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Characters from the Land of Cheese


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I figure I'll dump a few of the NPCs here for grins and giggles. I doubt any of my players reads this board, but if you do, keep out!

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Haki the Dancing Blade

Cheese's Note: as pointed out below, this NPC is broken-- there's no way he could qualify for the Shadowdancer PrC at 6th level, so he'd need either another level of Rogue or another level of Assassin to be legal. I'm leaving him as is, though, because this is essentially how he was when he appeared IMC.

Haki the Dancing Blade, assassin of Millington
male human Rog5/Assassin1/Shadowdancer3; CR 9; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 6d6+3d8+9; hp 41; Init +4 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 20 (+4 studded leather, +2 ring of protection, +4 Dex); Atks +10/+5 melee (1d6+3/crit 18-20, rapier), or +10/+5 ranged (1d6/crit x3, shortbow); SA death attack, sneak attack, spells; SQ darkvision 60 ft, evasion, hide in plain sight, poison use, shadow illusion, summon shadow, uncanny dodge; AL NE; SV Fort +3, Ref +13, Will +4; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Hide+14,move Silent+14,spot+8,search+4,balance+9,climb+7,jump+7,perform+4,disguise+4,innuendo+6,open Lock+11,gather Info+4; Dodge, Mobility, Combat Reflexes, Weapon Finesse (Rapier), Weapon Focus(Rapier).

Special Attacks: Death Attack: If Haki makes a successful sneak attack after observing the victim for 3 rounds, the victim is killed or paralyzed for 1d6+1 rounds (Fort negates DC 13). Sneak Attack (Ex): Haki deals +4d6 damage against an opponent with a discernable anatomy who is denied a Dex bonus or is flanked.

Special Qualities: Summon Shadow: Summon a shadow with 2 HD. Uncanny Dodge: Dex bonus to AC, can't be flanked.

Possessions: +1 Mighty Composite Shortbow (+2Str), +1 Studded Leather, +1 Rapier, +2 Ring of Protection, poison vial

Poison: Manticore bile (Fort 15, Initial damage: 1d4 Con, 1d4 Dex; Secondary damage: 2d4 Wis), enough for two applications to a blade or one quiver of arrows, worth around 600gp. Illegal everywhere in the Empire and within the Landhold.

Assassin Spells Prepared (-/2): Obscuring Mist, Spiderclimb

Background and History: Haki was a freelance assassin in Millington for many years. He operated from a lair built in one of the old abandoned aqueducts beneath the city, accessible through trapped corridors and secret doors. To hire him, one dropped information about the target behind a loose block behind the messenger's office, which causes such information to fall down a chute into Haki's lair. To those connected with Andrew Scraal's network, it is understood that those who don't offer sufficient payment to Haki risk becoming targets themselves, assuming Haki doesn't simply ignore the fee. Only Scraal himself is believed to be able to recognize Haki, but why Andrew hasn't been killed himself is not entirely clear.

Haki is silent and patient. His chosen career stems from a deep-seated enjoyment of harming others. The fact that people are willing to pay for his services just provides him with an ongoing stream of interesting victims, as well as the revenue to experiment with new kinds of equipment and techniques.

The Dancing Blade keeps his identity secret even from those few with whom he consorts (other members of the Millington Underworld, whom Haki perceives as acquaintances of convenience and necessity... contacts who supply him with information, equipment, and access to forbidden magic). Those who "know" him perceive him as a man who listens well and says very little. Somehow, he always squeaks through an exchange without having to introduce himself, or having those with him remember the name by which he was introduced.

Strategy and Tactings: Haki's favored tactic is to surveill his intended mark for days or weeks (when possible), looking for a pattern of behavior that will suggest a place from which Haki can strike with optimal potency. This usually involves a dark alley, abandoned street, or the person's home. Having found such a place, Haki will inevitably arrive far in advance, where he can take 20 on his Hide check (spot DC34 in broad daylight, but usually much higher due to concealment). If necessary (and possible), Haki will scout the location several times before the attack.

