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D&D 5E What is the appeal of the weird fantasy races?

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Jack Daniel

Except the other side doesn't believe in the group consensus. That's what I'm saying. That is the point. Changing the phrasing doesn't change the point.

If a new player comes to the table, and the rule was decided by group consensus, then there would logically be no problem in the new group arriving at a new consensus, the player has fully capability to participate in the process. And there is no double standard about the rules being mutable. Because they still are mutable, they just don't have the votes to meet the consensus.

The other side who is advocating for a single DM creating things with no input, do not have that. They have a double standard about the rules being changed, because they want the player aware that any rule could be changed, except, that any rule the DM has decided on can not be changed. And requesting for it to be changed is being seen as being a problem.
The bolded sentences are where you're making a conceptual error. If a DM does all the world-building and house-ruling for a campaign, and also has players who continue to play in that campaign, that DM has those players' de facto approval (however tacit) to do the world-building and house-ruling. That's a form of group consensus. And it's really no different from the DM's authority over rules-adjudication during gameplay being derived from the "consent of the governed." How the group arrives at consensus regarding who among them has authority over the rules and the setting is immaterial to the issue of when and how rules and lore become fixed for that campaign, and trying to drive an artificial conceptual wedge between DMs who create rules and lore with broad player input and DMs who create rules and lore without broad player input (but with said players' tacit approval) is either disingenuous or fallacious.

In the situation people keep proposing, it is a sign of a "problem player" to proposing an alteration to the rules.
The problem is, nobody else here is talking about that. It's a sign of a problem player to insist on altering the rules. It's a sign of a problem player to repeatedly harp on altering the rules. Your player with a polite proposal is a strawman. (Still. Sixty pages later.)

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Depends. Will I get the opportunity next time I roll up a PC in your game? Will I have to wait years before I get that opportunity?
Varies, I have run campaigns lasting from 9 months to three years.
Will your next game have the same restrictions as this one?
Almost certainly not. I like to change things up periodically.
Will I have to find a new gaming group to do it?
No reason you can't be in more than one group.

Considering it can be as long as a year in-between character creations, and inspiration will hit again for that new game... you are essentially asking us to abandon the idea and never run it.
I usually have at least half a dozen character concepts wizzing around in my head at any one time, but since I rarely get to be a player most, if not all of them I will never get to run. That's what comes of living in a universe with finite time.


Your very first post in this thread described any world not curated as ‘silly’
There's a difference. My personal preference? My opinion? Yes, kitchen sinks to me are a bit silly. Then I also said in my first post that I was a bit torn, and explained that there's nothing wrong with playing "weird" races and that in public games I've even done it myself.

I don't think anyone else is silly to enjoy what they enjoy. My preference is not a reflection on anyone else or anyone else's style. Just like you can say that you prefer kitchen sink campaigns. Then we all have a quick discussion, agree that not everyone plays for the same reasons and move on.

P.S. Things can always be taken out of context to make something sound different than intended.


Don't see anyone?

Man, I guess you didn't even read my post. Or maybe you've gotten so convinced that I'm a liar that you ignored the fact that Scott Christian posted a comparison that put the curated world as a "Michelin star chef" and a "happily married man"

Or maybe you aren't aware that a Michelin star is one of the most coveted and highest ranked accolades in the culinary world.

I mean, I can take those examples and build them out, but they all put forth the same thing. The curated world was always "better". It was more prestigious, higher quality, ect ect.

Heck, as ModernApathy has pointed out, you have made accusations many many many times

But. I'm just a lying troll that twists everyone's words, so I don't know why I'd even bother to try and explain it. You won't take anything I say seriously anyways.
You're reading a whole lot into very specific subset of words that he used. @ModernApathy did the same, taking what I said out of context of the rest of my post. Ignoring every post where I say that people should play what they want.

I'd apologize for not saying things exactly correctly but I can't help what you read into posts because of selective reading.

I've repeated time and time and time again: play how you want, as long as you and your table are having fun you're doing it right. How is that not clear?

As I said earlier to others: Inspiration IRL sometimes just doesn't work that way. Sometimes one idea is just so compelling, it covers the ground like a gorram kudzu and nothing else can grow. I wish it didn't work that way; I genuinely wish that I could always spin out seven character concepts and feel equally inspired to play all of them. Sometimes it does work that way, which is great! It means if an irresolvable conflict arises, I can just try another idea instead. Sometimes it doesn't though, and no matter how awesome it would be, no matter how much I try to MAKE another idea catch hold, it won't work. I have no control over when or even whether this happens. It just does.

