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Border Wars: an introduction to the Mycab Sector


Herder of monkies
Peterson said:
“They’ll be on us inside of two minutes – a good minute and a half before we hit the LZ. Suggestions ma’am?” Javin called from the cockpit.
“Yeah, fly faster” came the response.

See, this is the part where I would have been unable to resist the urge to write, instead of "Yeah, fly faster", the phrase "I dunno, fly casual". But then I'm a big ol' geek that way :).

NICE cliffhanger at the end there, bud. Very juicy and leaves us poor slobs droolin' for more. Keep up the good work.

Man, I am sooooo getting excited about our groups upcoming d20 Future campaign. Maybe I can convince OldDrewId to do a collaborative SH with me on it :cool: . Though looking at yours, we'd have our work cut out for us ;) . I've been waiting for a really meaty d20 Future Story Hour for some time now, and it looks like one just hit the shelves.

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ledded said:
See, this is the part where I would have been unable to resist the urge to write, instead of "Yeah, fly faster", the phrase "I dunno, fly casual". But then I'm a big ol' geek that way :).

NICE cliffhanger at the end there, bud. Very juicy and leaves us poor slobs droolin' for more. Keep up the good work.

Man, I am sooooo getting excited about our groups upcoming d20 Future campaign. Maybe I can convince OldDrewId to do a collaborative SH with me on it :cool: . Though looking at yours, we'd have our work cut out for us ;) . I've been waiting for a really meaty d20 Future Story Hour for some time now, and it looks like one just hit the shelves.

Sure....stroke my ego. Okay, fine, I'll post some more in a moment.

Oh, and I also had to fight the "Fly casual" line myself. But then, I'm also a big ol' geek that way :)

Don't worry - more quotable quotes should be showing up in the next segment, and then - it gets hairy.

Oh! And I so want a "Medallions Group D20 Future SH". Where do I send the bribe...er, bonus checks to?



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Here it is (longish one)

Did I jettison something? Dane wondered to herself as she finished the pre-landing checklist. She had managed to straighten the ship out, and was now on a fairly soft approach to the landing pad. Her sensors did detect a small, ship-like object rocket away from the cargo area, but her alarm panel hasn’t indicated any open airlock or hull breach. It’s almost as if something was attached to the outside of the ship, Dane thought to herself. Hope it didn’t damage anything.

The tiny insertion shuttle rocked violently as another barrage of gunfire racked the ship, yet did very little in the way of damage.
“Damn, those things are annoying. What the hell are they, bro?” Fenis called from the back.
“Little busy. Ask later” came the reply. Koveris grinned slightly, all four hands grasping the seats adjacent to him for stability, his claws digging deep into the upholstery. After a few seconds, Kaden leaned forward, towards Fenis, and whispered, “It is later, you know.” Fenis broke into a wide smile.
“Oh Javin?” he called forward with a sing-song voice.
“What?” came back the not-so-happy reply.
“What the hell are those annoying things?”
“Damn suits of flying power armor with big-arse machine guns that are slowly, but efficiently, chipping away our armor, and will cause us to crash UNLESS YOU SHUT YOUR PIE-HOLE AND LET ME FLY THIS DAMN THING! Okay?” Javin was not amused.
“Sure. Why didn’t you just say you were busy?”
Javin’s reply was a barrel-roll, tossing the entire team about, and causing more than a few curses.

“CSI Cargo Run 3-45, please power down your ship completely and stand by to be boarded.” Gordon’s voice was noticeably calmer now. Dane merely shook her head in frustration. Why wouldn’t they believe that it’s really me? She thought to herself, They think I had something to do with that other craft too. Dane did as she was asked, and then secured her firearm in the cockpit lockbox. She grimaced as she did this, thinking Yeah, really don’t need them wondering why I’m armed….

Gordon was reasonably relaxed by this time, his feet propped up on the desk as per usual, and a double-shot espresso in hand. These 16-hour shifts were murder, he thought as he took a sip. The interlopers were a good twenty miles away and fading fast, the aerial interceptors having them on the run. Within moments, Gordon was fast asleep, his espresso forming a mud-brown puddle on the floor below him.