Haki will always have an exit strategy worked out for after the assassination takes place, or in case of unexpected circumstances. However, unless the mark is considered difficult, Haki will seldom predetermine an "emergency exit". This isn't necessarily because Haki is overconfident-- more that he doesn't want to leave himself an easy out, after which news of his failure (and identity) would escape into the world.
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Scylla Whisperwater

Scylla Whisperwater: female elf Clr6 of Baccob; CR 6; Medium-size Humanoid (elf); HD 6d8; hp 28; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Atks +3 melee (1d6-1, quarterstaff); SA spells, turn undead; SQ elven traits; AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +9; Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats: Spellcraft +10, Knowledge:religion+10, Knowledge:arcana+11,knowledge:history+10,knowledge:nobility+10; Skill Focus:knowledge(arcana), Craft Wondrous Item, [Brew Potion], Scribe Scroll.

Special Attacks: Turn Undead (Su): 4/day, Scylla can attempt to turn undead creatures. She can turn undead with no more than (1d20+9)/3 HD. Each attempt, she turns 2d6+7 total HD. Undead with 3 or fewer HD are destroyed instead.

Special Qualities: Elven Traits (Ex): Sleep immunity, +2 save vs. Enchantment, low-light vision, proficient: longsword or rapier, proficient: longbows and shortbows.

Possessions: Robe of Revelation (+2 on Will saves vs Illusions and Scrying), holy symbol of Baccob, Quarterstaff.

Cleric Spells Prepared (5/4/4/3): Save DC 14+spell level, caster level 6
0. Read Magic, Detect Magic, Detect Poisonx2, Light
1. Comprehend Languages, Sanctuary, Doom, Obscuring Mist, Detect Secret Doors [D]
2. Augury, Delay Poison, Zone of Truth, Detect Thoughts [D]
3. Dispel Magic [D], Glyph of Warding, Searing Light

Domains: Knowledge, Magic

Appearance and Behavior: Scylla is a nondescript elfmaid, a long-haired waif among her famously slim and subtle kind. Far from a paragon of Elven beauty, Scylla's real charm lies in her witty demeanor. Living among humans and dwarves has given Scylla a penchant for biting sarcasm, but a great tolerance of the differences of others. Her personality is also marked by a kind of nervous energy, and some hidden frustration held in check beneath her wry smile.

Background and History: Scylla is a rare full-elf in the human/dwarven city of Millington. Surrounded by gruff dwarves none too fond of her race, Scylla's forgettable looks proved an unexpected asset. Aspiring to learn the secrets of Loremistress Thraelie Krovath's vast library, she has apprenticed herself to the city scribe as a researcher. It was in that capacity that Scylla first met the Necromancer Boris Helvasa, whom she found irritating, but who kept her interested with questions and avenues of research nonetheless.


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Fiiella: female half-elf Brd13; CR 13; Medium-size Humanoid (elf); HD 13d6; hp 66; Init +9 (Dex, Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft; AC 22 (+5 studded leather, +5 Dex, +2 Natural); Atks +9/+4 melee (1d6/crit 18-20, rapier), or +9/+4 melee (1d4/crit 19-20, dagger), or +14/+9 ranged (1d4/crit 19-20, dagger), or +14/+9 ranged (1d6/crit x3, shortbow); SA spells; SQ bardic knowledge, bardic music, half-elven traits; AL CG; SV Fort +4, Ref +13, Will +9; Str 10, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 23.

Skills and Feats: Balance+6,bluff+21,climb+2,concntrate+5,diplomacy+8,escape Artist+15,gather Information+8,hide+15,knowledge:local+7,knowledge:history+7, Knowledge:dragonkind+7,listen+12,move Silent+15,perform+21,search+3,spot+2,swim+5,tumble+19,use Rope+11,intimidate+8,sleight Of Hand+10,disguise+8,jump+2,open Lock+7; Spell Focus:enchantment, Run, Fleet Of Foot, Improved Initiative, Improved Feint.

Special Qualities: Half-Elven Traits (Ex): Sleep immunity, +2 save vs. Enchantment, low-light vision, elven blood.

Possessions: +2 Studded Leather (Trollskin, see below), Ioun Stone (+2 Dex), Ioun Stone (Regenerate 1hp/hour), Cloak of Charisma +3, Amulet of Natural Armor +2, +1 Shortbow, Rapier, 2xDagger, Lockpicks, 2xPotion of Lightning Resistance 10, 2x Stone Salve. Fiiella's stats reflect her items.

