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D&D General #Dungeon23


Room 65 - Tum-Tum and Friends

This doorless 15'x15' room has a curtain of rough cloth covering the entrance. The floor is covered with scattered random pieces of metal (parts of a stove, pieces of armor, a few shields, swords, broken swords), wood unsuitable for woodworking (a few board pieces with big blemishes, sticks from somewhere, a split broom stick), and some badly dyed fabric.

Looking carefully will show that some of the refuse seems to be set up as little shelters with beds, chairs, and tables. And in the south west corner there is a little wooden frame that the Boggle Tum-Tum can use to get to 66 or 67.

In addition to Tum-Tum, Grandma's grandchildren Belle and Gretel (rotatingly played by the six pixies - Aestyl, Bowynn, Briasa, Cherel, Stegeutel, and Yssa ) live here. While Tum-Tum stays in the suite of rooms, the pixies will occasionally venture out to play pranks in other parts of the vault. They don't quite know what to make of Grandma, but having two of them visiting her will often get them some tasty snacks (and luckily Grandma doesn't seem able to tell them apart).

View attachment 273909

Pixie names courtesy of https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/pixie-names.php .

Room 64 - Grandma's House

The door to this 15'x15 room has a 2'x2' square window (with glass!) cut perfectly for someone about 5'2" tall, with blue curtains on the inside. A metal door knocker is below the window, and the wall near the door frame is painted to make it look like part of a country cottage door. The door can be barred, DC 146 to open.

Inside, the room smells of freshly baked cookies and wet dog, and a smiling elderly woman will greet any guests... a smiling elderly woman with big teeth and ears.... a hunched over 6' tall anthropomorphic wolf dressed as a grandmother will greet any guests with an offer of a seat and tea and cookies. It is seemingly impossible to make the wolf reveal it really is a wolf (except visually, obviously) because it truly thinks it is Grandma to dear Belle and Greta next door (room 65 - they have a 50% chance of being visiting during any afternoon if they have not already been encountered).

Her well-lit (by oil lanterns) room is her bedroom/kitchen/pantry/guestroom and has all of the things one would expect, including a portrait of a human grandmother and two teenage granddaughters hanging over the cedar chest. She will happily trade a pie for fresh food-stuffs (which she otherwise takes as gifts from others on the floor or can by from a passing food merchant).

Grandma is aware of "that stinker Tum-Tum" and will try to warn his granddaughters and any visiting young women away from him. She will mention that "dear Mr. Rubro" will come fix her furniture once in a while, but isn't sure where he lives in any detail (she doesn't leave her cottage at her age), and that once every month and a half or so she hides under the covers as "that terrible Rider" races down the corridor. She hasn't had many visitors over the past month or two - that Bugbear was not friendly at all, the poor Elf looked like she was heading for trouble, and those were the naughtiest gnomes she had run into for a while. She knows that the cottage across the road has an awful secret and she thinks it tries to give her nightmares -- but she says her prayers to ward them off.

If threatened she will retreat to her bed. If she is attacked she will cower while defending herself with her rolling pin and frying pan if available - sometimes in ways she will deny later ("of course I didn't bite you, are you ill?"). If her granddaughters are attacked she will turn into a forgetful whirlwind of matronly death.



The description of Grandma below is an adaptation of material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at Systems Reference Document | Dungeons & Dragons. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 .

Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger), Neutral Good

Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 104 (16d8 + 32)
Speed: 30 ft (40 ft. in Wolf Form)

Str 16 (+3), Dex 13 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 13 (+1)

Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +3
Damage Resistance: Lightning, Cold; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Passive Perception 15
Languages: Common
Challenge 4: (1,100 XP)

Playing the Part - Grandma does not know she is a wolf and will not recognize that she is one. She even looks like a Grandma to others at first. Each round each person viewing her makes a DC 13 perception check - the first success reveals a beastly feature, the seond success reveals that she seems to be a humanoid wolf. She reverts to the form of a wolf if she dies. Greater Restoration (or similar effect of 5th level or higher) will release Grandma from this delusion and restore him to his Neutral Evil self. When restored he can use an action to polymorph into a wolf or back into its hybrid human-wolf humanoid form. His statistics are the same in both forms and any equipment he is wearing or carrying doesn't transformed. He reverts to wolf form if he dies. When restored he also knows a ritual to summon and bind a Gale Mephit once per full moon (see room 66) and can cast Disguise Self once per day without using any components. He also speaks Auran, Winter Wolf, and Worg when in humanoid form.

