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Recent content by saupster

  1. S

    Need help solving a question

    That's ok...I found the monster description both in the 3.5 Monster Manual, and the Manual of the Planes.
  2. S

    Need help solving a question

    Thanks for all the great replies everyone. Gives me lots of things to think and talk about with my DM. =) The link you provided me with to the old EN World post doesn't want to work for me Thanael; it just sends me to the main forum page. Searched through it, and I couldn't find the thread you...
  3. S

    Need help solving a question

    Hi all. I am hoping to get some thoughts about a question my DM and I are wondering over. I am playing a Doomguide of Kelemvor in a 3.5 campaign. I am level 15, and my party and I are in a town that is run by a Vampire King and his spawn. We have been told that he is an "epic" level NPC and...
  4. S

    Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic...Anyone got it yet?

    Hi Dreeble! Haven't played much of the single player campaign yet (haven't played much of anything lately), but what I have played was fun! As for heroes, I think if you're used to AoW2 and how heroes levelled up in that game, then you might be disappointed with levelling up in Shadow Magic...
  5. S

    [OT]Blackout -- how long were you without power?

    Lost power in Mississauga (suburb of Toronto) around 4:20pm, and got it back at around 3:30 - 4:00pm. It was a great time to play some D&D...especially on Thursday night. Broke out the candles and played 'til 1:00am. Only downside was having to get up to go to work in the morning! Steve
  6. S

    Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic...Anyone got it yet?

    Nice to see a new convert! I'm wondering if you have tried to play a game by e-mail yet? I have heard that there are some problems with that, which will hopefully be fixed in the first patch. I know my friend and I are anxiously waiting for that first patch, so that we can finally play online...
  7. S

    Fantasy Football

    I am signed up as well. Veittors' Vanguard fears NO mountain!:p
  8. S

    Fantasy Football

    I would be interested in playing as well. Will you post the rules for the league? Steve
  9. S

    Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic...Anyone got it yet?

    Just wondering if anyone has picked up this game yet, and what they thought of it?
  10. S

    Important EN World issue! (Morrus is going to GenCon!!) [Thanks everyone! -Morrus]

    Any news on the prize drawings, Piratecat?
  11. S

    Important EN World issue! (Morrus is going to GenCon!!) [Thanks everyone! -Morrus]

    Are we good, or what? HAPPY BIRTHDAY MORRUS! :D May your trip across the pond be a safe, happy, and memorable one!
  12. S

    Important EN World issue! (Morrus is going to GenCon!!) [Thanks everyone! -Morrus]

    Did you say it was his birthday? Now, does this mean we have to all sing Happy Birthday? Is there gonna be cake? UMMMMMMMMMM.........CAAAAAAKE!!!!!!!! :D P.S. who's bringing the "after cake" beverages?
  13. S

    Important EN World issue! (Morrus is going to GenCon!!) [Thanks everyone! -Morrus]

    Does this mean we get a gold star? Angcuru - I like your idea! But instead of giving him ALL the cash, he should probably be given the airline ticket and hotel confirmation, along with the remainder of the money. That way he HAS to go to Gen-Con.:D Now we should start planning our next good...
  14. S

    Michigan/Ontario Gameday site

    Thanks for pointing me to this new thread Lazarus! I voted for anywhere on this side (Canadian) of the border, but with some (hopefully) advance notice, I could try to make my way to somewhere in Michigan. I also wouldn't mind paying a small cover charge if need be. Has anybody thought of a...
  15. S

    Ontario/Michigan gathering?

    What's Happening? Since several people have (rightly) suggested that it's difficult to organize anything without any info, let's get the ball rolling by trying to come up with a date to hold this get-together. Question #1 - do we want this to be a weekend long event, or just a one day thing...