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D&D 5E Al-Qadim Moving Through the Flame



Moving Through the Flame

Rogue's Gallery
OOC Thread
Play Thread (you’re here now)
Map of Zakhara 2875 × 4025

Table of Contents (by adventure / scene)
Blood & Fire (11th level adventure)

Marching Order (current)
[SBLOCK=Marching Order]

NPC Index
[SBLOCK=NPC Index (by site / alphabetical)]

PC Companions
Easifa: Salahuddin's djinnling gen
Sinjin: Salahuddin's towering tasked genie valet

NPCs from the Past/Background
Sultan Nazir al-Azrad: wicked ex-Sultan of Tajar, deposed in civil war, purportedly locked away in monastery-prison
Jabir bin Hayyan: former moneylender to the Sultan, greedy man who was buried with stolen wealth

Tajar, City of Trade
Derafsh: brother to Nimar, far less loyal to the Sultan, more interested in his family making their own enterprise
Dulcet Riqqiyah: lovely rawuna (bard-ess) serving as Sheikh Ali's confidante and spy
Fahad al-Zakir: wealthiest merchant of Tajar, respected but very hard to audience with, served by Khafaz
Fereshte al-Baksheeshi: sister to Nimar
Ihsan and Nireen al-Bahr-Izdiham: brother and sister sea mages hunted by the Brotherhood of True Flame seeking sanctuary and justice; he is a tempestuous evoker, she is a calm far-seeing diviner
Imad al-Mashallah: purveyor of fine goods for the discerning caravaneer
Jina the Bold: merchant-rogue dealing in antiquities, she is more than she appears, lost several ritual urns to the "black-robed raiders"
Nazir al-Azrad ("The Sultan"): former wicked sultan-mage of Tajar who was overthrown, his name is forbidden to be spoken
Nimar al-Solak: former head of the Sultan's Haras al-Sirri (secret police)
Sheikh Ali al-Hadd: ruler of Tajar, urban head of House Bakr nomads, Akilah's (PC) father
Suelasta the Magnificient: boisterous keeper of a (mostly safe) monster menagerie, lost several monsters to the "black-robed raiders" including cockatrice, leucrotta, and young roper

High Desert / Badu al-Kabir
Ajan bin Najon al-Yaqud: Nephew to Sheikh Ali, cousin to Akilah, governs those members of House Bakr remaining in the desert
Burhan beni Bakr: an outrider in House Bakr, he delivered message from Ajan to Sheikh Ali requesting troops to face raiders, supposedly delivered to a woman in Sheikh Ali’s court
Khafaz ibn Dahz: caravan driver and merchant in service to Farad al-Zakir
Turin: foolish manservant of Khafaz, tricked out of decanter of endless water by Harun

Hakim Oasis
Usqual al-Shakari: A shady jann of the anti-urbanization Shakari tribe
Hadia al-Sarraf: Mistress of the caravanserai
Na'im and Naji: 13 and 11 year-old sons of Hadia
Malsoor the Water Bearer: ancient Enlightened vampire who took caravanserai under his "wing"

Party Treasure
[SBLOCK=Party Treasure]Writ for 50,000 gp (45,775)
-3,000 roughly, for PC expenses from before database crash we can't remember
-400 Salahuddin's spell components
-150 Lal Qalander expenses
-675 expenses for NPC Nimar al-Solak and his rogues


Blood and Fire (11th level adventure)

Sheikh Ali's Throne Room


Sheikh Ali al-Hadd is no longer young, the kiss of grey in his black beard, but he is not yet old. He is no longer al-Badia dwelling in the desert, but not yet fully al-Hadhar dwelling in the city, as is evidenced by his open air throne room and braziers crackling like a nomad’s campfire. He is no longer a hero, but not yet able to let go of his weathered shamsir which rests alongside his throne, not having left its scabbard in many moons. Holding a whispered conference with his two trusted lady viziers Akilah and Najiyah, he nods in agreement. His viziers’ words bring him relief, but his weary eyes do not leave the three who’ve arrived to his city that day. Tajar, City of Trade, Gateway of the High Desert.

