Omega Pathfinders Game Thread


Current Mission: The Pathfinders have just completed a successful sweep of the launch station on Fomalhaut in the Orbits Jokul system. They were on their way back up to the orbiting platform, Fomalhaus, when they received a distress call... a transport returning to the launch station from an outlying colony was clipped by a plasma blast and went down hard. The Pathfinders, being the closest military unit, must locate the downed transport and secure a landing zone until a dropship can arrive in 30 minutes from the Fomalhaus. The mission will start with your slingshot drop ship touching down near the downed launch.
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Mission One. Round 1.

As the dropship skims over a rocky ridge you can see the stricken launch lying at an angle in the dirt, with its right side buried. From this vantage point you can see a couple of warrior bugs clawing at what remains of the damaged hull... and slightly in the distance you can see the plasma bug that brought the launch down with a couple of warrior bugs milling around it.

On board the slingshot drop ship, piloted by Ensign Kate Dunewood, are some green troopers as well as your commanding officers. The squad looks like this:

Corporal Rudy Jackson
Sergeant Luke (Red Head) Lawson
Trooper 1
Trooper 2
Trooper 3
Trooper 4
Trooper 5
Private Cyrill Kowaltzki
Jacob Marcrat
Carl Svenson
Pilot: Ensign Kate Dunewood
Co Pilot: Ensign Robert Mills

Since you were not expecting resistance and this was meant to be an investigation mission there is not much in the way of supplies aboard the slingshot. The available supplies are as follows:

20 loaded magazines of Morita TW-203-a rounds
10 loaded magazines of Brunham TW-1020s rounds
12 M-901 HE grenades
2 medikits
2 Morita TW-203-a rifles
2 Brunham TW-102-s ‘Peacemaker’ Pistols

Each trooper has currently on them 2 additional magazines of Morita rounds, 1 additional magazine of Brunham rounds, Morita Rifle, Brunham pistol, combat knife and M-1A4 power suit. The players must state if they grab any additional equipment than what is listed on their sheet.

As the dropship makes a tight turn Rudy shouts out, "Alright this is going to be a hot landing, we need to get those bugs of the launch and secure the area to check for survivors!". Kate puts the ship down at softly as she can but at this speed it makes your head snap forward. As the bay doors slide open Trooper 1 blasts the area with one of the MW-5050 autocannons to give the squad cover to exit.

Initiative order: (Key on map)

Warrior Bug 1 (1)
Warrior Bug 2 (2)
Jacob Marcrat (3)
Trooper 4 (4)
Private Cyrill Kowaltzki (5)
Corporal Rudy Jackson (6)
Carl Svenson (7)
Trooper 1 (8)
Sergant Luke (Red Head) Lawson (9)
Warrior Bug 3 (10)
Pilot: Ensign Kate Dunewood (11)
Trooper 3 (12)
Trooper 2 (13)
Trooper 5 (14)
Co Pilot Engisn Robert Mills (15)

Players actions please.

OCC: You control your own actions while the Corporal will direct the NPC's. Each square on the map is 5'x5'. Brown squares are rough terrain slowing movement to half speed. Red squares are for creatures dimensions which are larger than 1 sq big.


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Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

Before the drop ship lands Private Kowaltzki will grab 3 more magazines for the Morita and 2 HE-grenades.

[Nice map!!! In which direction can we exit the drop ship?]

Jacob will grab 2 HE gernades, 2 Rifle clips, 1 Pistol Clip, and 1 medkit before the slingshot hits the gound.

As soon as the doors open, Jacob is out of them, heading for cover. He will also will take a quick shot at the closest bug.

OOC:Jacob is going to just behind the rough terrain, on whatever side is closest
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Mission 1. End of round 1.

