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D&D General Ranking the Pillars of Play

How would you rank the pillars of play, in order of preference?

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I voted social > combat > exploration, but it really depends on definition of what exploration means. If I'm running a murder mystery it seems to bounce between social and trying to resolve secrets which kind of equates to exploration. On the other hand I've never found traditional dungeon or hex crawls all that interesting. I like them now and then as a change of pace but not as the centerpiece of most games.

I agree that social aspects of the game are very rules light, but that's kind of my preference. I'd rather just make judgement calls on overall social standing than have a set of rules. The problem I've seen in the past is that if you have rules about how this stuff works (especially transparent systems) the social interaction becomes akin to a tactical mini-game.

I voted social over combat because while it's rare, there are times when entire sessions with no combat. I do try to balance it out, but once again I like the variety. You never know when that negotiation is going to go south but there are also times when you can avoid combat altogether if you just talk.


Moderator Emeritus
Theory: amount of control is proportional to the amount of satisfaction.

In my experience, players tend to have more control over the Combat pillar and the least amount of control over Exploration...so players tend to enjoy combat scenes quite a bit, and really hate having to 'waste time' disarming traps, solving riddles, and searching for secret doors.

Dungeon Masters are the inverse: they have the least amount of control over Combat and the most control over Exploration...so DMs tend to enjoy hiding things and inventing stuff for the players to solve, and see combat as something that slows (or even prevents) the party from 'making progress.'

And both sides of the table seem to have about the same amount of control over the Social pillar, so they tend to shrug at it. "Sure, we can talk to those guards, maybe try to bribe them...but if I get bored, I'm going to start stabbing them."

Maybe. I may be the exception, but I am a DM who loves combat.


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
The concept of a Downtime pillar came up tangentially during a massive thread in here a year or so back around the relevance/importance of the Exploration pillar. Some of us realized that most if not all downtime activities don't fit at all well into the three existing pillars, and that a fourth pillar might make sense; I thought this was a great idea and have been advocating for it ever since.
I know some people care for this, but I can totally leave it. I don't care about crafting, slow healing, shopping, building a house, training level ups, etc... Lets get to the action already!


I know some people care for this, but I can totally leave it. I don't care about crafting, slow healing, shopping, building a house, training level ups, etc... Lets get to the action already!

I'm into all that but I want it to take 5 minutes.

One game I had a downtime action that could be taken during level up. Choose an action, roll dice, and then get a bonus. That added 5 minutes onto downtime. Wouldn't want more than that.

Levelling up does tend to take more time than I want it to. Ideally players would do it between sessions but in practice they don't.


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
I'm into all that but I want it to take 5 minutes.

One game I had a downtime action that could be taken during level up. Choose an action, roll dice, and then get a bonus. That added 5 minutes onto downtime. Wouldn't want more than that.
I could probably live with that.
Levelling up does tend to take more time than I want it to. Ideally players would do it between sessions but in practice they don't.
I moved to milestone leveling so it never happens mid-session anymore when I run the game.

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