“Welcome,” he extends a hand beckoning you forward, flowing banners and frankincense incense streaming in the light breeze moving through his throne room. Servants – brown youths fresh-eyed from the desert – offer goblets of cool mint and pomegranate water, along with platters of tart green grapes. It is late in the evening, yet the throne room has many warriors flanking its halls, their eyes alert to danger. “When my nadhir (herald) told me I had not one, but three auspicious guests, I was skeptical. Yet here you are…”

“Kaniel ibn Faruq al-Masafir, seasoned warrior sent by the Mamluks of the Valiant, at the behest of the Grand Caliph, all praise be upon him…” He gestures appreciatively to the half-orc Kaniel, who seems to have been the first of the Sheikh’s guests to arrive that evening.

[SBLOCK=Akilah, Najiyah, and Kaniel]You previously held counsel with the Sheikh about the brother and sister sea mages and the threat posed by the Brotherhood of True Flame. The Sheikh relented that it was worth investigating. The brother and sister sea mages, Ihsan and Nireen al-Bahr-Izdiham, are away in another room now.[/SBLOCK]

“Amina al-Din, bodyguard and maidservant sent to serve you, oh Akilah,” he leans over, glancing to the keen-eyed vizier at the right of his throne, “on orders from his holiness Imam Kerim, High Priest of the Mosque of Hakiyah the Honest in Huzuz…” The Sheikh spreads his hand towards the woman garbed in the raiments and off-white aba (robe) of an acolyte of Hakiyah, She of the Sea Breezes.

[SBLOCK=Ankabut]Your cover is “Amina al-Din” (Honest of the Faith), a lay acolyte of Hakiyah. The faith of Hakiyah values wisdom, truth, and reasoned inquiry; their guiding principle is that people see what they desire, not always what truly exists, and so the only real belief is one that questions and seeks. An acolyte of Hakiyah is expected to be calm, meditative, and methodical. While there is a hierarchy, the temple of Hakiyah also attracts many hakima (truth seers) and mystics who don’t follow the traditional hierarchies of other gods. In the “Pearl Cities” (like Tajar) Hakiyah is favored among the merchant class, and often depicted guiding her younger brother Haku from making foolish mistakes.[/SBLOCK]

“And an emissary sent from the very court of the Great Caliph of the Djinn…” Lastly, he regards Salahuddin with awe and traces of superstition common among his al-Badia ancestors towards all things pertaining to genies. Several of the younger guardsmen peer around pillars and lift up their helmets to get a better view of the man.

A dusky skinned genie bodyguard accompanying Salahuddin salaams to the Sheikh, introducing his master in a booming voice, ”Oh great and noble Sheikh, honored viziers, it is my humble pleasure to introduce to you Salahuddin ibn Hamid al-Qadibi, The Wind Called, Consort of the Venerable Fatima ibn Zaida, the Mistress of the Northern Gale, and Mortal Hand of the Great Caliph of All Djinn Husam al-Balil ben Nafhat al-Yugayyim…”

[SBLOCK=Salahuddin]Easifa overhears what the Sheikh was whispering about with his two viziers, and is eager to tell you, if you don’t object to a bit of eavesdropping…[/SBLOCK]

The Sheikh politely clears his throat and raises his brows as the genie bodyguard inhales to continue the myriad names of the Great Caliph of All Djinn. Realizing it would be wise not to upstage the Sheikh nor belabor the wonders of the djinn at this time, Sinjin falls silent with a wry smile and bows with a flourish, dropping back alongside his master.
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First Post
Amina bows deeply towards the Sheikh, then again towards Akilah. Dark haired and dusky-skinned, most of her face is veiled save only her deep brown eyes. Here in the presence of the Sheikh she bears no armor or weapon of course. Her acolyte robes are a light beige, the color of sand under a noonday sun, with the underlying raiments in the turquoise and soft greens of the sea. If there is anything notable about Amina, perhaps it is the lack of notable things. A sharp and canny eye might realize that there are no personal touches in her ensemble. No good luck charm dangling by a thin chain from a wrist, no unseemly belt buckle from an unwise bazaar purchase, no rings or earrings or bracelets or any other such affectation. Humility, perhaps, or a desire not to offend. It was not every day an acolyte would stand before the Sheikh and his Vizier.

"It is my honor to be called to serve, should it please you," she says in a soft voice towards the Vizier, not looking up to meet her eyes.
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Salahuddin stands behind his valet as he is presented to the Sheikh. The man looks small standing behind the ten foot tall valet. He is dressed in fine dark blue robes the color of the night sky. His head is wrapped in a traditional turban the veil used while travailing loosely hung around his neck. He sports a well trimmed and oiled goatee of dark black hair. His eyes are the dark grey of a summer storm. He has several trappings of the Sha'ir hung about his waist.