Keen Hearing and Smelling - Grandma has advantage on wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Relentless - If Grandma takes 14 damage or less that would reduce her to 0 hit points, she is reduced to 1 hit point instead.


Multiattack: Grandma can make two attacks, either claws and bit, or frying pan and rolling pin.

Bite: Melee weapon attack +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) piercing damage. If the target is a creature it must succeed on a DC 13 strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Claws: Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target, Hit 8 (2d4+3) slashing damage.

Frying Pan: Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one target, Hit 6 (1d6 +3)

Rolling Pin: Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one target, Hit 5 (1d4 +3)

Elemental Breath (recharge 6): Grandma can make one of two breath attacks

Wind: A strong line of wind 60 feet long and 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 13 Strength Saving throw. A creature takes 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage and is pushed 15 feet away on a failed save. The wind disperses gas or vapor, extinguishes candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames in the area.

Cold: A freezing wind in a 15 foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dex saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) dold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

The next room created (#63) is in post #423 D&D General - #Dungeon23 .

Edited 31Jan2023 to add speed to stat block.
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Room 64 - Grandma's House

The door to this 15'x15 room has a 2'x2' square window (with glass!) cut perfectly for someone about 5'2" tall, with blue curtains on the inside. A metal door knocker is below the window, and the wall near the door frame is painted to make it look like part of a country cottage door. The door can be barred, DC 146 to open.

Inside, the room smells of freshly baked cookies and wet dog, and a smiling elderly woman will greet any guests... a smiling elderly woman with big teeth and ears.... a hunched over 6' tall anthropomorphic wolf dressed as a grandmother will greet any guests with an offer of a seat and tea and cookies. It is seemingly impossible to make the wolf reveal it really is a wolf (except visually, obviously) because it truly thinks it is Grandma to dear Belle and Greta next door (room 65 - they have a 50% chance of being visiting during any afternoon if they have not already been encountered).

Her well-lit (by oil lanterns) room is her bedroom/kitchen/pantry/guestroom and has all of the things one would expect, including a portrait of a human grandmother and two teenage granddaughters hanging over the cedar chest. She will happily trade a pie for fresh food-stuffs (which she otherwise takes as gifts from others on the floor or can by from a passing food merchant).

Grandma is aware of "that stinker Tum-Tum" and will try to warn his granddaughters and any visiting young women away from him. She will mention that "dear Mr. Rubro" will come fix her furniture once in a while, but isn't sure where he lives in any detail (she doesn't leave her cottage at her age), and that once every month and a half or so she hides under the covers as "that terrible Rider" races down the corridor. She hasn't had many visitors over the past month or two - that Bugbear was not friendly at all, the poor Elf looked like she was heading for trouble, and those were the naughtiest gnomes she had run into for a while. She knows that the cottage across the road has an awful secret and she thinks it tries to give her nightmares -- but she says her prayers to ward them off.

If threatened she will retreat to her bed. If she is attacked she will cower while defending herself with her rolling pin and frying pan if available - sometimes in ways she will deny later ("of course I didn't bite you, are you ill?"). If her granddaughters are attacked she will turn into a forgetful whirlwind of matronly death.

View attachment 274027

Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger), Neutral Good

Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 104 (16d8 + 32)

Str 16 (+3), Dex 13 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 13 (+1)

Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +3
Damage Resistance: Lightning, Cold; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft.; Passive Perception 15
Languages: Common
Challenge 4: (1,100 XP)

Playing the Part - Grandma does not know she is a wolf and will not recognize that she is one. She even looks like a Grandma to others at first. Each round each person viewing her makes a DC 13 perception check - the first success reveals a beastly feature, the seond success reveals that she seems to be a humanoid wolf. She reverts to the form of a wolf if she dies. Greater Restoration (or similar effect of 5th level or higher) will release Grandma from this delusion and restore him to his Neutral Evil self. When restored he can use an action to polymorph into a wolf or back into its hybrid human-wolf humanoid form. His statistics are the same in both forms and any equipment he is wearing or carrying doesn't transformed. He reverts to wolf form if he dies. When restored he also knows a ritual to summon and bind a Gale Mephit once per full moon (see room 66) and can cast Disguise Self once per day without using any components. He also speaks Auran, Winter Wolf, and Worg when in humanoid form.

