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Staff member
I was surprised to hear even Tokyo has homeless. For some reason I expected the more socially advanced countries like Sweden and Japan to have the homeless sorted out.
All major cities have homeless people. It’s just a question of how many. As I recall, the Northern European socialist democracies essentially provided government housing to most of theirs, but there’s still some who refuse the service (for a variety of reasons).

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I am the mysterious professor.
Supposedly we have enough vacant homes to house all the homeless in the country. Imagine the difference that could make if people were willing to do it. Even if developers gave just 10% of new construction it would do wonders. But with the "boot strap" mentality and "not in my backyard" it'll never go over with the populace. There's no incentive for the developer either. Le sigh


Staff member
Supposedly we have enough vacant homes to house all the homeless in the country. Imagine the difference that could make if people were willing to do it. Even if developers gave just 10% of new construction it would do wonders. But with the "boot strap" mentality and "not in my backyard" it'll never go over with the populace. There's no incentive for the developer either. Le sigh
In the outskirts of downtown Dallas, not far from where I live, there is a building that has been empty and fenced off for more than a decade. Before that happened, it had operated as a hotel for two different hotel chains.

By use of either eminent domain or simply buying the property, Dallas would have access to a few hundred lockable rooms with bathrooms attached, plus facilities for on-site management, dining, event hosting, and excercise, on a city bus route just minutes from one of the airports and downtown proper.

Spain has an entire abandoned city with a now-silent airport.
Ciudad Valdeluz is a suburb of Madrid, Spain. It was meant to be city of 30,000, but only 1,000 people took up residence there after construction halted in 2008 with 75% of the city unfinished due to the economic downturn. The few residents still there are being served by a supermarket, a corner shop and a medical center open twice a week. A security patrol watches over the deserted streets and the empty buildings. Not only could Spain help their own homeless issues, it could also be part of their solution for dealing with international refugees.

Japan is experiencing negative population growth, and has villages in that are in danger of becoming ghost towns. Same thing in Italy.

Thing is, “N.I.M.B.Y.” is a real force in decision making, and creative solutions and the power to implement them rarely go hand in hand, Ditto political willpower.

And it’s rare that people accept the answer that doing things a new way will be cheaper to the question “how will we pay for it?” Even when you can show them the numbers on a spreadsheet.


I am the mysterious professor.
I have this bug bite on my leg. At first I thought it was a mosquito. It blistered. I scratched my leg and felt wetness. At first I thought it was blood. My mom said she thought it's a fire ant bite. I'm afraid it a spider bite. If it was a fire ant bite I should have felt it. After the blister popped I put antibacterial cream on it and a bandaid. I'm going to keep a closer eye on it.

It happened last Thursday as best I can tell. That was the day my mom and I were working in the yard. I don't believe it's infected. No warm feeling and the redness is in just a small area.
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I am the mysterious professor.
I DID IT!!!! I replaced two different light bulbs in my car. One map light and a turn signal. One of the turn signal bulbs broke when the wind blew it off the front of the car. I'm glad I had 2.

I'm becoming a real DIYer. For the longest time my dad was the fixer. After he got sick he couldn't anymore. I started going to my brother in law. He's getting to a point where he's less willing to help out with things. I'm having to figure out how to do some things myself. Luckily my car makes it easy to change the front bulbs at least. The rear lights are another story.


I am the mysterious professor.
I haven't been able to find spinach or lettuce. Got some cabbage and red cabbage. Gonna give chocolate mint a try. It has a slight chocolatey smell.
Chocolate mint is one on floor.


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I am the mysterious professor.
In 12 short years the original Superman will be public domain. In 12 short years an endless parade of original Superman movies will begin, much like Dracula, Robin Hood, and King Arthur. I for one, welcome our new ubermensch overlord.

In 12 short years the original Superman will be public domain. In 12 short years an endless parade of original Superman movies will begin, much like Dracula, Robin Hood, and King Arthur. I for one, welcome our new ubermensch overlord.
In 12 short years copyright law will change.

Voidrunner's Codex

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