“How much futher?” Fenis yelled up to the cockpit for the third time in twelve seconds, as yet another burst of autofire slammed into the little ship. Fenis was getting sick of being a large, metallic target, and was itching to deal some payback. He patted his assault rifle fondly, images of full-auto retaliation playing out in his mind. Koveris growled low and dug his claws in deeper as another burst rattled the shuttle.
“Everyone, brace yourself! Ground impact in less than eight seconds and it’s not going to be the gentlest landing.” Jovin called out, as he begin engaging reverse thrusters, shaking the vehicle even more than the near-constant barrage of gunfire had. Kaden extended a long arm forward, resting his hand on the level to lower the exit ramp. We need to do this, and fast.

“Gorram it, that ship is fast.” Ken hollered over his comm to Fayne. “We’re going to have to step up the pace.” Fayne murmured her agreement, fiddling with her Warpath rifle as she ran, adjusting the weapon’s sighting mechanism to target smaller targets. She doubted very much that these invaders had power armor, let alone mecha of their own.

The ship’s impact with the hard, barren ground hadn’t been as bad as Kaden was expecting, but neither was it as gentle as it could have been. Still, he was alive, and that was a good thing. Well, still alive at the moment, he thought to himself as he hazarded another look around the ship’s exterior and out at the dust-ball planet they landed on.
A few, hastily-constructed buildings dotted the nearby landscape around the ship. A lone miner with a slow-charge laser pistol strapped to his hip stared dumb-founded at the ship that just landed in his backyard. Everywhere Kaden looked, there was no green, no plants of any color, no color at all for that matter. Just the same, red-orange that seemed to dust everything. Geh, he thought, I hope this doesn’t stain my wings.
With a primal growl from Koveris and a warcry from Fenis, the two Mycabri exited the ship, intent on securing the area. Koveris bypassed the stunned human, heading straight for a vantage point of the target building. Fenis, on the other hand, ran straight up to the human and demanded that he surrender.
Kaden glanced back at Liz with another raised eyebrow. She merely flashed her fangs at him and drew her sidearm – a beautifully handcrafted Grayhawk. Kaden took a brief moment to admire the instrument of death, knowing it was his species’ technology and the Mycabri tenacity that made it such a prime tool to possess.
The sound of Fenis’ assault rifle firing quickly brought Kaden back to the present. He mentally chided himself for losing focus. Never going to make Seraph if you keep doing that, he thought to himself as he quickly brought his own sidearm up to play. Quickly scanning the area, his sharp eyes immediately caught sight of Fenis’ target – the two aerial interceptors that had been harassing them, coming in fast.

Dane sighed once again, as the corporate thug checked her ident-card and then looked to her again. Yeah, she thought as he checked for a fifth time, it’s a bad picture, I know.
“Huh. Bad pic, ain’t it?” the very large, and slightly intimidating, Brute said to her as he handed back the ident-card.
“Really? I didn’t think so.” Dane replied innocently, batting her eyelashes at the Gene-Spliced in front of her. The heavily muscled guard stammered for a moment, as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, avoiding the pilot’s gaze.
“Uh, well, I guess you check out, er, well, mostly. I mean, that is your picture, and, well…” the Brute's voice trailed off as his brain stopped sending information to his mouth.
“Relax. I’ve done this route for the past two years, and Gordon can vouch for me personally. Can I go get a cup of coffee now?” Dane asked. The Brute merely nodded his head and stepped aside, allowing Dane to pass.

Kaden dove to the side, using the deceased miner’s corpse for cover, as the aerial interceptors strafed his general area for a second time, kicking the red-orange dirt into the air. Frag, they’re getting closer, Kaden thought to himself as he hauled himself to his feet and glanced a look to the rest of the team. Fenis was leaning out from behind the minimal cover offered by the building’s awning and firing his assault rifle wildly, killing nothing but air molecules, as the two aerial interceptors rocketed out of range.
Koveris was taking up position a good thirty feet from the target building’s entrance, and Liz was just about to breach that with a running shoulder to the plastic door. Kaden allowed himself a slight smile. This is going to be quick and… Kaden’s smile turned to a slight frown as he saw Liz skid to a stop and look to the east. As he turned his own gaze that way, he felt the ground tremble slightly.
“Oh hell no….”

Artwork submitted by the immensely talented Walt "kroh" Robillard, premier artist for Sleep Dep Creations. Thanks Walt!
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Ken checked his sensors once more as he maneuvered his mecha around the building. The sensors confirmed nine life signs; four outside and another five in a nearby building. Almost even odds, Ken thought to himself as he activated the battery on his chaingun. He smiled in appreciation as he noticed Fayne’s chaingun already rotating at full speed.
“Looks like we get to go play with the natives” Fayne called over her comm, indicating the gray and blue skinned aliens before them. Ken could easily hear the relief in her voice, and he had to agree with the feeling. Still, he thought, I do wonder what a Kin’Kho-tae looks like – if they even exist.

