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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


Sir Khensu glances back and forth down the long hallway that leads from the front of the castle back to the chapel's balcony. He closes his eyes for a moment to visualize how they entered the chapel on the floor below, then points in the direction of the new set of double doors. "I believe this hallway matches close to the hall below us... so my guess is that the grand staircase that rose from the front hall one flight down might empty into the area beyond those doors. I wonder if perhaps that staircase rises up to a third level as well?"

Jarrith nods once at the observation, then glances into the antechamber to look at the two skeletons staring across at each other. "These two things might just be regular skeletons, but let's not take it purely on faith. Who knows what magics are running wild in this place?"

When the group is ready, he steps into the antechamber, and then moves to open the new set of double doors if there is nothing stopping him.

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Marot the Deadly

Marot turns a harsh eye towards both of the skeletons.

"What type of family decorates their castle with skeletons."

"First, the lord of the castle tells us that we are unsafe here, afterwards, a strange vampire attacks us in the chapel, now we see skeletons as decor."

"My opinion of Sergei is rapidly decreasing."

He turns towards the new set of double doors and sighs.

"I'm almost afraid to see what lies behind door #2"


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Despite the warmth of her cloak, Tessa shivered at the fearful chill of the place. She held her lantern up as high as she could, providing some illumination for the scouts to work with. In her other hand, she held the relic that Ashlyn had loaned her, and her wand of missiles was tucked into her belt, ready for quick access- if trouble came, she knew that the others would be far better in close combat. From time to time, she made sure to glance down the hall behind them- that vampiric creature might come back at any time.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Jarrith steps apprehensibly into the next room, but the skeletal guards remain fixed, nothing more than the remains of the dead. Relieved, the Stalker focuses on the next set of double doors. Again sensing nothing immediately on the other side, he pushes open the doors to reveal a large chamber beyond.

The gloomy, fog-shrouded light of Barovia filters silently in through the broken glass and iron frames of a large window opposite the double doors. Otherwise, this immense room stands in chilly, brooding darkness. Hundreds of cobwebs, thick with dust, hide the ceiling from view. At the far end of the hall---opposite two arches leading into darkness---a huge throne stands atop a raised platform, slightly off center.



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Ashlyn looks carefully at both of the skeletons in the alcoves before she follows Jarrith through the double doors. Seeing the single throne, standing slightly off center at the far end of the room, Ashlyn looks over her shoulder, back down the hallway towards the two thrones on the balcony above the chapel, and then back at the single throne on the far side of the room with a slightly puzzled look on her face.

[detect undead (on both skeletons)]
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Marot the Deadly

Marot looks confused at the throne.

"Why is Sergei not sitting upon his throne? I was under the impression that all rulers did so during normal business hours."

"I don't like the look of this one bit."

He then scans the room using his otherworldly sight.

OOC: Use detect magic to scan the room for any magical auras, as well as his See Invisibility


Sir Khensu strides forward to the first of the two arches and glances beyond it. As the darkness beyond makes focusing on things difficult, he asks Jarrith for a sunrod, which the Stalker has no problem giving him. The paladin slams it on the ground, setting it alight... then takes in the view beyond the first archway.

Jarrith moves into the room, keeping his eyes on the cobwebs up above them. He listens carefully for anything that might be lurking in them... especially the eight-legged kind... and he then pulls out one of his torches from his backpack. "I'm going to burn the cobwebs away as a precaution, if no one has any objections?" If none arrive, he lights the torch aflame, and then begins carefully burning the webs away... making sure to go slowly and not let any fire get out of control.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
No evidence of undead are found by Ashlyn's gaze, the skeletons are truly dead.

Marot's suspicions are for naught, for no traces of magic or the unseen are revealed.

Jarrith attempts to burn away what cobwebs he can. The chamber is at least 40 feet in height, so the flames can only consume a little beyond his reach.

[Just to be clear, there are no cobwebs at person height, just up above]

Khensu looks through the archways onto a grand landing some feet below, down some stairs. The landing is covered in frescos, their faded lines depicting the mountain that supports the castle as it is attacked by armored forces on horseback. The stairs at Khensu's feet join its twin near twin alcoves, the alcoves containing a suite of armor covered with dark stain, poised as if in battle and holding a mace designed like a curved dragon head. Below, the landing empties into a grand stair that twists away, likely joining the large entry below.

[Just in case it is hard to see, three exists are clearly visible: The double doors you entered through, the stairs where Khensu stands, and a smaller door down the east wall.]


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Ashlyn notices the smaller door on the east wall, and with a look at Jarrith she indicates the door and begins to move in the direction herself. She moves slowly enough that Jarrith can easily move ahead of her should he chose to.

Once she gets to the door on the eastern wall, she once again attempts to detect any sign of undead through the door.

[Detect undead (at door in east wall) 60ft range; penetrates 3ft of wood]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ashlyn moves along the grand hall, the remnant of faded carpets deadening her steps. Perhaps she thinks to herself what the place may have looked in a distant age, the age of the Knights. Perhaps Lugdana herself graced the hall when clear light shown through unbroken glass, and live and color filled what is now dead and grey. Only echos of that time remain. Echoes... and ghosts.

Focusing on her training, Ashlyn feels for the presence of the unliving. The familiar ichor of them is immediate. Three of them, close, beyond the door.

Voidrunner's Codex

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