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Star Wars: Republic and Empire (IC)


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Imperial Fighters - 23
Lt. Gellian (E1) - 21
Zenith (E3) - 19
Istara (E2) - 17
Other fighters (E4-E9) - 16
Bombers (P1-P3) - 10
Taelros (including Rosa, Storm, and Sarcia) - 8
Imperial Frigate - 6


Lt. Gellian, Zenith, Istara, and the rest of Taelros' fighter wing fly out of the frigate's hanger, raising their shields and closing on the enemy. Though slower, the bomber wing trails behind them. Istara is the first to refine the data from her fighter's sensors and recognize the enemy fighters not as the Imperials typical TIE Interceptors, but the TIE Advanced figthers that have become more and more prominent in the Imperial order of battle over the last decade.

Not yet in missile range, Captain Cyn has the frigate follow. Rosa, Storm, and Sarcia prepare for the upcoming engagement, ordering their subordinates to their proper stations.

And the Imperials move in turn, closing.



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"This is E2, I mark 12 brights. I repeat the enemy is flying a dozen advanced model ties." Istara relays once Vape had resolved the data.

"Stay loose, out here. Boss...are we goning to hit them with Torpedo's to close up the numbers before we get into blaster range, or are we going for something else?"

Move Action: Move 6 spaces towards the enemy
Standard Action: Total Defense (+10 to Reflex Defense > 29)
Swift: Switch to Torpedoes


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Use blasters, we may need those missiles when we go against the frigate, Rosa thinks as she hears Istara's questions, knowing that--at the moment--it isn't her call to make.


First Post

Imperial Fighters - 23
Lt. Gellian (E1) - 21
Zenith (E3) - 19
Istara (E2) - 17
Other fighters (E4-E9) - 16
Bombers (P1-P3) - 10
Taelros (including Rosa, Storm, and Sarcia) - 8
Imperial Frigate - 6

* * * * * * *

"That's what we've got them for, j.g." Lt. Gellian said, as the two squadrons of fighters continued to close on each other, with Taelros' bombers trailing behind its fighters, and the capital ships closing in as well.

Twenty-four seconds later, the TIE Advanced fighters crossed into extreme proton torpedo range.

A torpedo shot out from the squadron commander's E-Wing, damaging the lead TIE.

[sblock=GM damage tracker; DO NOT LOOK]
TA1 - HP 58 SR 15 (destroyed by Istara)

E1 - down 1 torpedo
E2 - down 2 torpedoes

* * * * * *

1. The numbers above each spot are the actual position from start, in squares.
2. Once the range gets a bit lower, I'll zoom in to a one cell / one square view


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"Ok Vape, help me out with acquiring a lock." Istara told her astromech, lining up the targeting recticle on an enemy fighter, she waited until the droid had refined the data as much as it could before pulling the trigger.

[Vape: Standard Action (Aid Attack roll DC 10 Computer Use, Use computer +13)
Swift 1: Aim
Swift 2: Aim
Standard Action: Attack Run (+2 attack/-2 defense)
Proton Torpedo Attack(fire linked): 1d20+13-10; 10d10 x2 damage]


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The pair of torpedoes from Istara's fighter follow on behind Lt. Gellian's shot at the lead fighter, and it explodes in a cloud of debris.

You didn't say whether you were firing at the same target as he was or a different one.


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Rosa watches as one TIE disappears from the sensor board. Good shot, she thinks as she continues to monitor the battle. "How long until we get into effective range?" she asks.


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Unfortunately, the other 11 Imperial fighters were flying much more defensively than the lead fighter, and Zenith's torpedoes harmlessly shot by the next one in line.

The rest of the squadron elected to fire off only a single torpedo from this range, and all were ineffective.

Tensions grew as the fighters grew ever-closer.


Still probing at the TIE Advanced's defenses, the wing commander fired another shot as the Imperial closed to medium torpedo range. Unfortunately, it went wide.


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"So who gets the Kill Leader?" Istara asked the Lt., slewing slightly to port to line up on a second target.

"Vape, work with me, refine the numbers for me." the Corellian instructed the little droid. She kept the brackets on the fighter until her astromech gave a little whistle to indicate the lock. A trigger pull sent another pair of torpedoes lancing out at the tie formation.

[Vape: Standard Action (Aid Attack roll DC 10 Computer Use, Use computer +13)
Swift 1: Aim
Swift 2: Aim
Standard Action: Attack Run (+2 attack/-2 defense)
Proton Torpedo Attack(fire linked): 1d20+13-5; 10d10 x2 damage]

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