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I'm a Dad - 6 Month Update (With Photos)

Well it's been over 6 months now since my daughter, Sophie Jade, was born and everything is going really well. She started on solids (well mushed solids at least! :D ) a month or so ago and has taken to it reasonably well. She got her first 2 teeth about 2 months ago and has had a little bit of teething pain but nothing too bad.

She hasn't quite gotten to the stage where she can sit up by herself but she can roll right across the room if you take your eyes off her for a few seconds! I imagine it won't be long before she is crawling. She hasn't said her first word yet but she does "talk" to people a lot. Based on the sounds she makes I think it is safe to say that "Mum" (and not Mom, like the Americans call their mothers) will be her first word.

So overall I would have to say everything is going great. She's happy and healthy, which is all I care about really. Everything else is just a bonus!

Here are some recent photos of her. As you can see I'm training her up to be a gamer. She has no hope now! :lol:

The first photo is her with a plush d20 I bought her.
The second photo is her sitting in my D&D minis tub.
The third photo is her chewing on my copy of Robin's Law of Good Gamemastering (I was able to get the book back mostly intact! ;) )

Olaf the Stout


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I think she's a keeper! ;)

I bet fatherhood for you has also changed in those six months. It's awesome to watch babies go from totally helpless to interacting with the world around them. Soon you'll be chasing her around the house trying to keep up!

Relique du Madde

It looks like she rolled a 13.. Assuming her stats began at a 8 before applying her age modifiers, it's safe to say that she made her first DC 10 skill check.

Michael Dean

Great job! As a father of a 7 year old daughter, I think having a girl is the best. I know a lot of guys seem to think having a son is the be all end all of existence, but I gotta tell you that having a little princess that falls asleep in your arms still and thinks you're the greatest guy in the whole world is the best medicine ever. Enjoy this time; I know my little Kira has added years to my life, and fortunately I'm lucky enough to have a job that has never made me put it above my family. It's like being a kid all over again through her and we've had the best adventures ever!

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