Bard Spells per day: 4/4/4/4/5/1; known (caster level 13, DC 16+spell level, except as listed):
0. Summon Instrument, Detect Magic, Know Direction, Resistance, Prestidigitation, Flare
1. Charm Person (DC19), Disguise Self, Cure Light Wounds, Ventriloquism
2. Hypnotic Pattern (DC20), Tongues, Suggestion (DC20), Silence
3. Charm Monster (DC21), Confusion (DC21), Haste, Major Image
4. Legend Lore, Hold Monster (DC22), Zone of Silence
5. Mass Suggestion (DC23), Song of Discord (DC23)

Trollskin: armor derived from trollskin repairs itself 1hp/5 rounds (2hp/minute) as long as its wearer is alive. When donned, the armor inflicts one point of temporary Constitution damage on the wearer per week (round up, minimum 1 if the armor has been off for at least 24 hours) it has gone without being worn. After four full weeks without being worn for at least one full day, the armor loses the self-repairing quality forever (any other qualities, such as enchantment, remain unchanged).

Appearance and Behavior:
Fiiella (fie-YELL-uh; the first syllable rhymes with "eye") is a pretty, albeit somewhat flighty dragon enthusiast. Gorgeous and charming and she knows it, Fiella doesn't want to think of herself as vain, so she tends to act humble when she notices it. What Fiiella really wants out of life is variety, adventure, adoration and a good party-- preferably, in combination and quantity. On adventures, Fi participates where she can, but fancies herself more a chronicler and advisor, partly because her skills are not well-suited to a straight-up fight, but mostly because she's not very brave. Fiiella often overcomes her fears when presented with peer pressure, or when people she knows are threatened.

Background and History:
Fi has lived most of her life in Cyrrelith, the imperial seat, on the edge of the great lake. She spent her time studying the area dragons (almost entirely their lore-- the dragons of the area were mostly hostile) and having a good time. Although a talented musician, Fiiella was never more than one step from poverty. She'd make some money through her music, then spend it in the next few days entertaining herself and her friends. Fiiella lives as a gypsy, every night a party, singing for her night's mead and crashing with friends new and old when the night is through. If it brings her trouble (which it often does), it's well worth it for the variety.

Fi's adventurous social life turned into a real adventure one night at the docks, when a group of vile trolls stole across the lake from the distant marsh beyond. There was a struggle before the town guard arrived, at which point the trolls withdrew, dragging an unconscious Fiiella with them. The girl turned up weeks later, having escaped the ordeal much the wiser, little worse for wear save having a bitter hatred for trollkind that she would harbor for the rest of her life.

Strategy and Tactics:
Fiiella avoids combat, especially melee. She prefers diplomacy and stealth to avoid outright confrontation. Second this, Fiiella relies on her enchantments before resorting to combat. If an engagement does become necessary, she favors her shortbow, staying on the move to keep attackers away, and if pressed to melee, will use her rapier (her daggers are an option of last resort, kept well-hidden in case she's ever captured again). Fiiella is not great with her rapier, but makes liberal use of Improved Feint when forced to draw it. She will usually choose to flee rather than engage in melee though, unless there's something to lose by doing so (like if not everyone in her party can escape with her). Fiiella hates blood, so she will almost never kill a living opponent, with the exception of trolls, to whom she is absolutely merciless.


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Nicholas, male half-elf Drd16: CR 16; ECL 16; Medium-size Humanoid (elf); HD 16d8+32; hp 82; Init +7; Spd 20 ft; AC 26 (+8 breastplate, +5 large shield, +3 Dex); Melee scimitar +16/+11/+6 (1d6+5/crit 15-20); SA spells; SQ animal companion, a thousand faces, half-elven traits, nature sense, resist nature's lure, timeless body, trackless step, venom immunity, wild shape, woodland stride; AL N; SV Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +14; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: Craft+17,spot+13,search+8,listen+13,knowledge:nature+12,hide+11,move Silent+9,concentration+19,spellcraft+8; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magical Arms And Armor, Dodge, Lightning Reflexes, Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative.

SQ–Wild Shape (Sp): 5/day, Nicholas may assume the form of a natural or dire animal, from Tiny to Huge. Nicholas may also assume the form of a Small to Large elemental 1/day.

Druid Spells per day (6/6/6/6/5/4/3/3/2): DC 14+spell level, caster level 16

Equipment: Ironwood +3 Breastplate of Fire Resistance 10, Darkwood +3 Large Shield, +2 Keen Silver Scimitar, Ring of Evasion, Ring of Regeneration +1.