Warrior Bug 1 claws at the damaged launch trying to gain access to the people trapped inside.
Warrior Bug 2 seems quite content to carry on biting into the metal sides of the launch quite unaware of the slingshot landing.
Jacob (Will save success) moves 30' towards cover and takes a single shot at Bug 2, (Modified ranged attack roll of 19 + 7 = 26, a hit! doing 1hp damage), seeing the bullet hit the bug Jacob is unimpressed to see the hard carapace deflect some of the damage.
Trooper 4 (Will save failed) rushes out of the drop ship but stands stunned when he sees the Warrior Bugs!
Cyrill grabs the additional equipment.
Rudy barks out orders and runs out the door (Fearless to Warrior Bugs) dropping to one knee as he is clear and fires an autofire burst of rounds into Bug 2 from his Morita, (Modified ranged attack roll of 6 + 7 = 13, a hit, the bug failed it's reflex save and suffered 8hp damage).
Carl gets ready for action while the others exit the dropship.
Trooper 1 continues to man the autocannons but does not fire since there are troopers in his firing line.
Sergeant Lawson remains aboard to check that everyone exits successfully.
Warrior Bug 3 turns towards the new threat and double moves towards the squad.
Kate remains at the controls waiting to dust off as soon as everyone is clear.
Trooper 3 (will save success) runs out and takes a shot at Bug 3, (Modified ranged attack roll of 17 + 3, a hit, doing 6hp damage).
Trooper 2 (Will save success) runs out and takes a shot at Bug 3, (Modified ranged attack roll of 14 + 3, a miss).
Trooper 5 (Will save failure) runs out but is stunned to see the bug right in front of him!
Robert remains at the controls.

Squad actions please.


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Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

Cyrill runs out of the ship (to Y 10) and throws a HE-grenade at the two bugs that are attacking the crashed ship (aiming for M 19 to hit the bugs but not the ship).

want ing to put a little space between him and the creepy bug, jason takes a few steps back(5' south) and puts a full burst into it from his rifle.

Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

Using the intercom unti from his M-2 Tactical Helmet Cyrill radios:

"Sir, we should try to lure the two bugs away from the wrack. Fire in the hole!"

Mission 1. End of round 2.

Warrior Bug 1 seems a lot more interested in the troopers arriving than trying to gain access to the launch so turns and heads towards the sqaud. Double move to X-12.
Warrior Bug 2 follows the other bug towards the squad. Double move to X-10.
Jacob takes a few steps back(5' south) and puts a full burst into Bug 3 from his rifle, (Modified ranged attack roll of 9 + 7 (AB) + 1 (Point Blank) = 17, a hit, the bug passed it's reflex save so no damage), but to his amazement it swiftly moves to one side causing the bullets to pepper the dirt instead of it's head...
Trooper 4 (Will save success) regains his composure and takes a shot at Bug 3, (Modified ranged attack roll of 10 + 3 -2 (Shaken) = 11, a miss).
Cyrill runs out of the ship and is shocked at the speed at which the warrior bugs closed in on the squad, he had his grenade ready and threw from AB-11. Aiming for W-13 to put all the bugs in the blast radius he hurls the grenade, (Modified ranged attack roll of 20 + 6 = 26, a great hit! putting it exactly where he wanted. The bugs where caught totally off guard with them all failing their reflex saves (15, 17 and 15 VS DC 18) and taking 15hp damage each!). The defening blast is somewhat muffeled by your helmets.
Rudy shouts back at Cyrill, "Good call Trooper, but it seems like they want to give us a little loving anyway... here they come!". He takes aim and shoots at Bug 3, (Modified ranged attack roll of 3 + 7 + 1 (Point Blank) = 11, a miss).
Carl is ready now and wants to exit the drop ship.
Mel looks through the window and wonders what to do next.
Sergant Lawson kicks Carl against his boots and shouts, "Let's get going! Bugs are dying without us!".
Warrior Bug 3 lunges forward and assaults Rudy with it's long claws (10' reach) and bite. (Modified melee attack roll of 25 (Claw), 11 (Claw) and 14 (Bite), hitting Rudy with one claw dealing 4hp damage!) Eventhough Rudy is wearing powered armor the claw from the warrior bug slices into his forearm drawing blood.
Kate starts to throttle up the dropship as she wants to make sure none of the bugs get aboard!
Trooper 3 takes a shot at Bug 1, (Modified ranged attack roll of 20 + 3 = 23, a hit (Confirmed critical roll of 4, a miss, so no critical), doing 6hp damage).
Trooper 2 takes a 5' step south and takes a shot at Bug 3, (Modified ranged attack roll of 15 + 3 -4 (in melee with Rudy), a miss).
Trooper 5 (will save failure) is frightened and dives back into the dropship unable to deal with what is happening outside.
Robert remains at the controls.

Player actions please.

Ammo Status for current magazine:
Jacob 19
Cyrill 30
Carl 30
Mel 30


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Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

Cyrill takes a 5 ft. step back (to AC 11) and fires a full burst into bug #2.

"We should concentrate our fire on one of them! Just a flash of wit, Sir!"

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