Keen Hearing and Smelling - Grandma has advantage on wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Relentless - If Grandma takes 14 damage or less that would reduce her to 0 hit points, she is reduced to 1 hit point instead.


Multiattack: Grandma can make two attacks, either claws and bit, or frying pan and rolling pin.

Bite: Melee weapon attack +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) piercing damage. If the target is a creature it must succeed on a DC 13 strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Claws: Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target, Hit 8 (2d4+3) slashing damage.

Frying Pan: Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one target, Hit 6 (1d6 +3)

Rolling Pin: Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one target, Hit 5 (1d4 +3)

Elemental Breath (recharge 6): Grandma can make one of two breath attacks

Wind: A strong line of wind 60 feet long and 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 13 Strength Saving throw. A creature takes 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage and is pushed 15 feet away on a failed save. The wind disperses gas or vapor, extinguishes candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames in the area.

Cold: A freezing wind in a 15 foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dex saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) dold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Room 63 - The South Fey Hallway

This 45'x 10' hallway has a high arched ceiling - 15' at the edges and 18' in the middle. The hall has three doors on each side (well, one is a curtain), and a large painting at the south end. The north end likely had a door at one point but it is missing, and the fountain in 53 can be seen and the bubbling can be heard. The solid stone and brick walls for the hall and rooms in this wing have an off white high-quality stucco applied and the doors are a solid unbound oak with brass handles. The stone floor is covered with flagstone, and the floor in the hall shows scattered chippings that might be from horse hooves (a DC 18 check - DC 12 after seeing the painting - would reveal it is only three hooves). The rooms have 10' ceilings and lighting as noted in their individual descriptions. For the hall, there are four lanterns affixed to the walls (between the doors) illuminated by continual flame. Having light on both sides does much to minimize shadows.

  • The door to room 64 has a 2'x2' square window (with glass!) cut perfectly for someone about 5'2" tall, with blue curtains visible on the inside.
  • The doorway to room 65 has a curtain of rough cloth covering the entrance.
  • The door to room 66 has a finely printed sign that says "Please Keep Door Closed" (matching the printing used on a note that can be found in 70).
  • The door to room 67 is boring.
  • The door to room 68 has a finely printed sign that says "Broom Closet" in the same script as the sign on 66.
  • The door to room 70 is also boring.

There is a 6' wide by 10' tall painting at the south end of the hallway that radiates an excessive amount of Conjuration magic. For 47 and 5/6 of every 48 days the painting shows a large headless man in black armor, wielding a bone whip with one hand and cradling his head in the other, who is riding a three legged horse under two moons (that move slightly each day). In the middle 4 hours of the 48th night the two moons in the picture join together and the Dullahan will ride out on his Helhest and go after anything in the south hall, fountain room (room 53) , or north hall (room 54).

If a move is made to attack the picture while it is occupied, an aura of terror erupts in a 30 foot radius and a DC 15 wisdom saving throw before a move may be made to attack, harm, or cover the picture. Those failing the save also suffer from the frightened condition until the save is made. It is, for 47 and 5/6 days of every 48 just a picture and so is easy to destroy if the save is made. If this happens the Dullahan and Helhest will burst forth to battle the offenders for five rounds before being sucked into a black whirlpool to await Kiven Valpus and the wards failing (see room 2) so it can go home. (The Dullahan, Helhest, and anything else undead trapped in the picture with them will be at full strength if they have been in the picture for at least 24 hours before being brought back out).

Four hours out of each 48 days that it is empty, the painting is actually a doorway to a 20' cube prison of oppressive darkness, dying grass, stale wind, and two small moons seemingly being projected in. Anyone in there when the time is expiring will notice that the hallway appears to be going into the distance and the wind is slowing. They will have to fight past the returning occupants (assuming they haven't been defeated already) and leave the picture in 1d6+1 rounds, or they will then be frozen in the picture for either 47 and 2/3 days or until someone destroys the picture. (Freeing them for good in the condition they were imprisoned - and releasing the usual occupants as indicated above if they are there too).