Appearance and Behavior:
Nicholas is a druid who has seen too much, and had it take its toll upon his sanity. He tends to be unkempt and glances often over his shoulder. Nicholas's wild hair is dense, almost matted. Even in calm times, his face wears the look of a hunted man and while not exactly a pessimist, he does tend to view good news with suspicion. As is typical of Druids [IMC], Nicholas has a hedonistic streak, though his is more subdued than most, often manifesting in a love of spicy foods.

Background and History:
Nicholas, a Druid of the Circle, came to Millington some years ago, as a kind of stubborn joke with another Druid named Gorthak, who had gone to reside in a Sylvan forest in the Valley of Silence. So, to balance out Gorthak's easy commune with nature, Nicholas went to bring nature into the center of a city inhabited by dwarven loggers. In Millington, Nicholas made several good friends, including Bishop Sarek of the Cathedral of Pelor.

Beneath Millington amid the ancient aquifers and catacombs, Nicholas discovered the ruins of Fon Katcha, a city that existed long ago. While exploring these ruins he was ensnared by the charismatic demon Chorok, who toyed with him in his underground maze for half a decade, driving him slowly mad from the illusions, fear, and exhaustion. As a result of his incarceration, Nicholas tends to watch for hidden enemies everywhere, and seldom believes what he sees.

Strategy and Tactics:
Nicholas is a versatile combatant who doesn't shy from combat. In planning an attack, Nicholas works hard to consider contingencies, and seldom assumes he has (or will have) the upper hand. In even the best combat, Nicholas is usually prepared for things to "go south." Given his choice, Nicholas will make extensive use of spells (especially Call Lightning) and engage in armed melee as needed in close-quarters. Nicholas seldom uses Wild Shape in combat, unless an animal form is exceptionally well-suited to the scenario.


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How did Haki get into his 1st level of assassin at level 4? Don't you need 8 ranks in some skills to get into Assassin1? And don't you need 10 ranks in some skills to get into Shadowdancer1?


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Altamont Ravenard said:
How did Haki get into his 1st level of assassin at level 4? Don't you need 8 ranks in some skills to get into Assassin1? And don't you need 10 ranks in some skills to get into Shadowdancer1?

Whoops, you're right (good catch!)-- I formatted the stat block by copying the paper stats into a generator on the web, and I indeed had him as Rog4/Asn2 instead of Rog5/Asn1. The stats have been updated to reflect this.

You're right about the skills, too. Per the 3.5 DMG, an aspiring Assassin needs 4 ranks in disguise, 8 ranks in Hide, and 8 ranks in Move Silent (impossible for a Rog4, but certainly possible for a Rog5). A Shadowdancer needs 8 ranks in Move Silent and 5 ranks in Perform (Dance), but most importantly, 10 ranks in Hide, which would be impossible for a 6th level character to obtain.

This NPC was written up for 3.0e, and I dunno offhand whether the 3e Shadowdancer required 10 ranks in Hide, but if so, it'd be a genuine DM error-- I'd probably add another level of Rogue and make him CR10. Can someone with a 3e DMG handy confirm or deny this?

Haki (as written) was contracted to eliminate Scylla Whisperwater but a bizarre twist of fate (*cough cough*) caused the PCs to wander in at an inopportune moment and spoil the hit.


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Thok'n Amnon, the Dwarf of Fear and Flame

...an expansion of the Eye of Fear and Flame (Vile177).

Thok'n Amnon, male dwarf Ench5/Fig4: CR 17; ECL 5; Medium-size Undead [augmented humanoid]; HD 5d4+4d10+12d12; hp 126; Init +2; Spd 20 ft; AC 30 (+5 chain shirt, +2 Dex, +10 Natural, +3 Competence); Melee dwarven waraxe +18/+13 (1d10+4+2d6 chaotic+2d6 unholy/crit x3), 2xClaws+14 (1d4+3); SA spells, spell-like abilities, Eye of Fear, Eye of Flame; SQ dwarven traits, undead traits, Resistance to blows, Turn Resistance, Spell Deflection, Darkvision 90; AL NE; SV Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +15; Str 17, Dex 14, Con -, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 18.