Salahuddin bows towards the Sheikh as Sinjin steps to his side. His eyes flick to the right and look at the spot that Easifa is invisibly floating. The Djinnling was eavesdropping again. Salahuddin speaks to it through the telepathic link they share.

"What have you learned?"

Salahuddin did not always condone his familiars compulsion to eavesdrop but it has been of assistance in the past. On this occasion the information could be of use. Salahuddin absorbs the information and then waits to see if the Sheikh will continue to speak.
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[SBLOCK=Salahuddin]Easifa swallows a few pomegranate seeds pilfered from a water glass, the seeds vanishing in mid-air alongside Salahuddin, too small to be noticed. Telepathically: "The Sheikh was displeased with his advisors for bringing two elementalists into his court, a brother and sister of the Sea's Children... A society of mages that has been hunted it seems... The Sheikh was concerned it showed favoritism that could make Tajar a target of whoever has been hunting the Sea's Children. But his viziers have convinced him that protecting his subjects, including these mages, is the wise course of action... Something about facing the fire that burns in the High Desert..."

Musing to himself, Easifa makes a sprig of mint disappear, munching on it contentedly as his telepathic rapport verges to the nostalgic. "Why, this level of intrigue reminds me of home... Clearly one of the viziers plans to poison the Sheikh." He concludes with dramatic pomp.[/SBLOCK]
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Sheikh Ali al-Hadd.

The name carried the weight of salt in the vast expanses of The High Desert. To both Al-Badia and Al-Hadhar, the man was a mystery, an impossible reconciliation of the two. One might as well have drunk heartily from the sea to sate their thirst!

But it was this impossibility that immediately earned the respect of the Half-Orc, whose name had, at one point, been solely 'Kaniel'. None of these ostentatious and cumbersome titles, for what use are titles beneath the stars and Gods? But just as Ali al-Hadd walked the fine line between his tribal ancestors and the riches of Tajar, so, too, did Kaniel in a sense.

The dark, indigo tattoos upon his face clearly marked him as Mamluk: there was no other conclusion that could be drawn. Mamluk ... another title. Slave, but also Soldier. Chained, but also free. A wealth of contradictions. Haku mocked him even as he provided the means to travel, to take back his identity. Beyond the assignment of Mamluk, though, it was clear that Kaniel's markings were distinct from the normal guards and soldiers that the Mamluk served as, for the adopted son of Faruq was Valiant.

The Valiant were no more 'guards', no more than a hurricane is 'just' a storm. Trusted only with the most dangerous and deadly of assignments, many were not expected to survive. To give the ultimate sacrifice in The Valiant was worthy of no accolades, no honors: they had no word for 'Hero' in their ranks, for heroic acts were not only expected, but mandatory. To bear those dark marks upon his face and stand before a Sheikh was to show that Kaniel had survived time and time again against impossible odds.

But he was not always a Slave: once, he was Al-Badia, just as the Sheikh. Once, he guarded the holiest site in the entirety of Zakhara. Once, he was of the desert: he rode horses across her burning sands, he drank from her oasis springs, he hunted her game and slept beneath the most gorgeous veil that the Gods had deemed to bless this sacred land with. Such a perfect, blessed life could not last: Kaniel had made what peace he could with that fact, assuming it a test of Hajama. A test he failed, fleeing from home and nearly dying in The High Desert, plagued by maddening visions of fire, darkness, and death.

His yellow eyes caught the extravagantly-garbed Vizier next to the ruler of Tajar, a smile cresting over his tusks. He had seen her in the Desert, mad with thirst and starvation, and it was her that lead him to the slavers that ultimately saved his life. And yet, while they both knew that this event happened, today was the first time that Kaniel and Najiyah had laid eyes upon one another. A touch of magic, or divine salvation? Regardless, he was grateful to her, so grateful that he had risked his life when the Sea-Mage Siblings had threatened her within the center of Tajar earlier that day. However, the Vizier and her sister were overwhelmingly charming and astoundingly wise, preventing blood and fire from touching the streets with barely any word needed from Kaniel himself.

Were that he only in Tajar solely for such business as preventing arcane duels.