The Dullahan (CR 5, Medium Undead) and Helhest (CR 4, Large Undead) are from Izegrim Creations's "Twilight Fables" - except that the Dullahan doesn't have a particular target. See D&D 5E - Twilight Fables Now Publicly Available! or contact @Sacrosanct to get a copy.

The next room created (#60) is in post #426 D&D General - #Dungeon23 .
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Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
A hex level with acid lakes throughout where the tiefling hordes of Zariel and Mammon battle the high elf hosts of Corallon
The acid pits release this foetid cloud/fog layer that covers everything

However, above the cloud cover 500 feet up the south wall is a small community of chamelon and gekko folk just trying to survive on their giant strangler vine and bromeliad village



Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”

Rat Warren

  • 1.27 Nest Room
    • Debris, bones, stink.
    • Alert characters (skill check?) hear noises and might see movement at exits
    • Giant rats attack the third time characters enter one of these chambers, unless they have already assisted in 1.28
  • 1.28 Rat Boss Room
    • Extra-large and intelligent rat boss, with guards
    • Starting with the 2nd round of combat, and each round thereafter, more rats join the fight
  • 1.29 Rat Treasure Room
    • Where the rats keep their best...stuff
    • Buried under a pile of bones is some treasure, including a minor magic item


Room 63 - The South Fey Hallway

This 45'x 10' hallway has a high arched ceiling - 15' at the edges and 18' in the middle. The hall has three doors on each side (well, one is a curtain), and a large painting at the south end. The north end likely had a door at one point but it is missing, and the fountain in 62 can be seen and the bubbling can be heard. The solid stone and brick walls for the hall and rooms in this wing have an off white high-quality stucco applied and the doors are a solid unbound oak with brass handles. The stone floor is covered with flagstone, and the floor in the hall shows scattered chippings that might be from horse hooves (a DC 18 check - DC 12 after seeing the painting - would reveal it is only three hooves). The rooms have 10' ceilings and lighting as noted in their individual descriptions. For the hall, there are four lanterns affixed to the walls (between the doors) illuminated by continual flame. Having light on both sides does much to minimize shadows.

  • The door to room 64 has a 2'x2' square window (with glass!) cut perfectly for someone about 5'2" tall, with blue curtains visible on the inside.
  • The doorway to room 65 has a curtain of rough cloth covering the entrance.
  • The door to room 66 has a finely printed sign that says "Please Keep Door Closed" (matching the printing used on a note that can be found in 70).
  • The door to room 67 is boring.
  • The door to room 69 has a finely printed sign that says "Broom Closet" in the same script as the sign on 66.
  • The door to room 70 is also boring.

There is a 6' wide by 10' tall painting at the south end of the hallway that radiates an excessive amount of Conjuration magic. For 47 and 5/6 of every 48 days the painting shows a large headless man in black armor, wielding a bone whip with one hand and cradling his head in the other, who is riding a three legged horse under two moons (that move slightly each day). In the middle 4 hours of the 48th night the two moons in the picture join together and the Dullahan will ride out on his Helhest and go after anything in the south hall, fountain room (room 62) , or north hall (room 61).

If a move is made to attack the picture while it is occupied, an aura of terror erupts in a 30 foot radius and a DC 15 wisdom saving throw before a move may be made to attack, harm, or cover the picture. Those failing the save also suffer from the frightened condition until the save is made. It is, for 47 and 5/6 days of every 48 just a picture and so is easy to destroy if the save is made. If this happens the Dullahan and Helhest will burst forth to battle the offenders for five rounds before being sucked into a black whirlpool to await Kiven Valpus and the wards failing (see room 2) so it can go home. (The Dullahan, Helhest, and anything else undead trapped in the picture with them will be at full strength if they have been in the picture for at least 24 hours before being brought back out).

Four hours out of each 48 days that it is empty, the painting is actually a doorway to a 20' cube prison of oppressive darkness, dying grass, stale wind, and two small moons seemingly being projected in. Anyone in there when the time is expiring will notice that the hallway appears to be going into the distance and the wind is slowing. They will have to fight past the returning occupants (assuming they haven't been defeated already) and leave the picture in 1d6+1 rounds, or they will then be frozen in the picture for either 47 and 2/3 days or until someone destroys the picture. (Freeing them for good in the condition they were imprisoned - and releasing the usual occupants as indicated above if they are there too).

