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D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator


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I have been working on a UA class mystic for use in this tool. I present this workaround until such time a custom class is available. This can be used for other D8 classes as warlock seems to do very little to adjust other items on the sheet. Some of the normal changes will have to be manually done. Subclass features are all included in the base since the subclass levels are different.

To create a mystic you can use the Warlock base (this prevents multiclassing with warlock so another d8 class can be used for the base, with some additional work)

->Custom page<-

Create Custom Class of your chosen order assigned to Warlock using the first custom subclass slot {The 14th and 15 characters are significant here as that is what I use to determine the mystic order)
(Order of the Awakened,Order of the Avatar,Order of the Wu Jen,Order of the Soul Knife,Order of the Immortal)
Assign proficiency to Int Saves
Add to skills level 1 blank for count and text of-> In place of class skills choose 2 from Arcana, History, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Religion
Optional (for level 1 assign simple weap prof and light armor prof, Warlock has these too {note, custom subclass has a issue with weap prof})

->Start Page<-

Uncheck Display class
To the CHA Saving throw adjust field add the formula =-ProfBonus
Choose your custom subclass
Add Mystic to Rename Class
To additional details add the below string of text {Note: there is a 8k char limit in a excel 2010 field, I had to use some abbreviations and leave a lot of fluff out, there maybe 30 characters left at the moment} ('this is assuming you have chosen your first level of the custom class and your first class is mystic, if you multiclass into mystic then you need to change Class1Level to Class2Level or Class3Level in the code below)

="• Psionics
Psi Talents: You know "&IF(Class1Level>16,4,IF(Class1Level>8,3,IF(Class1Level>2,3,2)))&" talents
Psi Disciplines: On level gain you can replace 1 discipline. You know "&IF(Class1Level>8,2+FLOOR(Class1Level/3,1),FLOOR(Class1Level/2,1))&" disciplines
Psi Points. You have "&IF(Class1Level>17,71,IF(Class1Level>9,64,IF(Class1Level>8,57,IF(Class1Level>7,44,IF(Class1Level>6,38,IF(Class1Level>5,32,IF(Class1Level>4,27,IF(Class1Level>3,17,IF(Class1Level>2,14,IF(Class1Level>1,6,4))))))))))&" PP
Psi Limit: Limit of "&MIN(INT(Class1Level/2+0.5)+1,7)&" PP per activation
Psi Ability: Discipline Save DC:"&8+ProfBonus+INTMod&" Discipline Attack Modifier:"&ProfBonus+INTMod&"
• Mystic Order ("&SubClass1&")
IF(MID(SubClass1,14,2)="Aw","• MO Feature(Bonus Disciplines)
Learn 2 new Awakened Disciplines"&"
• MO Feature(Awakened Talent)
Gain Prof with 2 skills: Anim Hand, Dece, Insi, Inti, Inve, Perc, & Pers","")&
• MO Feature(Psionic Investigation)
Hold & concentrate on an object for 10 min and learn basic facts from the object from last 24 hours","")&
• MO Feature(Psionic Surge)
Impose disadvantage on a target's save against a discipline or talent"&"
of your choice, at cost of losing psychic focus until a long or short rest. ","")&
• MO Feature(Spectral Form)
As an action, transform into a transparent ghostly form. You resist all damage,"&"
move at 1/2 speed, pass thru objects and creatures. Last 10 min or
use an action to end it. Can not use again until you finish a long rest","")&

IF(MID(SubClass1,14,2)="Av","• MO Feature(Bonus Disciplines)
Learn 2 new Avatar Disciplines"&"
• MO Feature(Armor Training)
Gain prof with medium armor and shields","")&
• MO Feature(Avatar of Battle)
Each ally within 30' gains +2 to initiative","")&
• MO Feature(Avatar of Healing)
When you are not incapacitated, each ally within 30' of you that can see you
regains "&MAX(0,INTMod)&" additional HP when they regain HP from a discipline","")&
• MO Feature(Avatar of Speed)
When not incapacitated, any ally within 30' of you can take the Dash action as a bonus action","")&

IF(MID(SubClass1,14,2)="Im","• MO Feature(Bonus Disciplines)
Learn 2 new Immortal Disciplines"&"
• MO Feature(Immortal Durability)
Your HP max increases by "&Class1Level&". When not wearing armor or shield your AC is "&10+DEXMod+CONMod,"")&
• MO Feature(Psionic Resilience)
At the start of a turn you gain "&MAX(INTMod,0)&" temp HP if you have at least 1 HP.","")&
• MO Feature(Surge of Health)
As an reaction when you take damage, you 1/2 the damage against you. Your psychic focus
ends immediately and can't be used until finishing a short or long rest","")&
• MO Feature(Immortal Will)
At the end of a turn you can spend 5 PP to regain "&Class1Level+CONMod&" HP","")&

