D&D 5E All playable animalistic beings in 5e - wotc and third party

I decided to try to compile a list of animalistic races, sorted by world (either where they debuted or which they're most associated with), in 5e. Took a look at a numbger of settings for 5, both official and third party, may expand it in the future if you have a setting I missed worth mentioning. Tried to not double the species, so I only mentioned them again if they were vastly different.
Also, race, species, lineage, trible are being used by me interchangeably here. Each position also mentions which anime it's based on

Wizards of the Coast
  • Amonkhet
    • Aven (bird)
    • Khenra (jackal)
    • Naga (snake)
  • Dark Sun
    • Thri-kreen (mantis)
  • Dragonlance
    • Minotaur (bull)
  • Eberron
    • Shifter (various)
  • Elemental Planes:
    • Aarakocra (bird) tied in the lore to Wind Dukes of Aaqa
    • Triton (fish)
  • Feywild
    • Centaur (Horse)
    • Harengon (rabbit)
    • Owlin (owl)
    • Satyr (people with goat traits)
  • Forgotten Realms
    • Dragonborn (dragon) originalyl from Abeir
    • Firbolg (not actually animalistic race, but often potrayed as cow people)
    • Grung (frog)
    • Halfling (suggested in PHB option to reflavor them as Mousefolk)
    • Kenku (raven)
    • Kobold (Dragon)
    • Locathah (fish)
    • Tabaxi (cat)
    • Yun-ti (snake)
  • Greyhawk
    • Lizardfolk (lizard)
  • Ixalan
    • Merfolk (fish)
    • Siren (bird)
  • Mystara
    • Tortle (turtle)
  • Ravnica
    • Loxodon (Elephant)
    • Simic Hybrid (human-animal hybrid)
  • Spelljammer
    • Giff (Hippo)
    • Hadozee (Monkey)
  • Theros
    • Leonin (lion)
Third Party Settings
  • Animal Adventures
    • Albatros
    • Baby Kraken (squid/octopus)
    • Boar
    • Cats
    • Dogs
    • Fox
    • Goat
    • Orangutan
    • Rabbit
    • Red Panda
  • Battlezoo
    • Bannog (Rabbit)
    • Cerberus (three-headed dog)
    • Cerebrophage (nauthilus)
    • Dragon (guess) with 45 different ancestries
    • G'mayun (parrot)
    • Hardiggan (ram)
    • Lamia (lion or snake)
    • Meleagris (turkey)
    • Minotaur (bull)
    • Orpok (pig)
    • Sphinx (eagle and lion)
    • Stheno (snake)
    • Werecreatures (various)
  • Beastworld
    • Bats
    • Bovines (cows)
    • Canines (dogs)
    • Celerine (rabbits)
    • Cervine (elk)
    • Dragons
    • Equines (horses)
    • Felines (cats)
    • Jackals
    • Kobolds
    • Laetines (ferrets)
    • Ligonines (armadillos, moles, sloths)
    • Murines (rodents)
    • Ovines (sheep)
    • Tenebrines (racoons and possums)
    • Ursines (bears)
    • Vulpines (foxes)
  • Blue Rose
    • Rhydan (psychic animal template you can add to animals of low enough CR)
      • Rhy-cat (cat)
      • Rhy-fen (dolphin)
      • Rhy-horse (horse)
      • Rhy-wolf (wolf)
  • Historia
    • Avians
      • Anseri (ducks, geese, pelicans, swans)
      • Corbei (crows, magpies, ravens)
      • Graconi (cranes, herons, ibises, storks)
      • Pici (nightingale, robin, sparrow, woodpecker)
      • Rapax (eagles, falcons, vultures)
      • Ruspei (chickens, peacocks, pheasants)
      • Strigi (owls)
    • Mammals
      • Canidi (dogs)
      • Edenti (anteaters, armadillos, pangolin, sloths)
      • Eulipi (hedgehogs, moles, shrews)
      • Felidi (felines)
      • Licali (coyotes, foxes, wolves)
      • Mustacci (badgers, martens, otters, raccoons, skunks, wolverines)
      • Rodenti (beavers, mice, porcupines, rabbits, squirrels)
      • Ruminisi (bovinae, deer, goats, moose, sheep)
      • Sauti (pigs)
      • Urcidi (bears)
      • Vespertili (bats, rosetti)
  • Humblewood
    • Birdfolk
      • Corvus (raven)
      • Gallus (rooster)
      • Luma (pidgeon)
      • Raptor (hawk or other bird of prey)
      • Strig (owl)
    • Humblefolk
      • Cervan (deer)
      • Hedge (hedgehog)
      • Jerbeen (mouse)
      • Mapach (Racoon)
      • Vuplin (fox)
  • The Lost Lands
    • Coprophagi (cockroach)
    • Gwyne (Pig)
  • Islands of Sina-Una
    • Carabao Tiefling (deer or carabao)
    • Umalagad Dragonborn (dragon)
  • Midgard
    • Alseid (deer-centaur)
    • Bearfolk (bear)
    • Catfolk (cat)
    • Centaur (horse)
    • Erina (hedgehog)
    • Gnoll (hyena)
    • Kobold (dragon)
    • Lizardfolk (multiple variants, lizards)
    • Minotaur (bull)
    • Ratatosk (squirrel)
    • Ratfolk (rat)
    • Ravenfolk (raven)
    • Satarre (snake)
    • Tosculi (wasp)
    • Werelion (lion)
  • Mists of Akuma
    • Enjin (Ape)
    • Hengeyokai
      • Hebu (snake)
      • Inu (dog)
      • Itachi (weasel)
      • Kitsune (fox)
      • Koi (cap)
      • Kumo (spider)
      • Kuren (crane)
      • Mujina (badger)
      • Nezumi (rat)
      • Neko (cat)
      • Saru (monkey)
      • Usagi (rabbit)
    • Kappa (turtle)
    • Pyon (frog)
    • Tanuki (racoon)
    • Tengu (bird)
  • Odyssey of the Dragonlords
    • Thyelan Centaur (horse)
    • Thyelan Medusa (snake)
    • Thyelan Minotaur (bull)
    • Thyelan Satyr (goat)
    • Thyelan Siren (bird)
  • Planegea
    • Saurians (dinosaur)
  • Ptolus
    • Assarai Lizardfolk (lizard)
    • Litorians (lion)
  • Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos
    • Dreamland Cat (actual cat, not even a humanoid cat, just a cat)
    • Ghoul (dog or hyena)
    • Gnorri (serpent or undersea creatures)
    • Zoog (bush rat or another marsupial mammal)
  • Scarred Lands
    • Asaatthi (snake)
    • Ironbred (horse, but in a way opposite of a centaur)
    • Manticora (lions)
    • Slitherin (rat)
  • Talislanta
    • Azarq (lizard)
    • Beastmen (wolves or bears?)
    • Drakken (Dragon)
    • Shaka (Lion)
    • Yann (Armadillo)
Homebrew, fan-conversions or setting-neutral third party
  • Dungeon Dad
    • Lupin (Mystara)
  • Mr. Rhexx's monsters classes (race and class as one)
    • Dragon (duh)
    • Gnoll (hyena)
    • Lycanthrope
      • Werebear (bear)
      • Wererat (rat)
      • Werewolf (wolf)
    • Serpentfolk (snake)
  • Mr. Welch's Mystara Player Handbook
    • Lupin (dog)
    • Phanaton (lemur with philiphine lemur's gliding ability)
    • Rakasta (cat)
    • Tortle (turtle)
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The Blue Rose Adventures Guide has the Rhydan (non-humanoid psychic animals). There's a template to create them from any beast up to a certain CR, but the premade ones are Rhy-cat, Rhy-wolf, Rhy-horse, and Rhy-fen (dolphin).