View attachment 274072

The Dullahan (CR 5, Medium Undead) and Helhest (CR 4, Large Undead) are from Izegrim Creations's "Twilight Fables" - except that the Dullahan doesn't have a particular target. See D&D 5E - Twilight Fables Now Publicly Available! or contact @Sacrosanct to get a copy.

60 - Myrsina's "Cottage"

This 15'x15' room has a wooden door with a brass vase attached to the middle of it containing three carved wooden roses, a peep-hole that can be covered from the inside, and a small brass knocker. The door is reinforced on the inside and has a stout bar (DC 20 to break open).

Myrsina is a beautiful human woman, somewhere in her mid-20s to early 30s with almond colored skin, large inviting eyes, and long black hair. She cooks and keeps house for the Dwarves who live across the way (room 55) and for anyone who would like to board (room 56). She will be loathe to open the door if the dwarves are not around for protection (they are usually back most evenings) and keeps an axe on the lowest pantry shelf for protection.

The room itself has a thick, weighted, forest-green curtain separating the more public space from her private space further back, with the entrance through a slit by the pantry shelves. The woodworking Redcap in the south hall has made her some nice furniture and she works to keep the several stools, a small table, some pantry shelves, and a stove in the front clean. Her stove, like Grandma's (in 64) is heated by a magical brick and there is a lantern with Continual Flame hanging above the table. Behind the curtain, her bed is a grotesque mess, the floor is covered with dirty clothes and pieces of food/humanoids, and her chamber pot is probably overflowing. Luckily the smell is suppressed by the Censer of Spring Air she lights whenever a guest knocks. She wishes it was one of Autumn Air with that hint of decay, but what are you going to do.

Myrsina is actually a Green Hag and loves for small groups to board or for severely injured larger parties to think they will be safe coming back to rest and recover. On the other hand, a large healthy group has nothing to fear and she will be a perfect hostess and likely even give truthful information about everyone except her children next door (room 59) and the dwarves. If an attack is going poorly, she will invisibly flee, open the door to 59 if possible, and then head to the fountain in 62.


Censer of Spring Air - Wondrous item, uncommon.
While the incense is burning in this censer, unpleasant odors are removed from the person lighting it and are suppressed in an up to 20'x20' room where they are replaced with the smell of a spring field and orchard. The censer can be used for up to 3 hours each day, recharging again at dawn (minimum of 15 minutes usage counted against it each time it is lit). Anyone trying to track by scent will have disadvantage while it is lit or if the target passed through the area.

The next room created (#59) is in post #430 D&D General - #Dungeon23 .
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I think I've got this whole Dungeon23 thing bass ackwards...
So far, after one month, I've mapped, populated and written in-depth histories of probably everything in a fifty-mile radius of the dungeon, but only drawn one room that's actually in the dungeon itself... :rolleyes:
Tonight alone I wrote over 1000 words of description.

I probably should have started a new dungeon instead of using this as a motivator to finally getting around to doing the dungeon portion of an adventure idea I've been kicking around for years, lol.

"A lost Dwarven outpost suddenly revealed by the draining of a small swamp" has ballooned into a thousand years of history and a map of almost a thousand square miles, including a marsh the size of the Great Lakes, a millennium-old magical cataclysm, a huge petrified forest, a disappearing mountain, a disappearing wizard, the diaspora of an indigenous people caused by capitalist expansion, and pirates!
(Did I mention the lizardmen wearing pants?)

But hey, at least I'm working on it, right? (y)


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
I added a room on the 25th but didn't post it. Then at 3am on the 26th, I realized I wanted to change my approach and rearrange some things. I finally got caught up today. Here's the result:

Dungeon of the Erased Quarters

Upper level:
The dungeon is located under a hill called Wyncouche Height where a small tower once stood. If a wandering monster encounter is indicated in this area, it will be with “The Ragged Stalkers”, 14 weretigers belonging to a loose collection of weretiger packs that claims the hill for its territory.

Level One

1. Entrance
(not pictured): A 10’ wide stairway leads down 30’ into the hillside and opens onto a 20’ x 20’ room with no other visible exit. The difficulty of finding a secret door by spending ten minutes searching a ten foot section of wall is very hard. On a success, there is a 50% chance that a wandering monster comes in through the door from the other side. A secret passage leads to room 2 (See Level 1 map).