IF(MID(SubClass1,14,2)="No","• MO Feature(Bonus Disciplines)
Learn 2 new Nomad Disciplines"&"
• MO Feature(Breadth of Knowledge )
When you finish a long rest, you gain two prof of your choice.
Choose any tool, skill, or language to be proficient in until your next long rest","")&
• MO Feature(Memory of 1000 Steps)
As a reaction when you hit by an attack, you can teleport to an unoccupied"&"
space you occupied since the start of your turn, and the attack misses.
You can not use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest","")&
• MO Feature(Superior Teleportation)
When you use a discipline to teleport, you can increase the distance 10'","")&
• MO Feature(Effortless Journey)
On each of your turns, forfeit 30' of movement to teleport the same distance
You must teleport to an unoccupied space you can see","")&

IF(MID(SubClass1,14,2)="So","• MO Feature(Soul Knife)
As a bon action, create psychic blades, dismiss as a bonus action
Martial melee weapon with light and finesse. 1d8 Psychic damage on hit
As a bon action, parry to gain +2 AC to start of next turn"&"
• MO Feature(Martial Training)
Gain Prof with Medium armor and martial weapons","")&
• MO Feature(Hone the Blade)
Spend 2,5,7 PP to gain +1,+2,+4 bonus to attack and damage with soul knives","")&
• MO Feature(Consumptive Knife)
When you slay an enemy creature, regain 2PP","")&
• MO Feature(Phantom Knife)
As an action, make one attack with soul knife against a target AC of 10","")&

IF(MID(SubClass1,14,2)="Wu","• MO Feature(Bonus Disciplines)
Learn 2 new Wu Jen Disciplines"&"
• MO Feature(Hermit's Study)
Gain Prof with 2 skills:Anim Hand, Arca, Hist, Insi, Medi, Natu, Perc, Reli, Surv","")&
• MO Feature(Elemental Attunement)
When a creature's resistance reduces damage dealt by your discipline,
spend 1 PP(not to exceed limit) to ignore the resistance ","")&
• MO Feature(Arcane Dabbler)
Learn 3 lev 1-3 Wiz Spells, can switch 1 on level gain
As a bonus action, create a spell slot to cast any spell using PP upto Psi Limit
1st=2PP,2nd=3PP,3rd=5PP,4th=6PP,5th=7PP. The slot lasts til used or long rest","")&
• MO Feature(Elemental Mastery)
As a reaction, spend 2 PP, gain immunity to that damage type to end of your next turn","")&

• Mystical Recovery
When spending PP on a discipline, take a bon action to regain HP equal to the # of PP spent"&"
• Telepathy
Telepathically speak to any creature you can see with 120' of you.
You don't need to share a language, but the creature must understand a language or be telepathic","")&
• Strength of Mind
Change your Wis save prof to any other ability but INT when you finish a long or short rest
until your next long or short rest","")&
• Potent Psionics
Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon, deal extra "&IF(Class1Level>14,2,1)&"d8 psychic damage
Add your "&INTMod&" to any damage roll for a psionic talent","")&
• Consumptive Power
When activating a discipline, pay the PP cost with HP. Reduce current HP and HP max "&"
by the number of points spent. This cannot be lessened in any way and HP max
reduction lasts until you finish a long rest. This feature can be used once per long rest.","")&
• Psionic Mastery
As an action gain "&IF(Class1Level>14,11,9)&" special PP to use on a discipline requiring an action or bonus action
Can use all "&IF(Class1Level>14,11,9)&" on 1 or multiple disclipines. You can not spend normal PP "&"
on these disciplines. All Special PP are lost on a long rest. You can concentrate on
multiple disciplines using the special PP but lose concentration when using normal PP."&"
You have "&IF(Class1Level>16,3,IF(Class1Level>14,2,1))&" uses of this feature and regain all uses on a long rest.","")&
• Psionic Body
Gain resist to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
You no longer age"&"
Immune to disease, poison damage, and the poisoned condition
When you die, roll a d20. On a 10 or higher, you discorporate with 0 HP"&"
and fall unconscious. You and your gear disappear. You appear at a spot of your
choice on the same plane 1d3 days taking a long rest","")&
• Ability Score Improvement / Feat: Level "&IF(Class1Level>18,"4,8,12,16,19",IF(Class1Level>15,"4,8,12,16",IF(Class1Level>11,"4,8,12",IF(Class1Level>7,"4,8",4)))),"")&"

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First Post

Amazing sheet, works almost perfectly.
Last Dwarf Cleric i made, has the feat Heavy Armor Master (damage reduction 3 bps non magic) but it overrides the Resistance block on charactersheet page 1.
Using the override under resistances doesn't override it, but when i enter something in the damage reduction override it pops up in both the damag reduction and the resistance block on character sheet 1.

