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Omega Pathfinders Game Thread

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Mission 2, Encounter 7, Round 7 Update.

The tear gas cloud will remain for a further 7 rounds.

Warrior bug has acted.
Cyrill takes careful aim to not hit Carl and fires a shot at the warrior bug, (Modified ranged attack roll of 20 + 6 (AB) + 1 (PB) 27, a hit (confirm critical roll of 11 + 7 = 18, confirmed) doing 23hp damage!). The shot was true and Cyrill hit the bug squarely in the face, just were he wanted, causing immense damage to the bug!
Human #6 remains secured on the floor coughing.
Carl brings his rifle up in a defensive posture and moves east away from the bug, (Warrior bug gets AOO, Modified melee attack roll of 26 vs Carls defensive of 22 + 4 (Total Defense), a hit doing 11hp damage!), as he turns his head sideways to check the path he wants to travel the bug uses the opportunity and slashes a claw across Carl’s neck cutting a nice red gash down the side.
Human #7 lies secured on the ground coughing.
Rudy steps 5’ north to get a clear shot at the warrior bug and fires a single round, (Modified ranged attack roll of 14 + 7 (AB) + 1 (PB) = 22, a hit doing 5hp damage), catching the bug in the front right leg. The bug stumbles a bit and falls down the remaining stairs and comes to a stop at the bottom. It seems the shot fired from Cyrill was just too damaging and Rudy’s hit was the last straw. The warrior bug is down and dying. Rudy yells, “Not that is what we were trained for, hoo haa!”, :)
Sarge yells, “Watch those stairs for more contacts! We still don’t know what is upstairs. Rudy, Carl and Mel provide cover for the stairs. Cyrill come with me to secure the West tunnels, I don’t want anything sneaking up on us. Jacob… patch up that mess I made and then join us to the West.
Jacob tries to stabalize the bleeding human, (First aid skill check 17 + 2 (WIS) – 4 (No medical kit) = 15 vs DC 15, success), and manages to stuff the poor guys own jacket into the shoulder wound and seems to have stopped the bleeding.
Human #1 continues to cough.
Mel sees the bug drop and so just keeps her rifle ready.
Human #8 lies on the floor unconscious.

Squad actions please.


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Mel covers the staircase, rifle at the ready and visor set to thermographic, since that had been effective in detecting the other two contacts before.

"I saw at least two more...things up there," she reports. "Not sure what. Their IR didn't match human or bug. And Jacob, watch where you point that splatgun of yours. I'm pretty close to the target zone, and we don't know if there's civvies up there."

(Readying action to fire if anything nonhuman comes down the stairs.)


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Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

"Yes Sir!"

Cyrill moves 10 feet north and turns in direction of the tunnels. He then drops on his knee, reloads his hawkeye and readies himself to fire at any incoming enemies.

"I'm in position."


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Carl still a little shaken from his near death experience will stay where he is, using the gas as cover and ready his weapon for any attack.


Mission 2, Encounter 7, Round 8.

The tear gas cloud will remain for a further 6 rounds.

Warrior bug continues to bleed.
Cyrill moves 10’ north and turns to look towards the tunnels. The northern most tunnel is obscured by a door that is slightly ajar preventing him from seeing anything more in the slightly dark room beyond. The southern most tunnel also has a door but this is closed. The doors appear to be made of cheap wood.
Human #6 remains secured on the floor coughing.
Carl covers the stairs ready for any attack.
Human #7 lies secured on the ground coughing.
Rudy moves 15’ south to take up a cover position watching the stairs for any movement. He switches to thermo to try and confirm what the others have seen.
Sarge moves 35’ west and takes up position behind the stairs and covers the southern tunnel door, “Move!”, he says looking at the two he asked for cover.
Jacob watches carefully as the Sarge and Cyrill begin moving to the west and the rest of the squad proceed south to cover the stairs.
Human #1 continues to cough.
Mel continues to cover the stairs, she hears s funny clicking or chirping sound but it seems to be louder than it should… since it must be coming from upstairs? The sound gets louder and louder and she suddenly realizes that the sound is not coming from outside but it is inside her head! The noise becomes a loud cacophony of clicking and chirping which causes her no discomfort yet, but drowns out everything else she could hear only moments before…
Human #8 lies on the floor unconscious.

Squad actions please.


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When she realizes what's happening, Mel grits her teeth in revulsion, and only sheer will keeps her from lowering her rifle and clawing at her helmet. Somehow she keeps it ready though.

"Sarge! They've got some kinda...psychic bug or something! They're clicking in my head...I can't hear anything else! It's gotta be those weird ones upstairs. We have to get up there, have to take them...out..."

With alarm, Mel hears her own voice; rising in pitch and volume and starting to babble. She takes a deep breath and tries to steady.

"I'm ok," she says firmly. "I can't hear you, but I'm ok. I'll follow your lead."

Keeping her rifle pointed at the stairs, Mel concentrates on the noise in her head, trying experimentally to "push" it, or screen it out somehow. For the first time, she finds herself regretting that she'd cheated to fail the psi-exam. They probably trained you to deal with crap like this...

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