Mutants & Mastermind Presents – “Astonishing Tales of Centropolis”

The Paladin moves deeper into the disaster area, healing and freeing multiple people as he goes. He can hear the mutter of some of those he had help saying "Have the heroes returned?" and "Who is that? He's a miracle"

So intent on what he is doing the young hero does not notice it until he breaks into a large open area. Looking up a bit in surprise he can see that the open stalls and stands that once stood here had all been knocked over by the explosion along with a few cars and large trucks.

He then hear a howl of pure rage followed by a manic laugh and someone shouts "ME HURT!! NOW ME GIVE HURT TO YOU!!!" These sounds came from behind a mound of rubble...

"I don't want to hurt you, I'll help you if I can," he called out as he started to move around the mound.

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Turning over the young girl to the emergency personal, the first one seems a bit afraid of the Shadow but still mutters "Thanks..." then louder he says "We need to get more people out here or we need the debris and congestion moved so we can get in there... can you help?"

Heading back into the disaster area the Shadow hear someone roar in rage and yell "ME HURT!! NOW ME GIVE HURT TO YOU!!!"

Kitsune is helping an older man with two broken legs get into a more comfortable position. The man staring into the sky continues to talk to her "image", saying "You know I think there a base on the moon. A moon base, HA! Did you know that? Its pretty big... I wonder if is our's or the Russians? Its mostly underground and pretty well concealed. Maybe its a secret moon base? Hehehe"

It is then that Kitsune hears someone roar in anger and she hears a loud voice shout "ME HURT!! NOW ME GIVE HURT TO YOU!!!"

Galatea leaps up and catches the flying truck just before it would have crashed into the trapped family. She can hear them all screaming and crying and finally the female driver gets part of her window down and she says the marbled heroes "Please, we are trapped we can't get out of the car!!!"

Just then Galatea hears a wild roar of pure rage. Glancing over she see the street leads into a wide open area where a number of open stands and public stalls once stood, now all knocked over from the explosion. Standing in the middle of the debris are three figures. One a giant of a brownish skinned man who appears to to have six thick tentacles instead of arms. One is tentacle grabbing a man and shaking him. The man is shouting "ME HURT!! NOW ME GIVE HURT TO YOU!!!" Standing next to this man is a woman with wild hair and covered with brownish stripped fur. She is laughing manically as the man struggling in the tentacle grip. A third figure is slowly rising into the air. As she does so metal from cars and nearby stalls is ripping to pieces and flying up to attach themselves around her body creating something like an armor shell around her body...

The Paladin moves towards the rubble pile and shouts out and then notices the metal clad human female rising up over the pile. She looks down at the extra-dimensional warrior with a mad smile on her face. A stop sign suddenly flies through the air and into her grip. The metal end distorts into a sharpened spike at the end as she looks at Paladin "Ah but I wish to cause you pain and hurt. Do you mind little man? Can I bring you pain?"



First Post
Oh jeez. Multitasking!

The illusion by the man said, "Secret moon base, right! Let's put a pin in that, okay? Bee arr bee." And vanished.

The real Kitsune said, "Okay buddy you're going to want to sit tight, don't put weight on those legs and the ambulances are coming this way. Sounds like I'm needed elsewhere right now!"

She backed away and seemed to dissolve into a smear of light that quickly vanished as she resumed her invisibility.

Yeah, going to check out a guy screaming about causing pain sounded like a great time to not be visible. But she wasn't going to NOT check it out! It seemed to her that the guy who was tripping out was maybe new to his powers of super vision? So maybe there were MORE?

She leapt through the air, her body carried aloft by that electromagnetic pressure she could create. She couldn't quite fly around, but she could jump quite a ways, and move a lot faster! It was great fun, even if it made pretending to be normal that much harder sometimes.

There was always that gnawing knowledge she could do it better if she didn't have to keep the secret.

But that was neither here nor there, as she skidded around a corner and came into view of the strange individuals ahead of her.

The source of the shouting no doubt.

A quick exercise of will created another hologram, another fake Kitsune, and had it leap off the building roof and fall gracefully, harmlessly, to the ground near the four figures standing off.

HoloKitsune assumed a heroic pose, with her fists on her hips and her tails lashing wildly around behind her.

"I think there's been enough pain here for one day!" said the double. "Why don't you guys just calm down a bit?" It produced a steaming ceramic cup from behind its back and held it out. "Maybe a nice chamomile tea?"

The real Kitsune, invisible back by the building, snickered to herself. Being a hero was pretty awesome.

"As I said, I will help you if I can," he replied, and smashed a piece of rubble into the ground with his hammer, releasing another healing burst.

[sblock="Roll"]Healing Smite: 25 - 4 conditions/levels of injury removed, all in burst stabilized[/sblock]


First Post
HoloKitsune looked at the Paladin and tilted her fox-masked head.

"Hey, Captain Hammer, what's with the hammer anyway? Viking thunder god much?"

She really wanted to call him a 'thor loser,' but you had to pace yourself. You couldn't bust it all out at once like that.
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(OCC: I'm on the other side of the rubble pile from him. "Lady Magneto" here flew above it to address me. She's the only one I can see, unless you're off to the side...)

Charwoman Gene

Galatea stride her marble form closer to the car and says, "Hold on, I'm gonna get you out. You gotta run once you are free.".

She grabs an edge of the door and pries it open, allowing the family to escape, then runs towards Tentacle Boy.


The Shadow

Main Town/The Yellow Rose Farmer’s Market
Monday, April 11, 2016/10:50 AM

"We need to get more people out here or we need the debris and congestion moved so we can get in there. Can you help?" the medic asked Shadow.

Behind the shadows hiding his face, Caleb frowned, turning to survey the chaos. “I’ll see what I can do,” he told the medics. He wasn’t sure how he could move the cars, and he didn’t have any help he could call.


“That doesn’t sound good,” Shadow growled. He looked to the medics. “Do your best,” he said. “The area is open enough you could probably get the medical choppers in.”

With that, Shadow ran back toward the disaster site. The first thing he saw was some woman clad in metal...armor? She was holding a stop sign, and Caleb noticed the end was wickedly pointed. She seemed to be flying. Was she the cause of this?

Caleb crouched low, moving to try and get closer unseen, staying to the obscuring dust


Hero Points: 2


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