• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Torment

  1. T

    Is it possible to buy White-with-Red dice cheaply?

    1$ per side... sweet Hesus. Good thing you're not after percentile dice.
  2. T

    Top Gold Piece

    My whims, most of the time, when a PC is looking for something, I won't even look into the book, so theres alot of haggling to be had.
  3. T

    Why are Lycanthropes less virulent now?

    some of my PCs might be a bit too happy with the lycanthropy. "so... you mean that I get more strenght? sweet"
  4. T

    give me your over-arching plots NOW!!! please :)

    In a nutshell, whats going on right now "in my world" is some elves are losing a war, the leader of the elves decide to sell out his soul + whoever else in the plane to some demons for "the powah". That's... you know... basicly it. The players have some artifact weapon... and euh... yeah, I...
  5. T

    I killed Orcus!

    *The noble adventurers, after many trials and tribulations, pain and sacrifices, finally walk into the lair of the demon king. Dark statues depicting scenes of epic evil are lying against the wall... the party leader, Sir Paladin the Paladin looks around... the rogue, Sneak McSneakerson finally...
  6. T

    Initiative Variations

    Once for encounters. It should be less deadly, and much more fast-paced. And less note taking too! :)
  7. T

    In your campaign, can the PCs "lose"

    haha, yeah, i know what you mean. I am not trying to make a simulation. I guess realism was the wrong word... maybe "keeping a sense of coherency" would of been a better word than realism. :)
  8. T

    In your campaign, can the PCs "lose"

    So I was brainstorming my next campaign, and I realised that I might mess a little bit with the PCs. Basicly take a loved ones for an artifact they're holding. I realise there is a distinct possibility that, due to the fact that they are amazing players and roleplay quite alot, that they might...
  9. T

    Entangle - A Little Too Strong For A 1st Level Spell?

    I find that spell so annoying... so... so... so... annoying. "Oh hey, so which of these baddies made the save... he made the save? alright... he can move at half speed or whatever, he didn't? oh well let's try again... let's do this process for about 10 dudes, and you have yourself quite a...
  10. T

    Who plays DDM Skirmish?

    I play mostly DDM. No way I would buy minis solely for playing Dungeons & Dragons. Theres much better minis out there, and they aren't randomized... I'd stick with that.
  11. T

    What's your favorite villainous creature type?

    I'm in the same boat as Sejs, I use alot of humanoids, outsiders and undeads. A little less aberrations, but I'm starting to think about using a beholder as a recurring thorn in my PCs side. I would like to use alot more fey.
  12. T

    If you had to cut one element from the D&D game...

    I want to keep classes. I would like to see it harder to multiclass. I could do without prestige class as well. Aside from that, I really like the idea of sphere (school, domain) for everyone. With wizard having access to x and x domain, while cleric could have access to y and z domain, and...
  13. T

    Spells that are annoying to DMs

    haha, nice one. "yeah... well in my campaign, any spell that doesn't do damage doesn't exist. and you can't research it. and i wouldn't bank on finding a wand of non-damage dealing spell either, just ain't gonna happen!" But yeah, in either case, I guess the druid in my campaign died (dived...
  14. T

    A start to a new era

    I can come up with about 100 Do nots. 1. don't dress in full battle armor? Fun fact, I used to play with a guy who's bring all sorts of knives to the game. He would fiddle with them all the time, just all around an unstable person.
  15. T

    Differences in powergaming in 1st/2nd and 3.0/3.5

    I do prefer the older school of playing. I am not a rule lawyer. I think my players are aware of that, and I'm definitly aware of that. I rarely get into rules argument however because in most cases i'll just think to myself "well, i could lose flow and ask the players or check in one of the...