Respectfully, the Half-Orc took a goblet of the flavored water, enjoying the refreshing drink with a small sip while regarding the Sheikh.

" Almighty Sheikh, Blessed by Sand, Stone, and Sky alike, I bring tidings from Qudra, that the bond between our cities grow ever stronger."

It was detectable, just slightly so, that Kaniel had perhaps barked the word 'Qudra' more than said it. Whatever his feelings on the city he was normally stationed, he continued on.

" The Grand Caliph has requested of his loyal Mamluk to look into the raids upon caravans within The High Desert, a most unsettling matter that is the duty of every Pearl to stop. With the ... events of this morning in mind," he treaded carefully around the fact that the Sheikh's advisor was brazenly called out in broad daylight, " I seek your merciful aid, that I may better protect our people from such savagery, and peacefully reach the Jann of The High Desert, for the Grand Caliph wishes for an emissary to be sent to Qaybar."

Our People, he had said. Ours. For in his heart, Kaniel knew that perhaps, just perhaps, he had far more in common with a Sheikh than anyone else in all of Zakhara.

" With your Blessings, Munificent One, I beseech you for the means to carry out The Grand Caliph's wishes."
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[SECTION]Receiving his own goblet, Sheikh Ali al-Hadd waves away the serving boys, and his impressive retinue of al-Badia guards. As any good host, the Sheikh knows the value of making a strong first impression. The twenty-four guards turn on heel and walk from the chamber, the only sound the hissing of sandals or jingle of mail as they slip away into side passage beyond the support pillars of the throne room. With only the two women at his sides left to guard him, it is clear the Sheikh puts great trust in his viziers.

"Would that my son Azul spoke words as humble and potent as yours, mamluk," he says with a hint of bitterness in his voice. "These matters in the desert have weighed heavily on my mind, but my attention is needed here in the city my father reclaimed. But at last the Grand Caliph has answered my entreaties. Alone, if it were just a single event, I could send my viziers to investigate or a troop of men to quell disturbance, but over the last year I have heard report after report of increasingly brazen raids. Long have my kinsmen of House Bakr defended against raiders of the High Desert. To this day, when we meet outside the city walls..." The Sheikh wets his lips on the pomegranate mint water, a look of wistfulness in his eyes, "...my cousin Ajan regales me with stories of battles against burnt elves who hide beneath the sands, outwitting hungry one-eyed giants, and defending caravans from common bandits. These raids, however, he tells me they are no common bandits. Cunning. Ruthless. Observing none of the laws of ransom or blood price. And above all, what my cousin does not say but I can infer, organized. Though to what end, or by whom, I do not know for certain."

It is clear Sheikh Ali wishes to promise more aid than he is himself convinced he can offer, but he restrains himself, his discerning eyes scanning the trio who have come before him. "What aid I can offer, I shall. The Grand Caliph has given a writ for the provisioning of your caravan and settling of any other expenses. My treasurer makes ready what remains of that wealth in coin and gem; it shall be ready for you forthwith in the morning. These southern reaches of the High Desert are well known to my kinsmen, and I have asked my cousin to put his most competent guide and caravan master at your disposal."

"When it comes to matters of Qaybar, that mystical city that appeared in the shadow of the Al-Yabki Mountains some two years past, and matters of the jann, I defer to my vizier Najiyah," the Sheikh smiles at Najiyah, recalling the day she was brought into his court performing minor fire tricks. A diamond in the rough.

"Akilah, it may behoove this conversation to fetch the map. Would you get some serving boys to help you spread it across the table here?" Sheikh Ali says in a quiet voice, leaning over to Akilah and resting his hand on her shoulder before himself rising and gesturing practically to gather around his war table. He quickly sets to the task of brushing a bowl of grapes and a goblet to the side. "Now the attacks have mostly occurred in the southern area of the desert, below the Range of Marching Camels..."[/SECTION]
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First Post
Without comment, Amina hastens to assist with the map herself, settling into her role as Akilah's assistant quickly it seems.


[SBLOCK=The map is spread out...]

[SECTION] Gathering several tokens from shelves built into his war table, Sheikh Ali firmly places crossed swords at four points on the map, his jaw tightening with each placement. "Sinna Oasis and Hakim Oasis, both critical and well-traveled. These were the first to be struck by the raiders-in-black. Wealth, camels, prisoners - they took everything from the caravans that crossed their paths without exception..."