Think of it like writing poetry. Sometimes a particular image catches your mind and won't let go. If you asked a friend for commentary and they really didn't like that image, it's extremely difficult to just rip it out and replace it with some other "path." Not just because of the structural constraints, but because when a certain turn of phrase just HITS you, everything else pales in comparison.
Sorry Ezekiel, I generally agree with you, but I don't buy this. Not for characterization or poetry. Poets edit constantly, as do players. I understand passion. I understand being hyper-focused on an idea and seeing it through. I even understand how a passion can grip someone and not let go. But for a player to create a character it is about time and resources too. No player I know is writing Leaves of Grass for the character. (If they are, I want them at my table!) They have an idea. It might even become a passion. But the problem with all this is time:

Time spent. How long does it take for a player to imagine, create, and write down a character's history? Thirty minutes? An hour? Two? I mean, no player is spending months on their character. No player is reading an entire AP and taking notes and detailing or creating their own world and adventures for their single character. No player is purchasing a couple hundred dollars in miniatures for their single character. No player is spending days creating maps for their single character. And no player is writing out dozens of backstories on NPC's for their single character. (In fact, most I know, even if they are family members of said character, choose to leave that work up to the DM.)

So a player might be passionate about a character. Yes. A player might need to follow that passion through. Yes. But it needs to be equated to the amount of work the DM puts in. And, as I said earlier, if the DM has put in a lot of hours, then their ruling supersedes the players - whether the player has passion or not.
And when this happens, that's awesome. It doesn't always happen for me. Or maybe I do have a stable of 20 character ideas, but after hearing the pitch, one specific one immediately leaps out in front of all the others, distinguishing itself so thoroughly that nothing else feels right anymore. It's not a rational thing, inspiration. It doesn't obey tidy logic rules like "well BEFORE you heard the pitch, you thought all these ideas were great, so you should still feel good about them NOW, right?"
That is why I used the term "narrow." I agree, something might jump out. I agree, after that nothing else will feel quite right. I agree, it is not rational. It follows some weird rules no one can pin down, like a flame that dances and moves. Your logic is sound. I agree with it. But please just consider this:
Because you feel that way prior to session zero, does not mean you will feel that way after session one. It certainly does mean you will feel that way after session five. And after session ten, everything might shift again.
In my own experience, and others that I have discussed this with; we've had the experience of starting with a character that we were so-so with. And over time, that character became one of our favorites of all time.
My point is - time changes passion.
"The only story they can come up with" =/= "the only story they'll roleplay well." And even if it did, most of us aren't saying that the concept must be PERFECTLY TO THE LETTER identical. But to re-use the Waukeen-revering-Sorcerer example, it really would completely change the concept into something not only radically different but dark and evil if you substituted a demonic being in place of Waukeen. I'm not the original person, so I can't say what compromises they'd accept, but "oh you can totally have your wealth-loving patron, but they're EVIL and VIOLENT and DEBAUCHED" would absolutely be several steps too far for me. Perhaps a deity that does exist can be tweaked slightly (e.g. Erathis, goddess of invention and civilization, doesn't need much tweaking to be a goddess of wealth too). Perhaps a heterodox church of an existing deity can be employed (e.g. a church that views Moradin as a female deity, still associated with crafts, metals, wealth, etc.)

You seem to be presenting this as though the player in question cannot accept anything but one single, incredibly specific thing, and even a single dot out of place would ruin it, and that's just not true. What's being said is that there can be situations that are somewhat specific, and where some attempts at compromise (like turning a good deity of wealth into an evil demon) would fall flat. That doesn't mean every single parameter definitely has to be unchanged, because, as all of us have said repeatedly at this point, ACTUAL compromise requires ALL parties to be at least willing to CONSIDER changes, even if no changes actually happen, even if true compromise proves impossible.
To be clear, I was responding to just as much the Middle Earth comments as I was the overall theme of this debate. I just feel that when someone says we are playing a Tolkien inspired world, common sense dictates what you can make. And if you have an out-of-the-box thinker, cool. But, it shouldn't be questioned when the DM says, "I like your ent, maybe you can play it as an NPC one session. But you need to pick from this list."
And the Waukeen example: I said clearly if the DM didn't give the parameters, then the player should be allowed. If they did, and the player asks, and then the DM says no, we should assume the DM has a good reason. If, in this case, player asks, and the DM changes their character - that's bull*#%!. Now if the DM says work with these. These are what exists. Then the player creates and can't accomplish what they want, then their is compromise. But in the end the DM has the final say.
I mean, almost all creative processes have boundaries. Design a home? The state tells you what you can and can't do. Decorate homes for a living? The clientele generally tell you color scheme and budget. Build a menu? Research should tell you what the surrounding area can afford and likes. Paint a picture? Follow the Impressionist style or or Abstraction. So creating a character is just that, building something within the boundaries of the DM's world.
And, as the above indicates, I think you are likewise being excessively narrow here about our position. As for the rest: Yes, none of us have questioned this. (Though let's be honest, making a point out of "they're the ones spending money" is a bit specious; the kind of people that go do DMing are the kind who spend money on books anyway. Nobody is demanding money out of the DM's pocket here.) But I think you point out an important consideration here, a very chicken-and-the-egg question: Who's asking who?
Regarding money. Touche! I withdraw my sentence above about miniatures. ;)

