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How Are D&D Miniatures Made?

If you've ever wondered how D&D miniatures are made, iO9's Ed Grabianowsi has the answer for you. Gale Force 9 has given iO9 an insight into the miniature creation process as part of the Princes of the Apoclaypse publicity effort. The article interviews GF9's Matt Parks and discusses the Elemental Evil miniatures to be released over the coming months - in particular the model of Aerisi Kalinoth, who features on the cover of Princes of the Apocalypse.

If you've ever wondered how D&D miniatures are made, iO9's Ed Grabianowsi has the answer for you. Gale Force 9 has given iO9 an insight into the miniature creation process as part of the Princes of the Apoclaypse publicity effort. The article interviews GF9's Matt Parks and discusses the Elemental Evil miniatures to be released over the coming months - in particular the model of Aerisi Kalinoth, who features on the cover of Princes of the Apocalypse.

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I work at a plastics factory so I can honestly say there is more to making the figure than "putting" plastic into the mold. There are two sides- stationary and non-stationary. Protruding parts may require a separate mold or be possible with slides. Type of plastic effects cost, durability, heat related defects and how well it fills......

but I degress.

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