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Sons of Krauss Age of Worms Adventure Path (IC)

Mista Collins

First Post
Branding Opportunity said:
OOC: On the upside, the move that you have posted does not need a tumble check, as it simply a 5 ft. step which does not provoke an AoO. On the downside, in that position you and Majakilar do not flank wolf#2, as Majakilar does not threaten him (he's using a reach weapon). If Majakilar were to step 5 ft. to the west (which he can't at the moment because Azten is there) then you'd be flanking wolf#2.

OCC: I know some Dm's who do consider the diagonal move when next to an enemy to provoke AoO (thus why I put the tumble there just in case). Either way, Owen will try to get into a flanking position no matter what. And if it requires he provoke an AoO, he will tumble :). If there is no way for this to happen, he will stab without flanking.

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Gregor continues to bleed but his prone form is not harried by the wolves thanks to his companions' efforts. If he were aware he'd be thankful.


Quantum Chronomancer

"Ah ha!" Kenneth shouts, pulling out the blade a second time from the wolf's flank. But the animal remained standing with only superficial wounds from Kenneth's rapier, gnashing its fangs and growling from deep within its throat.

Kenneth withdraws his rapier as Owen rolls between him the wolf, and Kenneth calls his name to get his attention.

"Owen! Keep going!" he says, jerking his head to the small empty space at the wolf's rear. "Wait for my signal!" Kenneth sidesteps a bite from the wolf and throws himself theatrically to one side.

He sees the dwarf circling the group, hopefully seeking to attend to Gregor. A glance tells Kenneth the big man is still breathing, thankfully. A crossbow bolt flies for the other wolf and Kenneth returns his focus to the one still occupying him. Raising his voice, he yells out, "Now!" and plunges his rapier into the wolf.
OOC - How about Owen continues his move, tumbling to the square just north of wolf #2, and readies an attack when Kenneth's initiative comes up. Kenneth will take a 5'-step to the left so that he and Owen will be flanking wolf #2, and both can make their attacks simultaneously with flanking bonuses. Attack +4 (1d4+1, 18-20/x2)


First Post
"That's it you mangy curs! Follow me, I'm the one you want! GRRR!"

Majakilar brandishes his guiesarme, swinging it above both wolves as he steps back, goading them on.

OOC: Withdraw ten feet back, hoping wolves continue to come after him blindly and draw AoOs from the others, and set himself up for AoOs against the wolves as they close. Same attack as before. Is there some bardic music going? I wasn't sure. Atk +2 (2d4+4/x3, guisearme). Dodge feat against same wolf.

With the combat shifting his direction, Azten takes out his warhammer in case the opportunity arises to beat on a wolf. Seeing that wolf #1 is currently occupied elsewhere, and assuming Majakilar is not seriously wounded this round, he will try to skirt around behind it to get to Gregor. Striking out with his hammer, the dwarf connects soundly with the side of the wolf’s head with a sickening “Crunch!” The wolf immediately topples over. (OOC: draw warhammer, move action; 5 ft. step; warhammer attack 16 + 0 = 16, hit! Damage 1d8 = 2 hp to wolf #1, and is now dying)

With the wolves lunging at Majakilar, Owen sees a great opportunity to catch the wolves off guard. Diving in between Kennth and the wolf. Rolling on his shoulder to a standing position with the wolf directly Gregor’s still form, Owen waits to plunge the dagger in his hand into the back of the wolf as he is distracted by Kenneth. "How's this for a bite?" (OCC: Tumble to square north of wolf#2, tumble check 18 + 7 = 25 vs. DC 15, success! Ready action to attack when Kenneth moves into place)

"That's it you mangy curs! Follow me, I'm the one you want! GRRR!" Majakilar brandishes his guisarme, swinging it above both wolves as he steps back, goading them on. (OOC: Withdraw ten feet back, hoping wolves continue to come after him blindly and draw AoOs from the others, and set himself up for AoOs against the wolves as they close; Dodge feat against same wolf)

Gregor continues to bleed but his prone form is not harried by the wolves thanks to his companions' efforts. If he were aware he'd be thankful.

