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Recent content by skalvar

  1. S

    The Kazan Gambit: Target Mega-City One

    ((Disclaimer - I have done and continue to do freelance work for Mongoose Publishing)) Summary: A strong, well-plotted adventure that gives the players a vital role in a Mega-City One spanning conflict. It deftly avoids the "Star Wars" syndrome of having the players engaged in useless...
  2. S

    Anyone tried Narrative Combat?

    Well, I had a long rambling post written to answer Pinotage but Barsoomcore did it better in about a third the length. ;) Curse of being the author I suppose. Does anyone else have a question I can help with? Shannon
  3. S

    Anyone tried Narrative Combat?

    Jezter6, Good questions. Let's see if I can answer them without going off the deep end. RE: Managable Numbers Well, you can certainly use the system for small fights. We give an example of a duel where grace and wit matter as much as courage and steel. That said a small but important fight...
  4. S

    Anyone tried Narrative Combat?

    That's a good question Pinotage. No, you do not throw out all mechanics. You use your exsiting character build (barring some feat translation) to play a strategic conflict game involving mechanics drawn from d20. Character abilities, choices, feats, and magic items all play a reasonably...
  5. S

    Anyone tried Narrative Combat?

    Umbran; I'll take what points I have left and collect my tokens I think. :) RE: Character Development and Change Well, we included a whole set of rules for translating existing feats and such into the system so you could pick and choose from standard d20 elements. It works modestly well...
  6. S

    Anyone tried Narrative Combat?

    Hello Everyone! Barsoomcore, I'm glad you enjoyed running a conflict under the Narrative Combat system. I also agree with your assessment that you shouldn't use it for every combat. We did not intend for NC to completely replace standard d20 combat. It is a supplement for when you need to do...
  7. S

    Kiss The Five Foot Square Good-bye!

    Wish I could go back to being a full-time writer but it's hard to pay the bills that way. Other things pay a lot better. That said, on with the questions! RE: Adding damage to the attack roll Certainly possible and a good approach. My concern is that it adds a third layer of variance into...
  8. S

    Kiss The Five Foot Square Good-bye!

    I try to avoid the "mathy" feel but my day job (when employed) involves project management and IT governance. Some things just scar to the bone. RE: Damage Save and Narrative Combat I cannot seem to find my copy of M&M. The transition shouldn't take too much work If its someting people have...
  9. S

    Kiss The Five Foot Square Good-bye!

    Hey there. Let me see if I can help with these. I'm a bit dazed at the moment though (I'm preparing for job interviews) so I apologize in advance for the gibberish I'm about to write. RE: Spells and Weapons and Things It does seem odd that a 0-level spell and a 3rd level spell (especially one...
  10. S

    Book of Immortals

    Good thoughts, all. You are correct: the system was designed from the ground up to be a complicated, baroque game played by min/maxers. As a game it takes the idea of "off table character/world manipulation" and explores it. I learned a lot writing it and you will see the results in some...
  11. S

    (Mongoose) Book of Immortals - Out Now!

    Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. My life mostly consists of taking care of my son. Funny thing, that. Anyway, to answer your questions: RE: Cosmology Not really. I implemented (through various bindings) a set of assumptions about how Immortal beings function within a world. "Author...
  12. S

    (Mongoose) Book of Immortals - Out Now!

    :) Go flip open the cover of Age of Legend. There might be a reason for BoI and Dawnforge working reasonably well together. Not that I built it for that specifically (BoI is a Mongoose product) but some things you just cannot help... Good luck and good gaming! Shannon
  13. S

    (Mongoose) Book of Immortals - Out Now!

    Thanks. Good luck with the Immortals Book as well. For myself, I'm taking a break from full-time RPG writing at the moment to take care of my three month old son. But I'll be back. :) My models for this supplement were, in order: 1) The Gold Box 2) Greek Mystery Religions 3) Chinese...
  14. S

    (Mongoose) Book of Immortals - Out Now!

    Monsters? Not so much. By the time you achieve a few steps along the path anything other than another Immortal is more a nuisance than a threat. If you need monsters you can give Immortality to most creatures (even outsiders if they can pass the Challenge of Free Will) and move on from there...
  15. S

    (Mongoose) Book of Immortals - Out Now!

    Well, given I wrote the Mongoose book, I can assure you nothing was taken from the other project. In fact, I didn't even know about it until I read this thread. It appears we may share some sources but that's a good thing. Mythology and the historical study of religion should inform any book...