A suffusion of yellow
really someone created Cockroach people and called them Coprophagi?

Anything that lets you play as actually animals (intelligent or otherwise)?

The Blue Rose Adventures Guide has the Rhydan (non-humanoid psychic animals). There's a template to create them from any beast up to a certain CR, but the premade ones are Rhy-cat, Rhy-wolf, Rhy-horse, and Rhy-fen (dolphin).
Adding it to the list
you actually missed all of the new ancestries from Battlezoo products at Roll For Combat Battlezoo Online Shop. We have around three dozen playable animal ancestries and entire lines dedicated to ancestries for 5e.
Thanks, I'm looking into it and will add them.
really someone created Cockroach people and called them Coprophagi?

Anything that lets you play as actually animals (intelligent or otherwise)?
Yeah, I'm not really impressed with Frog God Games ideas...

Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos lets you play as Dreamlands Cat and, as Twiggly said above, Blue Rose has psychic animals.


I would also suggest to check out Animal Adventures from Steamforged Games. The first book gives you dogs/cats.

The second book, The Faraway Seas, gives you:

Red Panda
Baby Kraken (via a free PDF download on their website).

I also like that Red Pandas, are directly called out as being "Servants of Fire Elementals."


I decided to try to compile a list of animalistic races, sorted by world (either where they debuted or which they're most associated with), in 5e. Took a look at a numbger of settings for 5, both official and third party, may expand it in the future if you have a setting I missed worth mentioning. Tried to not double the species, so I only mentioned them again if they were vastly different.
Also, race, species, lineage, trible are being used by me interchangeably here. Each position also mentions which anime it's based on