"Ah ha!" Kenneth shouts, pulling out the blade a second time from the wolf's flank. But the animal remained standing with only superficial wounds from Kenneth's rapier, gnashing its fangs and growling from deep within its throat.
Kenneth withdraws his rapier as Owen rolls between him the wolf, and Kenneth calls his name to get his attention.
"Owen! Keep going!" he says, jerking his head to the small empty space at the wolf's rear. "Wait for my signal!" Kenneth sidesteps a bite from the wolf and throws himself theatrically to one side.
He sees the dwarf circling the group, hopefully seeking to attend to Gregor. A glance tells Kenneth the big man is still breathing, thankfully. A crossbow bolt flies for the other wolf and Kenneth returns his focus to the one still occupying him. Raising his voice, he yells out, "Now!" and plunges his rapier into the wolf.

Hearing his companions shout, Owen lashes out with his dagger. (OOC: dagger attack 7 + 1 + 2 (flanking) = 10, miss)

Kenneth strikes at the sole remaining wolf. With a bit of luck and a lot of distraction from his companion, the gnome’s attack hit true, burying the rapier up to the hilt in the wolf’s chest. He growls one last time at Kenneth, bearing his yellow teeth before his eyes close and he falls over, the weapon still sticking out of him. (OOC: rapier attack 16 + 2 + 2 (flanking) = 20, hit! Damage 1d4 + 1 = 4 hp, wolf #2 is now dying)

OOC: All wolves are dead or dying and combat is over. According to my notes Majakilar is down 3 hp, while Gregor is down 13.

Mista Collins

First Post
Breathing heavily so that his heart slows down a bit, Owen kneels near Gregor on the ground but knows there is nothing he can do. "It appears he is still breathing, Azten. I'm sure there is something you could do." Knowing Azten will talk care of Gregor, he stands and looks around for his thrown dagger. Spotting it in the corner he walks over to where it landed after missing the wolf and picks it up. He then heads back to where he dropped his rapier and lantern and sits down, trying to catch his breath and slow his heart rate. "Is everyone..." *gasp* "..else..." *gasp* "..alright?"


First Post

As soon as the last wolf falls, Alexi drops her crossbow and speeds to Gregors side, trying to stop his wounds from bleeding, though she hopes that someone with more expertise will soon join her to save him.

OOC: Heal check at +2.

Thanee said:
As soon as the last wolf falls, Alexi drops her crossbow and speeds to Gregors side, trying to stop his wounds from bleeding, though she hopes that someone with more expertise will soon join her to save him.
Quickly looking at Gregor's very serious wounds you see that his bleeding has stopped. The bite on his leg is the worst by far. Only serious bedrest with medical attention or divine healing can help him now.

OOC: So you don't have to flip back to the old IC thread, I am reposting the description of the room where you are standing and the map of what you have explored so far.

The central hallway opens into a large chamber with wings leading to the east and west. Across the chamber to the north yawns a twenty-foot-wide open arch draped from top to bottom in translucent cobwebs. An eerie green light flickers from beyond these webs, casting strange shadows about this room. The place smells of animal spoor and wet fur.

To the west, three short stairs lead to a wide marble dais, but the far end of the wing is obscured by darkness.

Huge slabs of cracked masonry and irregular piles of scattered debris choke the eastern wing, giving the appearance of complete collapse. It was from here that you saw the wolves emerging from a low break in the rock slab debris.

The sibilant, almost human whispers present in the passage become a chorus in this massive chamber, eerily echoing off the walls.


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As his unconscious mind drifts, Gregor sees the slender form of a sneering elf bearing a long curved sword. The hexblade who cursed his family.

With a gesture the elf invokes dark power and Gregor feels the curse enter his body, warping it in great spasms. The giant's body grows grotesquely, his back hunches and curling horns erupt from his forehead. His fingers become bent clawed talons and his teeth elongate into terrible fangs. His legs painfully shift into inhuman cloven elk legs giving him the appearance of some hideous satyr-like thing. In the hallucination Gregor is twisted into a misshappen ogre, monstrous to the core, reflecting the spiteful evil of the hexblade. "No!" he shouts in pain filled defiance. "I will not be a monster! I am not evil."

Gregor lets out a slight moan as he lies unconscious in his own pooling blood.

Voidrunner's Codex

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