Skills and Feats: Concentration+20,knowledge:arcana+10,knowledge:the Planes+10,craft+15; Quicken Spell-Like Ability[1,21], Arcane Armor Proficiency:light[3],enlarge Spell [Wiz5], Armor Focus:light [Fig1],corrupt Spell-Like Ability[6], Empower spell-like ability[9], Dodge[Fig2], Mobility [Fig4],Weapon Focus:Waraxe[12], Weapon Specialization:Waraxe[15], Expertise[18], Scribe Scroll [Wiz1]

SQ–Dwarven Traits (Ex): 60 foot darkvision, stonecunning, +2 save vs. poison, +2 save vs. spells or spell-like abilities, +1 attack vs. goblinoids or orcs, +4 dodge vs. giants, +2 craft with stone or metal.

Eye of Fear (Sp): Fear DC17 1/round as a free action
Eye of Flame (Sp): Fireball DC17 1/3 rounds as a standard action, 3x/day corrupted, 3x/day empowered
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) at Caster level 15, save DC 14 + level:
At Will: detect good, detect law, detect thoughts, true seeing
2x/day: quickened Ethereal Jaunt

Resistance to blows: Thok'n's undead body is skeletal, taking only half damage from piercing and slashing weapons.
Turn Resistance: Thok'n Amnon turns as a 25HD Undead
Spell Deflection (Su): Spell effects that cause blindness or affect the eyes are automatically turned if cast on Thok'n Amnon as if by spell turning

Wizard Spells Prepared (4/4/3/2), DC14+level, caster level 5, 5% arcane spell failure for spells without an asterisk, Enchantment-specialized, Conjuration forbidden:
0. Daze, 2xDetect Magic, 2xDetect Good
1. Charm Person, Shield, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce, Expeditious Retreat
2. Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Darkness*, 2xBlur*
3. Hold Person, 2xEnlarged Darkness*

Equipment: +2 Unholy Anarchic Dwarven Waraxe, Masterwork Chain Shirt.

Background and History:
Thok'n Amnon was, in life, a Dwarven Wizard who experimented with Necromancy and Enchantment in the early days when Millington was but a small settlement inhabited by a few enterprising dwarves who had been trapped on the plains of the Tears. He used his enchantments to further his family's station and work great mischief upon his fellows. These abuses angered the Stone-Father Moradin, who cursed him to live out the rest of his days in a limestone prison, which was to become his tomb. In secret, however, the Clan Amnon provided Thok'n (their elder) with various spell components that he used to prolong his life while he worked on a way around the curse.

He never did, and as the life drained steadily from his body over six generations, Thok'n grew steadily mad. Every generation of the Amnon clan swears to save Thok'n and take vengeance against the priests of Moradin in secret. However, every member of the Amnon clan who dies of old age is taken down to the family crypt, where the bodies rise to become monstrous undead thralls in Thok'n's service.

Over the centuries, the Amnon clan (who are legal intercessors by trade) have accumulated strange treasures to amuse their elder in his crypt. Meanwhile, the Amnon curse makes most dwarves on the plains fear and distrust magic, and so to this day Millington bans arcane magic and views divine magic with suspicion.

Appearance and Behavior: Thok'n Amnon is an impressively-boned, skeletal dwarf, wearing a well-worn and moldy cloak. He keeps his "face" covered most of the time, exposing it only when he needs to use his Fear and Fire abilities, which involve showing his eyes. Each of Amnon's otherwise empty eyesockets contains (instead of an eye) a large jewel. One is a ruby, which produces the flame effect when he exposes it. The other is a jet, which produces the fear effect.

Amnon's behavior is an odd mix of capricious malice and calculated sadism. Niether he nor his "family" of undead minions can bodily leave the crypt to which they have been damned, but nothing prevents him from exercising his will above ground through his still-living ancestors.

Strategy and Tactics:
If Amnon has time to prepare for an encounter, he will cast the following:
1. Blur
2. Shield
3. Expeditious Retreat
4. Detect Thoughts
5. True Seeing

...if he doesn't have time to prepare, he will attempt to keep attackers at bay with his minions while he powers up.

Amnon tries to begin combat with True Seeing active, so he can blanket the area in one or more Darkness spells and still perceive his enemies.
He will use his fear ability every round he's not expending a free action for something else.
Amnon will initiate an attack with his Eye of Flame ability before engaging in melee. If the flames prove effective, he will break melee every three (or so) rounds to flame his opponents again.
If cornered, Amnon will escape to another part of the crypt with a quickened Ethereal Jaunt and leave his minions to fight for him.
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