Tea-stained crumpet-ridden idiot
Just one more thing I'd add. For me the biggest problem with getting a supers game off the ground is character generation. If your game involves any element of math, like Champions, you will need a group really willing to invest in the game to get traction. Even lighter game systems will require a lot of GM effort to help players over the hump of generating characters, and verifying their builds.
Probably the two easiest approaches in this area are either:
(1) Pre-gens - The game has pre-generated characters ready to play out the gate. I'd say that games based on existing comics IP like the Marvel Multiverse Roleplay Game make this easy because many of the players are likely to have favourite characters they are already invested in.
"Can I play Wolverine?" Sure, here's his official sheet.
"Oh great, can I take Kamala Khan to team up with Wolvie?" Of course you can!
(2) Random Generation - I feel that the Golden Heroes / Squadron UK approach pretty much hits the spot here, and it's a shame more games haven't tried it. Sure, you don't get your perfect character, or your Wolverine clone (there's always someone in my group who wants to be Logan), but you DO get handheld through character gen at Session Zero reasonably quickly. There's a lot less GM effort and you're in to playing relatively quickly.
Probably the two easiest approaches in this area are either:
(1) Pre-gens - The game has pre-generated characters ready to play out the gate. I'd say that games based on existing comics IP like the Marvel Multiverse Roleplay Game make this easy because many of the players are likely to have favourite characters they are already invested in.
"Can I play Wolverine?" Sure, here's his official sheet.
"Oh great, can I take Kamala Khan to team up with Wolvie?" Of course you can!
(2) Random Generation - I feel that the Golden Heroes / Squadron UK approach pretty much hits the spot here, and it's a shame more games haven't tried it. Sure, you don't get your perfect character, or your Wolverine clone (there's always someone in my group who wants to be Logan), but you DO get handheld through character gen at Session Zero reasonably quickly. There's a lot less GM effort and you're in to playing relatively quickly.