The three Mycabri all felt the ground tremble before the Vic'Tarian, their natural tremorsense giving them the edge. Almost as one, they immediately looked to the east, as their predator instincts shot a single thought through their nervous systems: Prey.

Fenis wheeled his assault rifle around and fired a hasty burst at the approaching mechas, missing horribly. He frowned slightly as he stepped out from behind cover, attempting to find a more advantageous firing position.

Koveris released a low growl of joy, as the muscles in his fingers pushed his deadly claws forward, releasing them from their fleshy sheaths. He moved a few feet east, his entire body tensing to charge, should the order to engage be given.

Liz skidded to a stop a mere twenty feet from the target building, her mind blazing with the changing tactical situation. Noting the position of her teammates, Liz decided to secure the target first, letting the others deal with the approaching mechas. All they gotta do is distract them for another thirty seconds, she thought to herself as she surged ahead towards the building.

Kaden took stock of the situation and decided that diplomacy might be the best course to take. Dropping his firearm to his side, he approached slowly and in what he hoped was a non-threatening manner.

Dane walked down the dirt-packed street, towards the Dusty Rhoade Cafe Bar & Grill Family Diner, the only place in town to get a decent cup of coffee. As she walked through the red-tinted glass doors, she noticed that it wasn’t very busy. Normally got more people to talk to, this time of day, she thought as she grabbed a stool at the bar. An over-weight waitress ignored her for the first five minutes before finally asking what she needed.
“Coffee, and the news” came Dane’s reply.
“Ain’t much to tell, for true. Native attacks have been on the rise, and its been said that there is some sort of fuss in Flatstone. Want that black or with pro-cream?” the waitress said from around her cigarette.
“Black, unless you got a shipment of sugar in?” Dane asked hopefully. The waitress merely snorted and poured a helping of thick, dark sludge into a chipped mug that said Collective’s Greatest Fat-, the rest of the wording worn completely off.
“Geh,” Dane mutters to herself as she gulps down the rapidly cooling protein-substitute coffee, “Why can’t there ever be sugar?”
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That is why I drink mine black...can't stand the dissapointment of no sugar.

Something tells me this is story is about to get GrEaSeY!


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A black-gloved hand reached forward and grasped Gordon by the back of the neck. The young controller woke suddenly, his eyes darting back and forth in surprise and fear. The black-gloved hand tightened and Gordon’s eyes rolled back into his head.
“Satellite oh-oh-four has been activated and will be in position in thirty seconds” the other said to the first one. The first one, with his hand firmly on Gordon’s neck, merely nodded. Gordon nodded likewise, only the whites of his eyes showing.
A deep and complete silence hung in the small room as the trio waited patiently for the satellite to settle into its new orbit.
A mere thirty seconds later, Gordon’s monitor flared to life, providing a digital image of Flatstone’s outskirts, a small mining community. The other reached forward and tapped a small metallic object appearing in the northwestern corner, the image zooming in to bring the small insertion shuttle into focus.
“There’s the ship. Computer, scan three hundred yard radius and show lifeforms.” The other ordered the rather simple AI. The computer quickly did so, outlining four individuals outside a few ramshackle buildings, along with two nearby mecha. “It seems as if the Vic’Tarian is opening negotiations.”
The first one turned his head slowly to face the other. Still sitting in the computer chair, Gordon likewise turned his head slowly to face the other, the whites of his eyes staring off into the distance. “Indeed” the first one said flatly.
“Indeed” Gordon echoed, his tone matching the first one’s perfectly. On the monitor, CSI FIST Mecha -03 and -04 leveled their weapons at the various natives before them.


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Just one for the artwork

I just wanted to place the artwork attachment here as well, just so you all can see the detail that Walt put into this.

Keep reading, as I'm sure more artwork will pop up here and there.



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Peterson said:
I just wanted to place the artwork attachment here as well, just so you all can see the detail that Walt put into this.

Keep reading, as I'm sure more artwork will pop up here and there.


You keep this up and I won't be able to get my ego through the door...

Walt :uhoh:

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