Just noticed, you added the Deepstalker class option for the Ranger, but you didn't alter the base class according to the Unearthed Arcana.

I thought i had the lastest update, and i am not sure if anybody else reported this already, just wanted to let you know.

still gonna use it pritt correctit FTW :p
Last edited:


Just noticed, you added the Deepstalker class option for the Ranger, but you didn't alter the base class according to the Unearthed Arcana.

Is Deepstalker support added via the Custom page? If so, it is only there as an example of using the Custom page and is not an officially suppported class.


First Post
Ah that's it then, it is added in the custom page. In that case, I will look forward to more updates where eventually it might be inserted. :)


The question I have is that on the custom tab, you give us the ability to create custom spells; would it be possible to have a section that would allow us to create custom "Eldritch Invocations" for the Warlock?

Certainly possible, I'll look into it... this will probably open up requests to customize other class elements like pacts, maneuvers, elemental disciplines, totem spirits, meta magic etc. it opens up the customizations quite a bit. I'll start with Invocations - how many customizable invocations are needed? Note that this won't be able to automate adjusting things like AC, skill bonuses, etc. They will only appear in the drop down list and the detail for each invocation in the character details.



Great sheet. I used HeroForge for my 3.5 characters, and when my group went to 5e, I was hurting for some math-done-for-me-beautifully. I'm glad I came across your post. I'm tracking three characters in 3 different games with Beta 10. So far so good, with some minor bugs that I've found, but I am going to wait until I rebuild on Beta 11. That said, I had two quick questions:

1) Do you have a release cadence? Is there any way we can expect a new beta from you once a month, one every two months, etc.?
2) Would you mind posting a changelog of the things fixed or added? I can't seem to find one in the thread, but it is ~260 pages long at this point.


No release schedule, I'm working on build 11 most of the corrections over the last 6-8 weeks or so have been done. The tool is mainly stable and works for most cases. If something new comes out that's official I'll generally update faster or if there is a critical bug found. I don't post many change logs these days its additional work to maintain. Usually when I release a build I'll write a small text block on what's new. If you find a bug on the latest build, ask in the forum ;)


I found another couple of typos. In the PHB on page 98, A 15th level Rogue Arcane Trickster has 2 third level spell slots; on the spellcasting tab of the CS, it is showing 3rd level has 3 spell slots in the Spellcasting box.
Also, in the PHB on page 78, the Fighter Martical Archetype Champion has an "Improve Critical" of "19 or 20". The Character Details on the Start tab has it at "18 or 20".

Love the sheet!!!

Fixed the arcane trickster when I fixed the Eldritch Knight as its the same table lookup :)

The Champion critical should be correct as it is dependent on the level

="• Martial Archetype Feature ("&IF(FighterChampionLevel>=15,"Superior","Improved")&" Critical)
Weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of "&IF(FighterChampionLevel>=15,"18","19")&" or 20


First Post
Certainly possible, I'll look into it... this will probably open up requests to customize other class elements like pacts, maneuvers, elemental disciplines, totem spirits, meta magic etc. it opens up the customizations quite a bit. I'll start with Invocations - how many customizable invocations are needed? Note that this won't be able to automate adjusting things like AC, skill bonuses, etc. They will only appear in the drop down list and the detail for each invocation in the character details.

So things don't get complicated I would suggest just 4 customizable sections (There are a few from the "Unearthed Arcana - Warlock & Wizard" that I would like to use).

Additionally, I noticed that when I was creating a custom subclass for a warlock, you have the spell selection area listed as "patron" instead of "expanded". The spells that are added to this area are acting like a cleric's "domain spells" on the "spellcasting" tab instead of warlock "patron expanded" spells.

The first picture shows a Warlock with the Archfey "patron" spells and the second shows a custom subclass warlock with their "patron" spell

Archfey Patron Expanded Spells.jpgCustom Subclass Patron Expanded Spells.jpg

Fixed the arcane trickster when I fixed the Eldritch Knight as its the same table lookup :)

The Champion critical should be correct as it is dependent on the level

="• Martial Archetype Feature ("&IF(FighterChampionLevel>=15,"Superior","Improved")&" Critical)
Weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of "&IF(FighterChampionLevel>=15,"18","19")&" or 20

This code will show the Superior Critical as "...a roll of 18 or 20"
It should show '...a roll of 18-20" to be in accordance with the Player's Handbook.

="• Martial Archetype Feature ("&IF(FighterChampionLevel>=15,"Superior","Improved")&" Critical)
Weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of "&IF(FighterChampionLevel>=15,"18-","19 or ")&"20"

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