coming?

    No doubt but ... EX1-2 has not proven so fertile of ground as, say for example, I6.
  13. M

    7 Years of D&D Stories? And a "Big Reveal" Coming?

    I'm just in denial. Instead of Ravenloft, Dragonlance, Dark Sun, or heck even Spelljammer ... we get ... Alice in Wonderland.
  14. M

    7 Years of D&D Stories? And a "Big Reveal" Coming?

    Oh the Alice thing ... ugh no, Zak S already did it.
  15. M

    D&D 5E A Board Game style Release Schedule

    I have rationalized this already -- the Temple is a vortex through the multiverse. :rocking in the corner, muttering: