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First Post
Cassandra Arista
Concept/Archetype: Telekineticist
Power Level: 10
Power Points: 150
Experience Points: 0
Hero Points: 1

STR 10 +0 (0 PP)
DEX 14 +2 (4 PP)
CON 12 +1 (2 PP)
INT 18 +4 (8 PP)
WIS 16 +3 (6 PP)
CHA 16 +3 (6 PP)

SAVES (21)
TOUG +10 (+1 Con + 0 Feat + 9 Power + 0 Equipment)
FORT +7 (+6 Base + 1 Con) (6 PP)
REF +9 (+7 Base + 2 Dex) (7 PP)
WILL +11 (+8 Base + 3 Wis) (8 PP)

BASE DEF +3 (6 PP)
DEF 20 (10 + 3 Base + 0 Feat + 7 Power)
BASE ATT +3 (6 PP)

SKILLS 60 SP (15 PP)
Bluff +15 (12 ranks + 3 cha)
Computers +6 (2 ranks + 4 int)
Diplomacy +5 (2 ranks + 3 cha)
Drive +4 (2 ranks + 2 Dex)
Gather Information +12 (9 ranks + 3 cha)
Investigate +11 (7 ranks + 4 Int)
Knowledge (Current Events) +10 (6 ranks + 4 Int)
Notice +10 (7 ranks + 3 Wis)
Profession (Journalist) +5 (3 ranks + 3 Wis)
Search +6 (2 ranks + 4 Int)
Sense Motive +10 (7 ranks +3 Wis)


Ground 30/60/120

Attractive 1
Contacts 1
Distract 1
Equipment 4
Evasion 1
Taunt 1
Uncanny Dodge 1
Well Informed 1

Telekinesis +10 (Damaging, Perception, PF Precise, PF Subtle) 47pp
- AP Telekinesis +10 (Blast Area, Damaging, Selective Attack, Touch Range, PF Subtle) 1pp
- AP Blast +10 (Autofire, PF Accurate x2) 1pp
- AP Suffocate +10 (Perception, PF Subtle) 1pp
- AP Deflect +8 (Slow and fast projectiles, Free action, Ranged, PF Subtle, PF Precise), 1pp

Shield +7, 7pp
Force Field +9, 9pp
Flight (Platform) +3, 3pp

Compact Car, 9pts
Light Pistol, 6pts
Camera, 1pt
Cell Phone, 1pt
Laptop Computer, 1pt
Digital Audio Recorder, 1pt
Flashlight, 1pt

Abilities [26]
Combat [12]
Saves [21]
Skills [15]
Feats [11]
Powers [65]
Drawbacks [0]
Total [150]
Unspent [0]

Real Name: Cassandra Arista
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Size: Medium
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 135lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Nationality: USA
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Tradeoffs: None


What if everything we saw in the world was like an eggshell; seemingly firm and hard, but in reality thin and fragile. If we could just crack that shell, we could see what was really waiting underneath.

Cassandra's father was in the military; an enlisted man. When she was seventeen, he died in an incident originally determined to be the detonation of a roadside bomb, but which later was clouded by conflicting evidence that it may have been 'friendly fire' from artillery. This shook not only her faith in the government and 'the system,' but her faith in reality itself to some extent. Things were hidden from people. Some things hidden by design, some things hidden by nature. People hid their emotions, their true motivations, even in the tiniest of social interactions. Disappearances were never explained. Crimes never solved.

After drifting a bit as she tried to cope, Cassandra entered college at 19, intending to become an investigative journalist. She applied herself to her studies with almost religious fervor, and managed to score an internship at a local paper in her third year at school.

To give voice to the darker suspicions and fears that continue to haunt her, Cassandra maintains a blog where she discusses conspiracy theories, incidents of the paranormal and bizarre, and other topics of interest all under the handle of 'Delphi.' To keep the subject matter from tainting her professional reputation, she keeps this part of her life to herself. Little does she know, she's about to become part of a much deeper and darker secret by far...
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First Post
[sblock=Stats]Name: Roy Ellings
AKA: Kid Super

Level 10 Superhero/teenager
Archetype: Superman ... he thinks

Allegience: Friends, Good, Super Hero Code

Stats: (18 pts)
Str (12)30 +10
Dex 14 +2
Con 12(16) +3
Int 9 -1
Wis 12 +1
Chr 15 +2

Attack/Defense/Saves: (27 pts)
Base Attack +3
Base Defense +3

Toughness +3 (+4 point Impervious Toughness vs ranged, +3 vs Physical when spinning)
Fort 7 + 3 = 10
Will 9 + 1 = 10
Ref 4 + 2 = 6

Punch Attack +3 att +10 damage
Grapple check +19 att +10 damage
Thrown Object +3 att X+10 damage

Carrying limits: Light 16 tons Medium 32 tons Heavy 50 tons Max 100 tons Push/Drag 250 tons

Skills: (8 pts)
Bluff 3 + 2 = 5
Computers 1 - 1 = 0
Disguise 1 + 2 = 3 (This represents his tiny but growing skill at making a costume)
Drive 1 + 2 = 3
Gather Information 2 + 2 = 4
Intimidate 5 + 2 = 7 (The powers are scary. Roy is not.)
Knowledge -
-Current Events 1 - 1 = 0
-Pop Culture 4 - 1 = 3
-Technology 1 - 1 = 0
Notice 8 + 1 = 9
Perform (stringed) 4 + 2 = 6 (He plays the violin and guitar)
Sense Motive 5 + 1 = 6

Feats: (11 pts)
Fast Overrun
Equipment lvl 1
Instant Up
Improved Grab
Improved Grapple (He's not really skilled, but when you can juggle cement trucks holding someone with one hand is just not that hard.)
Fearsome Presence 5 (Usually when he's not trying.)

Powers: (75 pts)
4 pts Enhanced Ability (Con +4)
18 pts Enhanced Ability (Str +18)
12 pts Super Strength 6

4 pts Protection 4 (Impervious +1, Limited Ranged -1)
4 pts Immunity (Heat, Cold, High pressure, Vacuume)

2 pts Accurate Hearing
1 pts Danger Sense (Sound)
1 pts Direction Sense
5 pts Mental Awareness (Radius, Extended, Accurate) (He has no idea he has this power, never having met a mentalist.)

12 pts Flight 6
6 pts Burrowing 6 (He hasn't figured out how to do this suite yet, mostly because he hasn't tried)
1 pts -Alternate Power Spinning 3
1 pts -Alternate Power Nauseate 6 (-1 limitation, requires grab)

4 pts Light Control, Extended (This is the red eye beams, so far it only looks like red beams because that's all he's tried. This power factors into his complication btw. His eyes tend to glow when his emotions are up, and it takes concentration to stop them. The color his eyes glow reflect his mood too, making it really easy to read him when he's worked up. I'd suggest a +5 to sense motive checks against him)

Total Points spent : 139 (11 left over)

Potential Complications:
Glowing eyes (as above)

Floor full of t-shirts and jeans
Electric guitar[/sblock]

[sblock= I love HeroMachines]

[sblock=Friends and Family]Roy's friends and family.

The Band

Lisa - 16 5'5" blond hair, green eyes
Lead singer of the band. Roy has had a crush on her for a couple of years now but is too shy to do anything about it. She like to dress barbie dolls in rocker outfits and rides a vespa.

Chad - 17 6'2" Dark hair, brown eyes
Big, gentle, black guy. He plays the keyboard in the band and is the tech geek as well. Probably the smartest of the group he also manages the bands website. Like turtlenecks and Dr. Pepper, drives an ancient and rusty sedan.

Bob - 16 5'4" dark hair, blue eyes
Bob is the short, angry, drummer. He likes to argue for the fun of it, but is a loyal friend. A huge fan of chinese food, he has an old Harly-Davidson sportster he's been working on for 2 years now. It's going to run any day now, he swears it.


Dad - John Ellings is an engineer at a local HVAC plant. He's a private man who tends to be pretty conservative.

Mom - Judy Ellings works as an elementary school teacher, and is active in the community.

Elder brother - John Ellings (jr), 3 yrs older than Roy. He's in the army, currently serving wherever the GM pleases.

Little sister - Amy Ellings is 14 and discovering boys. Roy's protective older brother instincts are starting to kick in.
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Relique du Madde

Name: Jason Gallows
Description: Jason Gallows, is a 25 year old Caucasian male who stands just under six feet tall with a leanly muscled athletic build. He has medium length, shaggy, brown hair and light brown eyes.
Complications: Secret Identity, Temper


STR: 14 (+2) DEX: 18 (+4) CON: 14 (+2) INT 10 (+0) WIS: 12 (+1) CHR: 10 (+1)

Toughness: +8/+10 = PROTECTION 6 + 2 CON + Defensive Roll 2
Fortitude: + 6 = BASE 4 + 2 CON
Reflexes: + 8 = BASE 4 + 4 REF
Will: + 5 = BASE 4 + 1 WIS

COMBAT: 12 pp
Damage Bonus: + 2 (unarmed)
Base Attack: +3 ( +4 melee, +8 Shadow Blades, +3 ranged)
Base Defense: +3
Defense (normal form): 14 (11 flatfooted)
Defense (shadow form): 17 (13 flatfooted)
Initiative: +4

Shadow Blades (full powered): +8 attack, +10 damage
Two-fisted Justice (Unarmed): +4 attack, +2 damage
Shadow Blast (full powered): +3 attack, +10 damage

SKILLS: 44 ranks (11 pp)
Acrobatics 6 (+10), Climbing 5 (+7), Concentration 3 (+4), Drive 3 (+7), Escape Artist 4 (+8), Intimidation 3 (+3), Perform: Acting 3 (+3), Profession: Stuntman 5 (+6), Slight of Hand 4 (+4), Stealth 8 (+12),

FEATS: 13 pp
Attack Focus (melee), Attack Specialization 2 (Shadow Blades), Blind Fighting, Diehard, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 1, Fearless, Instant Up, Move by Action, Uncanny Dodge 1 (Hearing)

POWERS: 84 pp
Alternate Form 7 [35pp]: “Shadow Demon,” Mutant;
• Insubstantial 4 [*21pp]: Negated by Electricity
• Concealment 1 [*1pp]: Visual; LIMITATIONS: Limited to Shadows/Areas of Low Light, Passive
• Immunity 9 [*9pp]: Life Support
• Power Fear: Dodge Focus 3 [*3pp]
• Power Feat: Fearsome Presence 2 [*2pp]

Darkness Control 10 [39pp]: Obscure (visual), Mutant, PF: Dynamic; EXTRA: Selective
• DAP: Hood of Shadows: Dazzle 10 [21]: PF: Dynamic; Reversible
• DAP: Shadow Blast 10 [24pp]: PF: Dynamic; Affects Insubstantial, Indirect 3;
• DAP: Shadow Blades 10 [11pp]: PF: Dynamic, Affects Insubstantial;
• DAP: Shadow Puppetry: Illusion 10 [24pp] : PF: Progression 4 (100 ft); Extras: Duration (Sustained); LIMITATIONS: Illusions always appear as “black or shadowy/Smokey shapes”

Shadow Walk: Teleport 1 [2pp]: PF: Change Direction; LIMITATIONS: Medium (via Darkness/Shadows)

Dusk Suit: Device 2: [8pp]: Hard to loose
• Protection 6 [6pp]: Reinforced Body Armor
• Super sense 4 [3pp]: Goggles; Counters Conceal (Visual, LIMITED Lowlight/Darkness); Counters Obscure (Visual, Darkness);
• Features 1 [1pp]: Camouflage +5 Stealth (visual)

Abilities 18 pp + Skills 11 pp + Feats 13 pp + Powers 84 pp + Combat 12 pp + Saves 12 pp = 150 pp
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First Post
The Crystal:

PL: 10 (150pp)

Abilities: STR: 14 [34] (+12) DEX: 14 (+2) CON: 16 (+3) INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 14 (+2) CHA: 14 (+2)

Skills: Climb 8 (+10), Intimidate 12 (+14), Medicine 12 (+14), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Swim 8 (+10)

Feats: All-Out Attack, Attack Specialization [Unarmed] (2), Attack Specialization [Blast] (2), Improved Block, Power Attack, Stunning Attack, Teamwork, Weapon Break

Powers: Absorption [Energy] 8 (Boost: Blast; Flaws: Limited – Light Based Attacks [-2]; 16pp), Alternate form [Solid] 11 (Density 10 [+20 Str, Protection 5 (Impervious), 3 Immovable, 3 Super Strength 3 (Power Feat: Ground Strike)] Immunity 9 [Life Support], Protection 6 [Impervious 8]; 55pp)

Combat: Attack +4 (+8 Unarmed or Blast) [Unarmed +12] Defense 16 (13 flat-footed) Init +2

Saves: Toughness +14 (13 Impervious) (14 flat-footed) Fortitude +10 Reflex +4 Will +6

Abilities 24 + Skills 12 (48 Ranks) + Feats 10 + Powers 71+ Combat 20 + Saves 13 – Drawbacks 0 = 150pp

Gordon Masterson was an average high-school science teacher, trying to find a way to teach basic concepts of science to teenagers more interested in playing with bunsen burners than learning. A varsity athlete in high school, Gordon wanted to try and recapture some of that magic of those glory days.
He never managed to find what he was looking for, and became bitter at the inability to regain that feeling. Gordon turned to his friend Jack for advice, every morning he'd "top up" his coffee to help him through the day. He was a consumate bully to his students as Gordon was jealous of them, even if he wouldn't admit it to himself. Soon he would visit his friend Jack after lunch, then during self-study time, and finally Gordon would leave the room during a lecture to have a little chat. As his drinking problem began to spirol out of control, it began to affect his marriage and job performance. Gordon and his high school sweetheart split up when he couldn't overcome his demons and he lost his job once management caught wind of his drinking problem. Being tossed out onto the street was the low point in Gordon's life and it took this for him to realize that he needed help. He contacted a former high school friend of his (insert PC whom he has a connection to here) and asked for help. That person convinced Gordon that he needed professional help.

It was on this road to recovery that Gordon's powers manifested themselves. During one of the times he "fell off the wagon", Gordon was tossed out of a bar after failing to pay for his tab. On the way home, he wandered through the Central Park, stumbling more than walking. It seems that the predators were out this evening as a group of young hoodlums tried to jump Gordon. It was during this assault that he felt an itching sensation along his arms, even over the punches and kicks of the gang. With a shout of pain, red crystals punched out of every pore in his body and totally encapsulated him. Gordon didn't know what to do at first, the world he now saw through a red tinge. Somehow he had control over this new form and it moved more easily than he could have expected. The gang was frozen in front of the now 8 foot tall giant crystal, and Gordon felt better than he had before. He took out all his anger and bitterness on these poor saps, the massive fists breaking bone as easily as twigs. They tried to run, but Gordon stomped the ground, sending a shockwave that bowled over the cowards. They begged for their lives, but Gordon paid no heed, they were criminals and had tried to kill him. He brokered no mercy for them. After the adrenaline of the fight left him, the crystals retracted into his body, leaving Gordon alone with the sounds of sirens approaching. He did what anyone would do and ran. Over time he has learned to control his powers, able to manifest this new form as required.

Currently, the former high-school teacher is attending night school to become an EMT and AA meetings regularly. He has a small bachelor pad in Metro.


Guest 11456

Robert Paul Marshall (R.P.M.)
Male Human, Age 30, Height 6’-3”, Weight 190#

PL: 10 (150pp)

Abilities: STR: 16 (+3) DEX: 18 (+4) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 10 (+0) CHA: 10 (+0)

Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+12), Escape Artist 8 (+12), Sleight of Hand 8 (+12), Stealth 8 (+12)

Feats: Elusive Target, Evasion (2), Fast Overrun, Instant Up, Move-by Action, Uncanny Dodge

Powers: Super-Speed 10 (Air Control, Rapid Attack, Wall Run, Water Run; PP: 53), Quickness 10 (10,000 mph or 88,000 feet per melee round), Speed 10 (perform routine tasks a 2500 times normal)

Combat: Attack +8, Defense +15, Initiative +44

Saves: Toughness +4, Fortitude +5, Reflex +14, Will +3

Abilities 18 + Skills 8 (32 ranks) + Feats 7 + Powers 53 + Combat 46 + Saves 18 = 150

Background: Until about two weeks ago Robert Marshall had been mostly just your typical petty thief. He had never really intended to be a thief but his inability to hold down any job for more then a month maid it a necessity. He mainly stole just enough to live on because just like any other job he sucked at stealing as well.

Two weeks ago he had tried to snatch an old woman’s purse for the first time. However he didn’t know that the woman in question was actually a policewoman in a sting operation to crack down on crime in the park. As he grabbed the purse he found himself on the receiving end of a police chase. Although it was a foot chase he wasn’t holding out hope that he would escape. At least he put a mask on his face so if he could escape he couldn’t be identified. As he turned a corner he saw two police cars coming for him. He thought that he was caught. So he turned the other direction and started running as fast as he could. That’s when it happened. He quickly accelerated to super-sonic speed and was home before he knew it.

Since that time he has been getting acquainted with his new found powers. He has cut down on the theft. He seems to feel like a true hero, like in the comic books that he read as a kid. He still has been doing some theft because super-sonic speeds do a number on his clothes.

[sblock=FOR THE GM: WTF is going on submission]Even though Robert was a petty thief, he still tried to do the right thing as well. The last few years he has been working with after school programs. He was also a member of Big Brothers and was mentoring a young boy. He was with the boy last week when the kid grew to giant size. Using his abilities he tracked where the kid was taken to.

Two days ago Robert was zooming by a local bar when he saw the fight between the two men. Then he saw the one man freeze the other. He used his powers of speed to tail the freeze guy too.

He has been noting other strange occurrences and has ‘procured’ a police band radio in order to keep up with the local police chatter. Although the police radio is at his home he can get to any location in the city in a matter of seconds.[/sblock]
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First Post
Red Impulse, aka Bobby Reddington
Male Human, Age 23, Height 5'-11", Weight 144 lbs.
Speaks, reads, and writes both English and Japanese
Complication: Secret Identity

Allegiances: Good, Family, America
Power Level 10, Power Points 150, Spent 150, Hero Points 1
Max Attack/Save Difficulty +2/-2, Max Defense/Toughness -2/+2

Strength 12 (+1), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 14 (+2), Wisdom 10 (+0), Charisma 12 (+1)

Base Attack +3, Melee +3 (Unarmed +7), Ranged +12, Grapple +4
Defense 18 (+3 Base, +5 Dodge), Flat-Footed 11
Initiative +10, Medium Size, Speed 30 ft. (10 MPH with Speed)

Toughness +1/+12 (+1 Con, +0/+11 Force Field)
Fortitude +6 (+5 Base, +1 Con)
Reflex +10 (+8 Base, +2 Dex)
Will +4 (+4 Base, +0 Wis)

Unarmed Strike +7 melee for +1 damage
Psychokinetic Strike +7 melee for +5 damage
Psychokinetic Bolt +12 ranged for +8 damage

Skills: Acrobatics +5 (3 ranks, +2 Dex), Bluff +15 (14 ranks, +1 Cha), Climb +10 (9 ranks, +1 Str), Computers +12 (10 ranks, +2 Int), Concentration +7 (7 ranks, +0 Wis), Craft (Artistic) +6 (4 ranks, +2 Int), Drive +5 (3 ranks, +2 Dex), Knowledge (Business) +5 (3 ranks, +2 Int), Knowledge (Current Events) +5 (3 ranks, +2 Int), Knowledge (History) +5 (3 ranks, +2 Int), Knowledge (Popular Culture) +10 (8 ranks, +2 Int), Knowledge (Tactics) +5 (3 ranks, +2 Int), Knowledge (Technology) +10 (8 ranks, +2 Int), Language 1 (Japanese), Notice +10 (10 ranks, +0 Wis), Profession (Comic Book Store Clerk) +5 (5 ranks, +0 Wis), Profession (Computer Programmer) +5 (5 ranks, +0 Wis), Search +5 (3 ranks, +2 Int), Sense Motive +7 (7 ranks, +0 Wis), Stealth +5 (3 ranks, +2 Dex), Swim +5 (4 ranks, +1 Str)

Feats: Attack Focus (Ranged) 9, Attack Specialization (Unarmed Strike) 2, Distract (Bluff) 1, Dodge Focus 5, Elusive Target, Equipment 6, Evasion 1, Improved Block 1, Improved Initiative 2, Master Plan, Move-By Action, Precise Shot 2, Takedown Attack 1, Taunt

Equipment: Superhero Outfit (EP 0, red jumpsuit with blue and white trim, blue goggles, white bandana over his lower face, small blue fannypack for carrying binoculars and flashlight), Headquarters (EP 0, Diminutive Structure, Toughness 5, Fire Prevention System, Living Space, his apartment), Motorcycle (EP 9, Medium, Strength 15, Speed 5, Defense 10, Toughness 8, a red motorscooter), Cell Phone (EP 1, Diminutive, kept at the apartment while out on vigilante escapades), Commlink (EP 1, Miniscule), Binoculars (EP 1, Small), Flashlight (EP 1, Tiny), Desktop Computer (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment), PS3 Game Console (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment, using desktop computer stats for the whole suite of stuff), PS2 Game Console (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment, using desktop computer stats for the whole suite of stuff), PS-One Game Console (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment, using desktop computer stats for the whole suite of stuff), Saturn Game Console (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment, using desktop computer stats for the whole suite of stuff), Dreamcast Game Console (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment, using desktop computer stats for the whole suite of stuff), Sega-CD Game Console (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment, using desktop computer stats for the whole suite of stuff), Genesis Game Console (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment, using desktop computer stats for the whole suite of stuff), Wii Game Console (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment, using desktop computer stats for the whole suite of stuff), GameCube Game Console (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment, using desktop computer stats for the whole suite of stuff), N-64 Game Console (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment, using desktop computer stats for the whole suite of stuff), Super Famicom Game Console (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment, using desktop computer stats for the whole suite of stuff), Famicom Game Console (EP 1, Large, kept at the apartment, using desktop computer stats for the whole suite of stuff), Nintendo DS (EP 1, Tiny, kept at the apartment, using PDA stats for the whole suite of stuff), GameBoy Advance (EP 1, Tiny, kept at the apartment, using PDA stats for the whole suite of stuff), GameBoy (EP 1, Tiny, kept at the apartment, using PDA stats for the whole suite of stuff), GameGear (EP 1, Tiny, kept at the apartment, using PDA stats for the whole suite of stuff), PSP (EP 1, Tiny, kept at the apartment, using PDA stats for the whole suite of stuff)

Current Load ? lbs.
Light Load 43, Medium Load 86, Heavy Load 130
Maximum Load 260, Push/Drag 500

1. Psychokinetic Bolt (Blast 8, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Attack, Action: Standard, Range: Ranged, Duration: Instant, Cost: 20, Saving Throw: Toughness, Power Feat: Affects Insubstantial 1, Power Feat: Alternate Power 2, Power Feat: Split Attack 1, ranged energy attack dealing damage of +8)
--->1a. Focused Psychokinetic Bolt (Blast 8, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Attack, Action: Full, Range: Ranged, Duration: Instant, Equivalent Cost: 18, Saving Throw: Toughness, Extra: Penetrating, Flaw: Action, Power Feat: Affects Insubstantial 2, ranged energy attack dealing damage of +8)
--->1b. Psychokinetic Barrage (Blast 8, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Attack, Action: Full, Range: Ranged, Duration: Instant, Equivalent Cost: 17, Saving Throw: Toughness, Extra: Autofire 2/Interval, Flaw: Action, Flaw: Distracting, Power Feat: Affects Insubstantial 1, ranged energy attack dealing damage of +8)
2. Psychokinetic Push (Leaping 3, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Movement, Action: Move, Range: Personal, Duration: Instant, Cost: 3, jumps 10 times normal distance with a sudden push by his psychokinetic field, no damage from landing after any jump within his maximum jumping distance)
3. Psychokinetic Dive (Swimming 1, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Movement, Action: Move, Range: Personal, Duration: Sustained, Cost: 1, swims at 2.5 MPH or 25 ft. with a directed pulse from his psychokinetic field)
4. Psychokinetic Shield (Force Field 11, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Defense, Action: Free, Range: Personal, Duration: Sustained, Cost: 22, crackling red energy field protects him from harm with +11 to Toughness saves, Extra: Impervious)
5. Psychokinetic Strike (Strike 4, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Attack, Action: Standard, Range: Touch, Duration: Instant, Cost: 7, Saving Throw: Toughness, Power Feat: Affects Insubstantial 1, Power Feat: Extended Reach 1, Power Feat: Mighty, deals an extra +4 damage with a melee attack by launching himself psychokinetically and maintaining the psychokinetic field around him for a moment)
6. Psychokinetic Surge (Speed 1, Mutant, Psionic, Effect: Movement, Action: Move, Range: Personal, Duration: Sustained, Cost: 1, moves at 10 MPH with a burst of psychokinetic propulsion)

Bobby Reddington is a part-time computer programmer and part-time retail clerk at the local comic book shop in central Metro. He worked for a year at a computer programming job before dropping it, bored to tears and disappointed that he hadn't gotten a job in the video game industry yet, fresh out of college. He probably set his sights too high at first. Still, he keeps hoping to land a job in the video game industry, and does occasional independant computer jobs. However, his main income lately is from the comic book store he works at part-time, MegaComix. Bob's a longtime friend of the store's owner, Patrick "Pat" Erikson, and Bob is his only employee. Bob's seen a youth named Roy at the store fairly often, but has never talked much with him.

Outside his dayjob, though, Bob's recently become a vigilante, since discovering his own strange powers. He's played video games since he was a little kid and has even learned Japanese just so he could get some imports that would never be released in America. And he's been interested in martial arts since childhood, so he's taken some classes in Karate. And of course, he's been a comic book fan forever, so when he started manifesting strange powers of psychokinesis, he naturally reached the conclusion that he should be a SUPER-HERO!!!!! It didn't work out so well at first. Putting on a ski mask and running around town at night almost got him caught by cops for suspicious activity, and even when he did manage to actually find criminals or gangs, his powers were hard to control and mostly just protected him from getting shot or stabbed a lot. It took a few weeks to actually start achieving some success at the whole costumed vigilante bit. He swallowed his pride a little and learned to sew a bit, after working up a design on his computer, and made himself a bona-fide super-heroing costume! Really just cobbling together a few different things he bought in stores around town and things he ordered online.

Bobby Reddington (usually called Bob or Red by those who know him) first noticed his burgeoning powers when he almost crashed his motorscooter during a rainstorm. His psychokinetic shield manifested to save him from the crash, and left his scooter with only minor damage. He was really freaked out by the crackling red aura that just appeared out of nowhere when he panicked, but later he noticed other wierd signs. Sometimes, while practicing his Karate, Bob saw the same crackle of red energy around him as he was shadow-boxing, and saw how the strange force pulverized nearby objects he was punching or kicking towards. And once, when he tried to execute a jump-kick, he saw it again and flew what must've been 10 or 20 feet into the air instead of just a foot! The landing almost hurt, but the aura saved him again as he clenched his teeth and worried about the impact. He was totally fine when he opened his eyes again, and fell the last inch or two to the ground. After a week or two of these strange occurances, he began figuring it out, though he still has no idea why he suddenly acquired superhuman powers. Now he can focus a bit of his attention on generating the psychokinetic shield at will, and has figured out how to release that energy in other ways.

Bob is a short white guy with black hair, blue eyes, and nothing remarkable about his appearance. He's a bit muscular from his Karate training and general exercise, but it's not noticeable most of the time with his ordinary clothes on. It's only really obvious in his more-form-fitting Red Impulse costume. That's a red jumpsuit with some blue and white trim (Bob's fairly patriotic), white gloves, a white bandana over his mouth and nose, and blue goggles, with a small blue fannypack that carries his few pieces of gear.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!

Hero points: 2
Run: 30(10m)/60(20m)/120(40m)
Teleport: 1000(300m)/2000(600m)/4000(1200m)
ATTACK bonus: 3 Melee, 8 Ranged (No penality for firing into combat)
DEFENSE bonus: 20 [10 + 3Base + 7Shield power] ---> FLATFOOTED 11

- Command Voice: Standard(including command), Instant (Lasting), 100' cone, 20 Will save [Mental, Lifeforce]
- Duty Revolver: Standard, Sustained, 100' Range increments, 25 Tough save [Bullet]
- Flesh Wound: Full round, Instant (Lasting), 100' range increment, 20 Fort save [Bullet, Pain]
Slowed on failed save, Paralysed if failed by 5 or more.​
- C4: Standard+Free trigger, Instant, 45' Touch burst, 24 Tough save [Kinetic]
- To me!: Standard+Free trigger, Instant, 1000' Touch teleport, 20 Will save [Teleport, Lifeforce]
[Sblock="Background"]Mitchell Rawling is a white-haired, no-nonsense night watchman. He's always been fit for his age, for which he blames a regular training routine, the love of a good woman and God in general; frankly, the daily exercise he gets doing his job at Metro University doesn't hurt either. Lately though - lately he's been feeling *extremely* fit. Healthy. Downright *eager*. His reflexes, his stamina, his presence, *everything* is on an upward curve! Oh, and he can bring objects to him, <snap> just like that. Now that can't be natural.

Found out this perticular tidbit during a break and enter : a fwoosh, a dark, streaky blur and the gun that was IN A LOCKED BOX, down the lowest drawer on the right was now IN HIS HAND, ready to use (and you just *know* the unrepentant bullets were stored in another part of the room entirely, don't you?). Hell of a reveille. Things like that, weird things, have been happening a lot more lately -- or maybe it's him that notices them more keenly now that *he* is weird? That frozen guy in the park for example, or stories of floating houses over in China, molemen in the sewers of Sumatra, that Jenny kid over by 4th... It doesn't take a Ridgway to figure out *something* is going on, and that he's a part of it, somehow.

Government is bound to do something eventually, to put up a call : got *every* confidence. In the meantime though, they'll need people like him, people willing to keep the peace and patrol the borders until they manage to pull their collective thumbs out. He's had a full life till now, what with the war, marrying the right woman, raising a daughter, keeping food on the table, and all the little things that make life a thing worth living... Well. Doesn't look like it's over, does it?[/Sblock][Sblock="Personality"]The steady, serious Rawling of old is presently being impacted by serious surges of adrenaline flowing through his system. He'd thought he'd put his charging days behind, settled into a steady rhythm... but apparently not. He's only gone on a few "patrols" yet, but he's acually *enjoying* this vigilante stuff, the hurried beat of a worried heart, the power, the risks (oh, the risks...). Steady hand stays the course, as they say... Going to need a lot of hands. (Did I mention he has a very dry sense of humor? :))[/Sblock][Sblock="Power explanation"]All of Nightshifts's powers rely on using his enhanced lifeforce to various effects. Nightshift's teleport powers, fo example, work by infusing part of his lifeforce into his target and then snapping it back to himself, the energy dragging the infused target along for the ride. Teleporting himself is harder for some reason (he thinks it works by projecting more than half his lifeforce *forward* so that it can snap the rest of him through, but he's not sure). Teleporting random objects - things he doesn't have a deep connection with or at least prolonged physical contact - is *a lot* harder. He's not presently sure exactly how long the contact has to be for it to work, but it's definitively longer than a few hours.

Weapons he can presently summon to him are :

0) A padded and platted black and grey combat suit plus hood and helmet that leaves his lower face uncovered. It's surprisingly resistant to damage given its overall lightness.

1) His duty revolver, a gun that never runs out of bullets -- bullets are simply teleported into the chambers as needed! Besides straight shooting and trick shots (shoot their hat off, Disarms, button presses, etc) he can take the time to aim at a target's weak spots, causing it sometimes unbearable pain in addition to psychological and hydrostatic shock (the "Flesh wound" power). In a normal human target this usually represents a bullet through the leg, foot or shoulder.

NOTE: All of his gun powers have ne Physical Manifestation power drawback : This power has a physical manifestation which can be attacked. Treat it as if having been created with the "Device, easy to lose" power, except that you can regenerate your physical manifestation with a Move action, teleporting the gun back to your hand for example. The previous manifestation of your power dissapears, is destroyed or otherwise doesn't function anymore. At the DM's discretion, a perticular physical manifestation can be deemed "Destroyed", dropped in a pool of lava, crushed below the feet of Galactus, etc. Treat the power as unavailable until it can heal from a Staggered condition using your Constitution score.

2) Handcuffs and rope: "Infinite Handcuffs" involve teleporting bounds to this hands (handcuffs, rope, etc) and physically snapping them on to a target. Note his low Attack bonus on melee attacks : this is best accomplished on a cowed/distracted/held down or unconscious target. Combined with Command Voice or Flesh Wound it becomes the classic takedown and cuff them manoeuvre.

NOTE: unbeknownst to our earnwhile security guard, lifeforce infused objects are actually stronger/better at what they do the more lifeforce you put into them. So while Nightshift thinks he's tightening bounds, checking knots, etc, he's actually infusing more and more essence into the bindings with each Move action, making them stronger than reason seems to dictate. It also explains why his armored costume is so much more resistant than the equivalent "mundane" armor as well!

3) Lastly, "C4" summons explosives to his hand, either of the C4 plastique kind or pineaple-type grenades. Set and watch go boom. Possible power stunts for this could be "cooky cutter" Burrowing Instant blasts or "gaping hole in the armor" Protection drains. [/Sblock][Sblock="Links to other characters"]Gordon Masterson AKA The Crystal : Gordon likes to walk when he's brooding or just can't take it anymore. One of his walking spots has always been the local university, the park next to it or the athletic grounds. There, before AA, before the expulsion, he met an old guy in a tan security uniform. Most often they don't talk at all, just walk in company before parting with a pat on the shoulder or a hand raised in farewell. Sometimes, sometimes they sit on the cold concrete steps of the accounting building and discuss till the sun comes up, hands slashing arguments, leaning bodies pressing the essential point forwards (history, politics, the do's and don'ts a modern man has to live with, they've covered them all). In fact, it's Nighshift that directed Gordon towards AA during one of those talks. More than strangers, not exactly friends (Gordon's violent-angry side in perticular is a field of hot contention between the two; scares Nighshift sometimes, worries him often. He's talked to Mary about it at lenght).

They haven't actually TOLD each other about their new powers ("Men! No communication skills at all..."), meaning they're going to have to bump into each other in alternate form and somehow recognize each other. :)[/Sblock]Abilities (5 PP):
STR: 10 [14](+2) DEX: 09 [16](+3) CON: 07 [16](+3) INT: 12(+1) WIS: 15(+2) CHA: 12[16](+3)

Skills (14 PP):
Acrobatics 8 (5+3dex) [Mutant]
Craft Mechanical 7 (6+int)
Craft Demolition 8 (7+int)
Drive 10 (7+Dex)
Know civics 5(4+int)
Know history 8 (7+int)
Notice 12 (10+Wis) [Skill Mastery]
Sense Motives 12 (10+Wis) [Skill Mastery]

Feats (20 PP):
Attack Focus (Ranged) 5
Evasion 1 (Teleport away) [Mutant, Teleport]
Precise Shot
Quick Change 1 (Teleport into costume) [Mutant, Teleport]
Inspire 5
Luck 1
Seize Initiative
Skill Mastery (Notice and Sense Motive)
Teamwork 3
Ultimate Aim

Powers (83 PP):
Command Voice: Mind control 10 (Touch Cone area, Instant Duration, C&C=Standard action, -0Keep memories; 10PP) [Mutant, Mental, Lifeforce]
Summoned Weapon array (3 Alternate Powers; 3 PP) [Mutant, Teleport Lifeforce]
- Infinite Handcuffs: Snare 10 (Touch Range, Move Action; 20 PP) [Object, Lifeforce]
- Trick shot (gun): TK 10 (Damaging extra, No grabs Limitation, PD Phys Man (gun); 19 PP) [Bullet]
- Flesh Wound (gun): Paralyse 10 (+0Fortitude save, Ranged, Full action, PD Phys Man (gun); 19 PP) [Bullet, Pain]
- C4: Blast 9 (Touch range Burst Area, PF Changeable trigger; 20 PP) [Kinetic]
Teleportation array (1 Alternate power (1 PP)
- Away!: Teleport 10 (Short range, PF Change Direction, PF Change Velocity; 12 PP) [Mutant, Teleport, Lifeforce]
- To Me!: Teleport 10 (Short Range, Fixed destination (his hands), +0Attack(forcefields, Will save), PF Mass prog 6(10 000lbs), PF Voice trigger; 12 PP) [Mutant, Teleport Lifeforce]
Not There Anymore Teleport: Shield 7 (7 PP) [Mutant, Teleport, Lifeforce]
New Youth: Enhanced Abilities (4 str, 7 dex, 9 con, 4 cha; 24 PP) [Mutant, Lifeforce]
Costume: HtL Device (Protection 7; 6 PP) [Object, Lifeforce]

Combat (12 PP):

Saves (12 PP):
TOUGH 10 [0Base + 3con + 7Costume power]
FORT 3 [0Base + 3con]
REF 7 [4Base + 3dex] (Area effect = no dam on save)
WILL 10 [8Base + 2Wis]

Equipment (3 1/2 PP):
Gold watch 1 EP
Heavy black flashlight 1 EP
City home (Small, 5Tough, Living Space, Fire Prev Equipment, Garage and Workshop in garage; 4 EP)
1973 white ford Gremlin (2 PP)
Emergency kit in the trunk 1 EP

Abilities 5 pp + Skills 14 pp + Feats 20 1/2 pp + Powers 83 pp + Combat 12 pp + Saves 12 pp + Equipment 3 1/2 PP = 150 pp

Dearest wife Mary (born Maryweld Ferderber)
Vet hall/community center/war amp program
Cache of summoned weapons and armor
His essence, infused into various objects


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