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Bad Movies You Liked


Elder Thing
I felt that Lynch missed the basic gut feel of the book horribly. The shortcut of making Baron Harkonnen physically objectionable to make the audience immediately dislike him was crass. "Weirding modules"? Seriously? The mini series hit the mark far better but this is still a property that's begging for a remake, and that's something I almost never say.
Don't forget the heart plugs!

The Lynch film is a total mess, no doubt about it. The Ultimate Superbo Amazeballs No Really We Mean It This Time (Whatever) cut is a bit better, but it's still near incomprehensible, especially if you don't have the book near memorized.

But I think Lynch did the worms better, the ornithopters better, and the general air of antiquated nobility vs. noble savagery better. I also like the overall visual style better (especially the various guild navigators and the personal shields).

The miniseries (both of them of which I am aware) felt way too sterile and distant to me. And as I mentioned upstream, the guy playing Paul just totally didn't work for me at all.

I'd love to see a well-done remake we sell. But I don't think it can happen. Modern CGI will just make it look like a dated cartoon before it finishes it's theatrical run, and that's assuming anybody could get a big enough budget to even make a good try at it (after 3 failed attempts to make the move in the last 30 or so years).

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Expert Long Rester
For being band that had never done a soundtrack before (or since), Toto's Dune soundtrack is pretty awesome.
I can hear the guitars just looking at this...


I'll have a couple, some already names, some not.

Space Raiders - Awesome film about a kid who gets to go on a space adventure. love it even more than another one that I love that uses the same soundtrack and special effects which is...

Battle Beyond the Stars - Star Wars copy but shamelessly stays truer to the source of the Seven Samurai/Magnificent Seven.

Star Crash - This is cheesy, very cheesy. Absolutely a Star Wars Riff. David Hasselhoff in a LOT of makeup...and a bunch of other crazy stuff.

Moving more modern...


The A-Team - total and complete chaos all wrapped up in a neat order.

Not quite a flop but seems to have been dropped as Disney acquired Star Wars is

Tron Legacy - This movie ROCKED. I'm not even a very big Tron fan but LOVED this movie. It needed a sequel.

Willow - Not sure if this was considered doing bad at the box office or not, but add this to the 80s Fantasy films that I love.

Others already mentioned - Master of the Universe, Labyrinth, Big Trouble in Little China, Conan the Destroyer and Red Sonya, Dune, Beastmaster, Krull. (and with all those RH characters, can't forget Kull the Conqueror either!!!).

I don't consider them bad movies at all, and truly really actually enjoy watching them.

I can't deny that I'm prone to fits of nostalgia and reminiscing. I try not to get too mired in the past, but it happens sometimes.

You're drowning in the past, Ralif!

But I've got your life vest right here: it's called the 80's, and it's gonna be around forever!

True story: wee little Ralif sat down to watch Dune with my family. All was going well until the heart plug scene. I ran back to my room and read a book on dinosaurs to calm down.

Don't forget the heart plugs!


Expert Long Rester
Tron Legacy - This movie ROCKED. I'm not even a very big Tron fan but LOVED this movie. It needed a sequel.
I really liked Tron Legacy and was interested to see where it was going. However it's big weakness was a mediocre Garrett Hedlund. It should have been his breakout role like Chris Pine's Kirk, but it was just ok. It's tough to build a franchise around an OK lead.

True story: wee little Ralif sat down to watch Dune with my family. All was going well until the heart plug scene. I ran back to my room and read a book on dinosaurs to calm down.

This is the best coping mechanism I have ever heard of. I may try this after work today.

I love the costume designs and general aestetic of the Dune movie. It looks fantastic, and I also love the score. It's a pity that the movie tries and fails to cram a really big story in just one movie. It's just too big for that. As a bare minimum it would need a multi-movie trilogy, like The Lord of the Rings did.

A few years ago I picked up a Special Edition of the movie on DVD, which adds an introduction that explains a lot more of the plot... which is cool... and it also removed the heartplug scene, goddamit!

Voidrunner's Codex

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