I do think we need to be clear about the chicken or the egg. That is a great point.
Up to this point, it's very very much been presented--even by you!--as the DM offering to run games for others. Now you're presenting it as the players requesting the DM run a game for them. Those are rather different situations, with rather different expectations.
Umm... (please consider this :unsure:) My view is that both of those things work at the same time. It is not a one or the other. The players are at the table. So they want the DM to run their game. The DM is at the table. He wants to show the players his world. They both exist at the same time, with the same people. Am I mistaken? (I will consider it if I am. But I thought both of these things were true for almost all tables, with the exception of the table where everyone wants to be a player, so one person reluctantly steps up to DM. But I think that is very rare - especially for a group running an entire campaign.)

Hmm, you seem upset.

Maybe you noticed that your words, which I parroted back to you, aren't exactly the most respectful place to go? I mean you immediately started defending the DM, how much work they put in, compared to the player, how much history they write, how many characters they make, how many words they write.

And you put that forth as... given. Like there was no other possible way.
Sorry if I offended you. I wasn't upset. I was trying to make my point clear.
Defending the DM as a given? In the context we are discussing - yes. Every example I have laid out has detailed the following:
  • The DM shares their view of the world
  • The DM gives the parameters the players can use
So defend the DM? Yes. In this context - always.

I have also said that the DM should help the player struggling. Find a compromise. But in the end, the DM has the final say.
Interestingly, the game before the last one I was in was Dungeon of the Mad Mage. The DM? Spent about ten minutes buying a book. They wrote no world history. They wrote no NPCs. In fact.. they wrote 0 words.

As a player, I wrote far more than that. I did far more than that. So, I should therefore have the right to dictate how the game goes, right? Because it is about who puts in more work.
I don't buy it. If you are telling me a player puts in more work you are discussing an anomaly, not the norm. Your DM wrote zero words. Just read the book once. Then ran it using impromptu (because that is what it would be). That's cool. Good for him or her. Maybe they even did a good job. But again, that is not normal.
Here is the thing. You know that is not the norm. You know that is not the consistent viewpoint I have clearly laid out regarding DM's that build stories and worlds. Yet, that's the path you choose to argue. I am beginning to see why you take issue with a DM that says, you can use all these things, not these. It must be because you instantly try to use the ones they tell you not to use.

My only problem with the above is making sure that you account for reasonable evidence, @PsyzhranV2 . That is, I have used the example of a murder mystery involving nobles. You've planned that the Count is the actual murderer, while the Duchess is innocent but being framed. The party has found reasonable evidence that indicates the Count is the actual murderer, but much earlier than you expected. Since you want the mystery to last longer, you now decide that any evidence they had found that the Count was the real murderer was faked, and the Duchess now always was the REAL murderer.

Sorry. Couldn't resist. Linda (left character) has a dinner mystery theater and tells the audience at the end that she did it. And the audience is upset because not one clue pointed to her. :)
That's no longer just plans. You really did put evidence into the game, which the players found, that indicated a certain state of affairs. The players figured it out faster than you intended. At that point, choosing to change things around so the players' information, which WAS good evidence, now is NOT good evidence, would not be kosher in my book, even though technically speaking it's still "in the script" who the murderer was. The DM emphatically SHOULD NOT decide that good evidence is now bad evidence and vice-versa midway through. That's not okay.

I'm sorry, what?

Polite players wanting to see something change are a strawman.

I think we've hit peak quibble. It was a reasonably good thread while it lasted.
No. He is saying that the polite player that asks is not what is being argued against by the people promoting the DM's. Yet, that is what Chaosmancer keeps going back to - basically saying the DM is bad because polite players asking for something are just told no. Yet, every DM here has said they would try to work with that player. That is the strawman.

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