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Recent content by Rothe

  1. R

    Who owns SPI games?

    You sir are like unto a god for finding that site. (Admittedly my google-fu is weak) That website is going to make my holidays very bright indeed.
  2. R

    Why isn't every 9th level wizard rich?

    Here, here. This is the number one and likely first fix to make economics in a D&D world have any sort of consitancy with game mechanics.
  3. R

    Evolutionary Fantasy

    Here is my approach to this. Evolutionary history is pretty much "normal" until very, very recently. That is magic existed as a background force but was poorly tapped and not really understood. It had only the most subtle of effects on evolution. All the major intelligent species (chose...
  4. R

    Roleplaying? Yeah right!

    You got it. I wouldn't draw a line between third and first person exposition, both can be effect if interacting with the world/NPCs in a back and forth fashion. IME we typically start in third person then as interest builds into more of a first person interaction. Again, IME many people can...
  5. R

    40 year old man wants to join my game

    If you get the weirdo vibe trust your instincts; never trust anyone over 30. (But being over 40 you shouldn't trust me either. :))
  6. R

    An alternate version of half-orc reproduction

    Environmental contamination...due to excess magic use. The Wizard's Guilds deny any connection, they deny there are reliable studies that show the connection.
  7. R

    How often do your bad guys run away?

    They almost always run away when they believe it is suicide to stand and fight and wish to live to fight another day, unless... They are enraged with bloodlust (then they may not even know they are losing), they are protecting there home oe women and children (if they care about such), running...
  8. R

    How often do your bad guys run away?

    delete double post
  9. R

    D&D haters???

    Those are all positives. I don't know if you can convince skeptical parents that are not your own, but will share what convinved my own religous parents that AD&D was a good thing. This was back in the late 70s, and my parents had heard of the cult connection and saw the demons listed in the...
  10. R

    Do you play in games you aren't enjoying?

    Never have, never will. I have many other activities I enjoy besides gaming, so I can live without gaming. That being said, I'd certainly give any "bad" game many chances, probably at least 5 to get things going.
  11. R

    Different player types hogging the spotlight?

    World-oriented consequences is all I can say about wanton killing. Regarding talking to the known BBEG, are you relying on the BBEG getting to monologue? If so that's a bit much to ask of the players, how do they know this is not there only chance? Also what BBEG relies upn the PCs listening...
  12. R

    What actually occured between TSR and Role Aids?

    IIRC,in dicta the judge actually indicated that he thought indication of compatability/suitable for use with was probably OK, but that was not the issue before him. It was the terms of the agreemnt.
  13. R

    Do you Run Published Adventures As Is?

    Never. But some require no deletions just fleshing out to fit my setting.
  14. R

    How do you prefer to earn/award XPs?

    Other: I award xp for overcoming challenges. Combat and traps (life & death ones) are easy. But just as much or more xp for bypassing, parley, overcoming a social challenge, fulfilling a goal, as for killing. We've also agreed we all like heroic high adventure so rescueing folks for example...
  15. R

    If we all rolled the normal way for stats, how come he has three 18's?

    It seems lucky, but my longest lasting character naturally rolled 18, 17, 16, 14, 14, 11 on 4D6 drop lowest arrange as like.