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D&D 5E Insights on a Warrior Antagonist creation using the books


One trope of D&D and Fantasy altogether is that the major villain which must be fought is often a spellcaster.

The "final boss" is an archmage, a high priest, the head warlock, or some such.
The 5th edition MM follows this idea. NPCs given for casters is the Archmage at CR 12. Noncasters top out at 8 for the assassin and 5 on the gladiator.

So I wondered how the "arch-warrior" or "weaponmaster" equal in threat of an archmage would be in 5th edition.


If you look at the archmage, its scores are STR 10, DEX 14, CON 12, INT 20, WIS 15, CHA 16.

Those scores are high. You can swap them around to make a pretty good warrior.
STR 20, DEX 16, CON 15, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 12

These scores are respectable. It makes him or her favor a javelin but the bow shot would not be bad either.


At CR 12, the archmage has a measly 99 HP due to its 18 HD and CON 12. This is pathetic compared to the expect 236-250 HP. However it always has mind blank and stoneskin on. Even if you multiply its HP by both multipliers, you don't scape 200 HP.

The "weaponmaster" would have 117 HP at its current state. Even if you simply steal Second Wind from the fighter, it's only 1d10+18 HP extra HP. There is still about 100 HP to make up. Plenty of ways to do it.

  • Give it magic armor the grants the same resistances and immunties that the archmage gets from mind blank and stoneskin.
  • Give it 100 more HP from an item
  • Give it ~ 15 more Hit Die.
  • Give it about ~100 temporary HP
  • Grant it ~20 THP when it hits with a weapon attack (personal favorite)


So the archmage has proficiency in 2 saving throws. And expertise in 2 skills. And six languages. Oooookay,
I guess you can copy those and rearrange them.
Saving throws: Str+9, Con +6

The archmage has magic resistance because... reasons. They're magic. It does make up for the HP a bit. It aslo gets spellcasting as a 18th level wizard minus the subclass stuff and Arcane Recovery.

If you make the weaponmaster get the features of a subclassless fighter that'

  • Fighting Style
  • Second Wind (1d10+18 HP)
  • Action Surge (two times)
  • Extra Attack 3
  • Indomitable (three times)

For Fighting style, Defense works well with plate armor and puts it at 19, 2 higher that the expected AC.

You could lazy up, throw the DM a bone, and turn Indomitable into proficiency with 3 more saves.


Oh boy. The archmage gets it's damage from it's 3 cone's of cold. It needs to catch 6 target between the 3 castings to hit the damage expectation. Swapping spells or casting at higher slot would make the damage threshold easier.

Not for damage, the DMG expects 75-80 damage. It says use the average of its best 3 turns of damage. For a 18th fighter equivalent that's 5 Attack actions (3 regular, 2 surge) of 3 attacks. That's ~60 damage with a greatsword, ~48 with a longsword, ~43 with javelins, and ~35 with a lowbow. A simple 1d6 bonus damage per hit or ~15-20 bonus damage a round fixes the issue. This can be done many ways via monster traits, poison, or magic weapons.

Of course you can say "screw the fighter template" and just give the weaponmaster 4 attacks an action. Problem solved. With a greatsword, it hits like a truck.


Creating a nonmagical, weapons-based humanoid equal to the game's assumption for an archmage is possible. The biggest obstacle is HP. 5th edition humaniods are squishy. The second but much easier obstacle is damage.

Fixing health on a humaniod without magic is hard due to the varying amount and types of belief at each table.
As for damage, that's just based on what the DM feels like.

Your thooughs on my insights?

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Possibly a Idiot.
Your thooughs on my insights?

First of all, you should drop this "nonmagical" limitation. There is absolutely nothing in 5E that isn't magical. The rocks, the air you breathe, the characters themselves. It's time we give up this ghost of pretending a guy using a sword is somehow nonmagical in a game where everything is literally made out of magic.

But, for the sake of argument: Considering the Archmage isn't a real class, it's really easy to make something up.

Giving the Warrior an Iron Will (and thus advantage on all saving throws) is a virtually untraceable ability that would be justified.

As for "weapon based", that actually has quite a bit of wiggle room to it. Opening up with a Balista, cannon, or other siege engine is something that could easily ramp up the damage. Lair actions are another good way to enhance the danger. A few key traps, perhaps some good old fashioned exploding barrels of oil and black powder to be shot by the Warrior, would be memorable, thematic, and mechanically comparable to laying out a few AoE spells.

You could also go the Warlord route, give them waves of henchmen to throw at the party.