Wizards of the Coast
  • Amonkhet
    • Aven (bird)
    • Khenra (jackal)
    • Naga (snake)
  • Dark Sun
    • Thri-kreen (mantis)
  • Dragonlance
    • Minotaur (bull)
  • Eberron
    • Shifter (various)
  • Elemental Planes:
    • Aarakocra (bird) tied in the lore to Wind Dukes of Aaqa
    • Triton (fish)
  • Feywild
    • Centaur (Horse)
    • Harengon (rabbit)
    • Owlin (owl)
    • Satyr (people with goat traits)
  • Forgotten Realms
    • Dragonborn (dragon) originalyl from Abeir
    • Firbolg (not actually animalistic race, but often potrayed as cow people)
    • Grung (frog)
    • Halfling (suggested in PHB option to reflavor them as Mousefolk)
    • Kenku (raven)
    • Kobold (Dragon)
    • Locathah (fish)
    • Tabaxi (cat)
    • Yun-ti (snake)
  • Greyhawk
    • Lizardfolk (lizard)
  • Ixalan
    • Merfolk (fish)
    • Siren (bird)
  • Mystara
    • Tortle (turtle)
  • Ravnica
    • Loxodon (Elephant)
    • Simic Hybrid (human-animal hybrid)
  • Spelljammer
    • Giff (Hippo)
    • Hadozee (Monkey)
  • Theros
    • Leonin (lion)
Third Party Settings
  • Battlezoo
    • Bannog (Rabbit)
    • Cerberus (three-headed dog)
    • Cerebrophage (nauthilus)
    • Dragon (guess) with 45 different ancestries
    • G'mayun (parrot)
    • Hardiggan (ram)
    • Lamia (lion or snake)
    • Meleagris (turkey)
    • Minotaur (bull)
    • Orpok (pig)
    • Sphinx (eagle and lion)
    • Stheno (snake)
    • Werecreatures (various)
  • Blue Rose
    • Rhydan (psychic animal template you can add to animals of low enough CR)
      • Rhy-cat (cat)
      • Rhy-fen (dolphin)
      • Rhy-horse (horse)
      • Rhy-wolf (wolf)
  • Humblewood
    • Birdfolk
      • Raptor (raven)
      • Gallus (rooster)
      • Luma (pidgeon)
      • Raptor (hawk or other bird of prey)
      • Strig (owl)
    • Humblefolk
      • Cervan (deer)
      • Hedge (hedgehog)
      • Jerbeen (mouse)
      • Mapach (Racoon)
      • Vuplin (fox)
  • The Lost Lands
    • Coprophagi (cockroach)
    • Gwyne (Pig)
  • Islands of Sina-Una
    • Carabao Tiefling (deer or carabao)
    • Umalagad Dragonborn (dragon)
  • Midgard
    • Alseid (deer-centaur)
    • Bearfolk (bear)
    • Catfolk (cat)
    • Centaur (horse)
    • Erina (hedgehog)
    • Gnoll (hyena)
    • Kobold (dragon)
    • Lizardfolk (multiple variants, lizards)
    • Minotaur (bull)
    • Ratatosk (squirrel)
    • Ratfolk (rat)
    • Ravenfolk (raven)
    • Satarre (snake)
    • Tosculi (wasp)
    • Werelion (lion)
  • Mists of Akuma
    • Enjin (Ape)
    • Hengeyokai
      • Inu (dog)
      • Kitsune (fox)
      • Kumo (spider)
      • Kuren (crane)
      • Nezumi (rat)
      • Neko (cat)
      • Saru (monkey)
    • Kappa (turtle)
    • Pyon (frog)
    • Tanuki (racoon)
    • Tengu (bird)
  • Odyssey of the Dragonlords
    • Thyelan Centaur (horse)
    • Thyelan Medusa (snake)
    • Thyelan Minotaur (bull)
    • Thyelan Satyr (goat)
    • Thyelan Siren (bird)
  • Ptolus
    • Assarai Lizardfolk (lizard)
    • Litorians (lion)
  • Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos
    • Dreamland Cat (actual cat, not even a humanoid cat, just a cat)
    • Ghoul (dog or hyena)
    • Gnorri (serpent or undersea creatures)
    • Zoog (bush rat or another marsupial mammal)
  • Scarred Lands
    • Asaatthi (snake)
    • Ironbred (horse, but in a way opposite of a centaur)
    • Manticora (lions)
    • Slitherin (rat)
  • Talislanta
    • Azarq (lizard)
    • Beastmen (wolves or bears?)
    • Drakken (Dragon)
    • Shaka (Lion)
    • Yann (Armadillo)
Homebrew, fan-conversions or setting-neutral third party
  • Dungeon Dad
    • Lupin (Mystara)
  • Mr. Rhexx's monsters classes (race and class as one)
    • Dragon (duh)
    • Gnoll (hyena)
    • Lycanthrope
      • Werebear (bear)
      • Wererat (rat)
      • Werewolf (wolf)
    • Serpentfolk (snake)
  • Mr. Welch's Mystara Player Handbook
    • Lupin (dog)
    • Phanaton (lemur with philiphine lemur's gliding ability)
    • Rakasta (cat)
    • Tortle (turtle)
Now do all the playable constructs options.

Preeeeetty please???

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