Sons of Krauss Age of Worms Adventure Path (IC)


First Post
When Majakilar takes down the largest wolf, Azten shouts exultantly. Yeah!

Then, with his path to Gregor blocked by one of the wolves, he thinks Dang! That fleabag has moved between me and Gregor - there's no way I can get to him to heal right now.
His decision made for him, he takes careful aim, and lets a bullet fly at wolf #2 to take some of the pressure off Majakilar.

After taking his shot, he takes a step to his left so that he can be closer to Majakilar in case he has sudden need for healing next round.

Sling Bullet at Wolf #2: -2 (+2,-4 into melee) 1d6+1 damage
5' step to left - towards the top of the grid
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First Post
Majakilar, surprised by his lucky stroke, growls at the wolf as it stares at him for a moment before collapsing. Hearing Azten's shout he allows a grin to cross his face, but only for a moment. As the wolves abandoned Gregor to turn on him he realized there was no time for celebration. Swinging his guisearm quickly, he fails to connect as the wolves flank him. He feels a wolf's jaw close painfully around his leg, and fights to retain his footing, at the same time dodging the bite of the last wolf. Still on his feet, Majakilar steps back as he swings his guisearme up high, slicing down at the far wolf.

OOC: 5' step to the southeast (between Azten and Wolf 2) and Attack wolf 1

Edit: Also using dodge feat against Wolf 1.
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First Post

“We must help him, quick!” Alexi shouts, while reloading her crossbow to launch another bolt at one of the wolves, trying to step around any obstacles while doing so.

OOC: 5-ft. step as appropriate; Reload (couldn't do that last round with the move); Attack +3 (-4 if target in melee) Damage 1d8+1.


Quantum Chronomancer
"Well, then," Kenneth mumbles under his breath as the wolf nimbly dodges his strike. He hears shouts from all around, as well as the growling and yipping of the two remaining wolves. Gregor lies bleeding on the rocky floor, though he seems to still be taking ragged breathes. Alexi is running all over the place and Owen fumbles with his weapons. Kenneth, for a brief moment, feels impotent. The moment passes, forgotten, when the wolf lunges for Majakilar. The big miner lashes out with his weapon, and Kenneth feels the satisfaction of his thin blade sliding almost effortlessly into the beast's shoulder. Quickly, he pulls back and readies for another attack.

"The battle of man versus wolf was over in less than a minute," Kenneth claims, raising his voice above the din. "He had broken the necks of two, and the third limped off, licking its wounds."

Kenneth steps to one side, searching for an opening in the wolf's defenses. "I don't feel like letting any limp off today!" he proclaims, waving his rapier in the air.
OOC - Depending on the actions of the previous characters, Kenneth will make a 5ft. step to move into a flanking position. If not possible, or he is already flanking, he will not. Attack wolf #2, +2 (1d4+1, 18-20/x2).

Bad Doggies! Round 3

When Majakilar takes down the largest wolf, Azten shouts exultantly, “Yeah!” Then, with his path to Gregor blocked by one of the wolves, he thinks, “Dang! That fleabag has moved between me and Gregor - there's no way I can get to him to heal right now.
His decision made for him, he takes careful aim, and lets a bullet fly at wolf #2 to take some of the pressure off Majakilar.
After taking his shot, he takes a step to his left so that he can be closer to Majakilar in case he has sudden need for healing next round. (OOC: sling attack 14 + 2 – 4 (FIM) = 12, miss); 5 ft. step)

Seeing Gregor go limp after his last effort to defend the wolves Owen realizes that he will no longer be able to get to him with these wolves around. Now regretting that he had just dropped his rapier, and wishing he were able to draw his dagger faster, Owen carefully approaches the wolf, waiting for the perfect chance to strike. (OCC: Draw dagger (move action); move south of wolf#2 into flanking position (move action)

Majakilar, surprised by his lucky stroke, growls at the wolf as it stares at him for a moment before collapsing. Hearing Azten's shout he allows a grin to cross his face, but only for a moment. As the wolves abandoned Gregor to turn on him he realized there was no time for celebration. Swinging his guisarme quickly, he fails to connect as the wolves flank him. He feels a wolf's jaw close painfully around his leg, and fights to retain his footing, at the same time dodging the bite of the last wolf. Still on his feet, Majakilar steps back as he swings his guisearme up high, slicing down at the far wolf. (OOC: 5' step to the southeast (between Azten and Wolf 2); Also using dodge feat against Wolf 1; guisarme attack 6 + 2 = 8, miss)