I think exploding barrel lair action is a great way to go! another good way would be give them custom magic gear such as SwiftRazer this increadibly light(1handed) great sword has an extra sharp blade(crits on a 18-20) Armour of sanctuary(has a chance 25% chance to nulify spells) Crown of the raging hony badger(grants rage and adds 2d6 damage per attack when at 1/2 hp or lower) and my personal fave Griever the lion sheild (allows a bonus action to have the sheild grapple a pc with a +6)


The way to make a CR 12 warrior is to use the CR 12 line from the DMG, not base it off the Archmage.

Here's a warrior stat block I did in the region of CR 10 (but I eyeballed the CR, I didn't calculate it):

Altanian Great Warlord
Medium humanoid
Armor Class 17 (+2 dex, +5 unarmoured toughness)
Hit Points 190 (20d8 +100)
Proficiency +4
Speed 40 ft.
STR 20 (+5) DEX 14 (+2) CON 20 (+5) INT 12 (+1) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 14 (+2)
Saves STR +9 CON +9 WIS +5
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Altanian, Common
Challenge 10

Danger Sense - Advantage on DEX saves
Feral Instinct - Advantage on Initiative rolls

Multiattack. The Great Warlord makes three melee attacks.

+2 Greatsword, Dragonslayer. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2d6+10 slashing damage (+5 STR +3 Rage +2 magic).
Sword does +3d6 damage vs dragons and dragon-blooded (Orichalans etc).

Javelin (2) Missile Weapon Attack +9 to hit,
Hit: 1d6+5 piercing damage.

This is the stat block for Yusan, a Chaotic Evil warlord in my Wilderlands campaign, played by
(edit!) Brian Cox. :D
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First of all, you should drop this "nonmagical" limitation. There is absolutely nothing in 5E that isn't magical. The rocks, the air you breathe, the characters themselves. It's time we give up this ghost of pretending a guy using a sword is somehow nonmagical in a game where everything is literally made out of magic.

By nonmagical, I mean nonspellcaster. Make a CR 12 humaniod NPC without spellcasting but with "believably".

It's hard to do when keeping ability scores and HD no higher than 20.

a "human" with over 300 HP like a monster strains current assumptions

The way to make a CR 12 warrior is to use the CR 12 line from the DMG, not base it off the Archmage.

Here's a warrior stat block I did in the region of CR 10 (but I eyeballed the CR, I didn't calculate it):

Altanian Great Warlord
Medium humanoid
Armor Class 17 (+2 dex, +5 unarmoured toughness)
Hit Points 190 (20d8 +100)
Proficiency +4
Speed 40 ft.
STR 20 (+5) DEX 14 (+2) CON 20 (+5) INT 12 (+1) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 14 (+2)
Saves STR +9 CON +9 WIS +5
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Altanian, Common
Challenge 10

Danger Sense - Advantage on DEX saves
Feral Instinct - Advantage on Initiative rolls

Multiattack. The Great Warlord makes three melee attacks.

+2 Greatsword, Dragonslayer. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2d6+10 slashing damage (+5 STR +3 Rage +2 magic).
Sword does +3d6 damage vs dragons and dragon-blooded (Orichalans etc).

Javelin (2) Missile Weapon Attack +9 to hit,
Hit: 1d6+5 piercing damage.

Your damage and HP are too low for a CR 10 NPC. That is the issue.


I agree though, that the DMG CR guidelines are better for building tough warriors than the archmage template.

I was using the DMG guidelines.

You need 25 HD and CON 20 to get the HP on a medium humanoid.

The archmages "cheats" by having 3 defense spells on when the fight starts. And it still doesn't make it.


Your damage and HP are too low for a CR 10 NPC. That is the issue.

Heh - compare these stats to the CR 10 monsters in the MM, though. Hit points I think are higher than most! Damage looks comparable to me taking into account the unusually high attack bonus.

If you don't want to give an NPC 300 hit points then giving Resistance works much the same, eg use the Bear Totem Rage resistance. I can't see any reason not to give NPCs lots of hp though.
When I stat the God-Emperor Hatulin Seiheitt I plan to give him 50 hit dice with
commensurate hp.

There's no rule or indication in 5e that NPCs are limited to 20 hit dice.
Only classed characters are limited - and they could have hp boosted by Toughness Feat, an
Epic Boon, etc.
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I was using the DMG guidelines.

You need 25 HD and CON 20 to get the HP on a medium humanoid.

The archmages "cheats" by having 3 defense spells on when the fight starts. And it still doesn't make it.

Stoneskin requires Concentration BTW and definitely is not 'always on'.
Also ineffective vs magic weapons.

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