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Recent content by Rowsdower

  1. R

    Scale Mail Armour Check?

    WOLead, thats a great idea. I hadn't noticed you can grab chainmail if you just have training in leather armor, for some reason I was thinking you had to have hide armor training first. Since I made a feypact warlock also with the requirements for hide, I'll instead pick chainmail when I can...
  2. R

    What's the scoop on pregen characters for Worldwide Game Day 2008?

    ok so its my first year doing anything D&D related, so I don't know if this is standard procedure. But four letter word beginning with F. I wanted to make my own character for game day. I wanted to use the new rules, my ideas for a character, and my desires for customization. After the 4e...
  3. R

    PVP/Penny Arcade 4E Podcast from WotC

    Seriously looking forward to the rest of the podcast. Once I knew they were being run through KotS (and I have the adventure) I eagerly waited to see if they hit the trap. LOL. Now I can't wait to hear how they handle the rest of what's in store for them. Particularly the undead/rune room. OOOO.
  4. R

    An Example Character, Levels 1-30

    I appreciate that write up Eletroshock-Therapy. A few things though: 1) I don't know what most of those feats actually do. 2) The powers with "damage #(se)". Does it specify what type of damage or can the player decide WHEN using it? And I'll assume se means save ends. 3) For the "1,2 or 3...
  5. R

    An Example Character, Levels 1-30

    I'd like to see a blaster type wizard if thats all right. Since they are supposed to be the controller role, I'm wondering how far from that you can push the class and still retain the controllerness of the class. thanks if you do, meh if you don't. EDIT: referencing an earlier post of mine...
  6. R

    An Example Character, Levels 1-30

    well. This is great. Hey can i suggest getting a write up for a tiefling wizard for 1st level and 30th level? Thats one I'm really interested in making, and I'm just one of the unlucky that don't have the books yet. And I really want to know how they are setting up wizard "builds". sustains...
  7. R

    Excerpt: Minions. Go forth mine minions! Bring havoc with your 1 hp [merged]

    Two things, if I may: 1) we'll have ways of recovering spent dailies. So it won't be that big a deal. 2)Noticed that in the excerpt they mentioned only giving minions one hp because there were situations the minions could survive taking small amounts of damage. What kind of situations I...
  8. R

    KotS Available?

    Are there any plans for members of ENworld to host a session for kots after it comes out? I'm seriously bugging to play 4e, but without a group it's not likely. Wouldn't mind it, really. ...ok?
  9. R

    Which race WILL you be playing?

    I voted dragonborn. But I also want to play human. I like the racial feats we've been shown, and can think of some really good ones that fit WotC's descriptions of their racial "style".
  10. R

    What class will be your first?

    I chose wizard. I like all those flashy, powerful spells. I would have chosen fighter also, just because I like the fact they get powers also, and I like to get up close and hit things with my characters.
  11. R

    May previews

    I feel we're getting shafted on the next two fridays. Seems like they are gonna repeat the info for magical gear. But that's just a guess. Also, did we really get anything new out of the warlord's powers? seems like a very lite preview today. Ah well. guess I'll get back to craving for as...
  12. R

    Starting Keep on the Shadowfell or waiting?

    Well color me green with envy. I've got no groups and no (immediate) future prospects for playing. But I voted to get it and allow rerolls because A) I'm insanely optomistic about finding people, B) I want to try it out regardless of whether I have a group (I'll probably take my friend and...
  13. R

    D&D 4E Point buy, 4e & you.

    It's late and I don't want to read through 4 pages so forgive me if this is covered already. BUT, I think you'r forgetting character innate bonuses. Since no race gets a negative value everyone gets at least one boost to their stats. This increases the amount of points you can spend in other...
  14. R

    Dragonbon are?

    I voted "Its a fantasy race." Cause lets be honest, it is. If I want my dragonborn to be reptillian looking mammals, then I CAN. Hell, maybe my humans are asexual, Dwarves come from rocks, Teiflings came before humans, people walk on their hands and hamburgers eat people! Ehem... Basically, its...
  15. R

    Will you DM or play in pick up games?

    Yes to every question. :P The thing is, I don't have a group to play with. So when I heard DDI would let people play over the 'net I got excited. "Finally I could actually play DnD again." But I like your idea too.