"Then the path to Akota. Here. That is the western overland trade route, the only link the Enlightened Throne has to Akota's rare woods. Few merchants will dare take it today, fearing these wretched raiders..."

"And soon after, the village of Turab, a stopping point for infrequent caravans bound for Sikak, City of Coins. All their wealth taken and dozens slain, including two acolytes of Hakiyah, and the qadi (judge) they assisted was mutilated..."

"A few reports of attacks further north, but nothing substantiated yet as being the same raiders..."

Casting a glance towards Kaniel, acknowledging the mamluk's understanding of mortal tactics, the Sheikh gestures towards an ambiguous area south of Hakim Oasis. "The Badu al-Kabir, that's what my kinsmen call this region. Hostile desert. My impression of the attacks is that they are radiating from either the Al-Yabki Mountains or the Badu al-Kabir."[/SECTION]
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Salahuddin watches the map as the Sheikh outlines these raider attacks. It was no coincidence that these raiders began not long after Qaybar returned. The city was on the Plane of Fire just before continuing its journey to the Material Plane. Then there was the information Easifa overheard. Raiders stealing treasure in the high desert. White robed mages organizing the raids. These same mages delivering these treasures to the Efreet. Efreet that more likely than not came from Qaybar. Qaybar which recently appeared in the shadow of the Al-Yakbi Mountains from which the raids are radiating.

"Almighty Sheikh, these raids are the reason I asked for audience with your court. In his abundant wisdom the Great Caliph sent me here knowing of the troubles you face. These raids are different because they are being organized by white robed mages. They are gathering tribute for the Efreet that recently held dominance over Qaybar in its unending journey through the inner planes. I do not know who these mages are or the treasures they seek but this is all connected."
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First Post
thumbnail najiyah.jpg
Najiyah Amahhum

Even among the brightly-colored banners and smoky atmosphere that defined the renowned city of Tajar, Najiyah Amahhum's adornments were ostentatious, bordering on garrish, as though she were playing the exaggerated role of a fortune-teller in some campy play rather than holding the far more sober position of vizier to the Shiekh.

And yet, maybe it was in the calm confidence in which she positioned herself, or the perpetual comaraderie in her smile that silently invited each observer in on a secret jape, but the strange attire seemed to suit her.

Her grin broadened in response to Kaniel, but suddenly faltered with a somewhat startled expression and a sharp glance towards Salahuddin, her brows raising briefly, if dramatically, before she quickly regained her composure and focused her attention on the Shiekh's instructions.

[sblock=Quickleaf, VLAD]
OOC: The above action is concurrent with Salahuddin's telepathic communication with his genie familiar.

[SECTION]"When it comes to matters of Qaybar, that mystical city that appeared in the shadow of the Al-Yabki Mountains some two years past, and matters of the jann, I defer to my vizier Najiyah."[/SECTION]

She offered a respectful tilt lowering of her chin. "I offer what insight I have, but also welcome the knowledge and experience of those better traveled than I."

Listening with a darkening expression, Najiyah found it difficult to keep her jovial demeanor in witness of these reports. In a growing sea of violence and turmoil, Tajar seemed to be a shrinking oasis of respite. And yet, even then, hadn't she just had to use every ounce of charm in her repertoire just to discourage Ihsan al-Bahr-Izdiham from making good on his promise of a duel to the death with her own self based on the flimsiest of circumstantial evidence?

No spectral visions needed to haunt her dreams this night for Najiyah to conclude something otherworldly was at play in Zakhara.

"Almighty Sheikh, these raids are the reason I asked for audience with your court. In his abundant wisdom the Great Caliph sent me here knowing of the troubles you face. These raids are different because they are being organized by white robed mages. They are gathering tribute for the Efreet that recently held dominance over Qaybar in its unending journey through the inner planes. I do not know who these mages are or the treasures they seek but this is all connected."

"That is the second time I have heard such an account today," Najiyah replied with a resounding, but not in any way defensive tone. "The sibling sea mages spoke of horrific attacks upon their own and incriminated the fire jann as well. What no one seems to know...is their motive. Is it treasure, or is it bloodshed they seek? Or both, or neither? I see a pattern emerging of an unknown hostile entity wanting to blind us by leading us into assumptions. I caution against drawing any conclusions at all before we know more."
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