"Well, then," Kenneth mumbles under his breath as the wolf nimbly dodges his strike. He hears shouts from all around, as well as the growling and yipping of the two remaining wolves. Gregor lies bleeding on the rocky floor, though he seems to still be taking ragged breathes. Alexi is running all over the place and Owen fumbles with his weapons. Kenneth, for a brief moment, feels impotent. The moment passes, forgotten, when the wolf lunges for Majakilar. The big miner lashes out with his weapon, and Kenneth feels the satisfaction of his thin blade sliding almost effortlessly into the beast's shoulder. Quickly, he pulls back and readies for another attack.
"The battle of man versus wolf was over in less than a minute," Kenneth claims, raising his voice above the din. "He had broken the necks of two, and the third limped off, licking its wounds."
Kenneth steps to one side, searching for an opening in the wolf's defenses. "I don't feel like letting any limp off today!" he proclaims, waving his rapier in the air. (OOC: rapier attack 16 + 2 = 18, hit! Damage 1d4 + 1 = 3 hp, wolf#2 has now taken 5 hp of damage)

We must help him, quick!” Alexi shouts, while reloading her crossbow to launch another bolt at one of the wolves, trying to step around any obstacles while doing so. (OOC: 5-ft. step; Reload (couldn't do that last round with the move); crossbow attack versus wolf#1 3 + 3 = 6, miss)

Even though you are harming the animals, the wolves only seem to grow fiercer and angrier, focusing their rage on pool Majakilar. Wolf#1 jumps to one side as Alexi’s crossbow bolt goes wide, lunging at the guisarme-wielding human. Wolf#2 does the same, as he moves into flanking position. Luckily their wounds seem to be slowing them down a bit, and Majakilar is able to easily dodge both of them. (OOC: wolf #1bite attack hits AC 6, miss; wolf#2 bite attack hits AC 13, miss)


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Mista Collins

First Post
With the wolves lunging at Majakilar, Owen sees a great opportunity to catch the wolves off guard. Diving in between Kennth and the wolf. Rolling on his shoulder to a standing position with the wolf directly between Owen and Majakilar, Owen tries to plunge the dagger in his hand into the back of the wolf as he is distracted with Majakilar. "How's this for a bite?"

OCC: Move to the empty square between Kenneth and Gregor so that he flanks with Majakilar (move action - tumbling to avoid AoO +7) attacking wolf #2 (+3 flanking attack 1d4+1d6+1)

Mista Collins said:
OCC: Move to the empty square between Kenneth and Gregor so that he flanks with Majakilar (move action - tumbling to avoid AoO +7) attacking wolf #2 (+3 flanking attack 1d4+1d6+1)
OOC: Sorry to immediately post a reply, but I'm not sure how much I will be on this weekend. On the upside, the move that you have posted does not need a tumble check, as it simply a 5 ft. step which does not provoke an AoO. On the downside, in that position you and Majakilar do not flank wolf#2, as Majakilar does not threaten him (he's using a reach weapon). If Majakilar were to step 5 ft. to the west (which he can't at the moment because Azten is there) then you'd be flanking wolf#2.


First Post
With the combat shifting his direction, Azten takes out his warhammer in case the opportunity arises to beat on a wolf. Seeing that wolf #1 is currently occupied elsewhere, and assuming Majakilar is not seriously wounded this round, he will try to skirt around behind it to get to Gregor.

I'm not entirely sure how to arrange this - I believe drawing the warhammer is a move-equivalent action, which would leave him with only his 5' step for the round. If that is the case then he moves one space directly north/up. If he can move further, then he'll circle around the wolf as far as possible, not leaving it's threatened area or provoking an AoO.
Should the wolf move away from him, giving him an AoO: +0 ATT 1D8/X3 DAM/CRIT


First Post

Pulling the powerful string of the crossbow back once more, Alexi aims at the wolf closer to her, looking for an opportunity to get a clear shot. As Azten circles around the canine, she lets the bolt fly.

OOC: Reload Crossbow; Attack Wolf #1.

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