2. The secret passage from 1 leads into this 10’ x 10’ room which is occupied by 4 orcs: Gurak, Gomoku, Opaugh, and Wurgoth.

3. This 10’ x 10’ room is empty.

4. This 20’ x 20’ room is empty.

5. This 30’ x 40’ room is occupied by a giant toad.

6. This 30’ x 30’ room is empty.

7. This 20’ x 20’ room is empty.

8. This 10’ x 20’ room is empty.

9. This 30’ x 40’ room is empty.

10. This 20’ x 30’ room is empty.

E (Elevator room): Once the party has entered this 20’ x 20’ room, the room descends to Level 2 and will not ascend for 5 hours.

11. This 30’ x 30’ room is empty.

12. This 20’ x 20’ room is occupied by a giant toad.

13. This roughly 30’ x 240’ room is inhabited by 9 orcs: Ulumpha, Snak, Teldgulg, Sharn, Bolar, Yonkathu, Sharog, Ghorza, and Ugghra. The orcs have 55 gp and a gem worth 55 gp among their belongings.

14. This 20’ x 20’ room is empty.

15. This 20’ x 20’ room is empty. The difficulty of finding the secret door is very hard. On a failure, a 10’ pit opens with a medium difficulty save to avoid falling in.

16. This 10’ x 10’ room is empty.

17. A pair of double doors leads into this 20’ x 40’ room which is occupied by 12 kobolds: Bruzzerk Shatterflaw, Shelda Leadflaw, Edin Stonebuckle, Strer Brownfall, Chroz Fistbuckle, Khneku Brickborn, Chirgirg Hornfeather, Grauk Flaskdigger, Chridne Plategazer, Stris Brewfist, Zidjees Wildmail, and Ding Skullflare.

18. This 30’ x 40’ room is empty.

19. This 10’ x 10’ room is empty.

20. This 20’ x 20’ chamber is empty.

21. The secret door from 15 leads into this 30’ x 40’ room which is empty.

22. This 20’ x 20’ room is empty.

23. A pair of double doors leads into this 20’ x 30’ room which is empty.

24. This 40’ x 60’ chamber is empty.

25. This 40’ x 40’ room is empty.

26. This 20’ x 20’ chamber is empty.

27. This 30’ x 30’ chamber is empty.

28. A pair of double doors leads into this roughly 17’ radius circular room which is empty. There is a one-way door out to the hallway.

29. This 20’ x 20’ chamber contains the door to E2.

E2 (Elevator room): Once the party has entered this 20’ x 20’ room, the room descends to Level 2 and will not ascend for 10 hours. If an attempt to open the door is unsuccessful, the room descends to Level 3.


I think I've got this whole Dungeon23 thing bass ackwards...
So far, after one month, I've mapped, populated and written in-depth histories of probably everything in a fifty-mile radius of the dungeon, but only drawn one room that's actually in the dungeon itself... :rolleyes:

All of this work counts! For sure. The spirit of this is simply to create new content for your game. Writing in-depth histories of everything around your dungeon is an awesome start. (I don't even know if the various areas that I've developed are in the same dungeon.) My only recommendation is to share your work here so that we can be inspired by it.


60 - Myrsina's "Cottage"

This 15'x15' room has a wooden door with a brass vase attached to the middle of it containing three carved wooden roses, a peep-hole that can be covered from the inside, and a small brass knocker. The door is reinforced on the inside and has a stout bar (DC 20 to break open).

Myrsina is a beautiful human woman, somewhere in her mid-20s to early 30s with almond colored skin, large inviting eyes, and long black hair. She cooks and keeps house for the Dwarves who live across the way (room 55) and for anyone who would like to board (room 56). She will be loathe to open the door if the dwarves are not around for protection (they are usually back most evenings) and keeps an axe on the lowest pantry shelf for protection.

The room itself has a thick, weighted, forest-green curtain separating the more public space from her private space further back, with the entrance through a slit by the pantry shelves. The woodworking Redcap in the south hall has made her some nice furniture and she works to keep the several stools, a small table, some pantry shelves, and a stove in the front clean. Her stove, like Grandma's (in 64) is heated by a magical brick and there is a lantern with Continual Flame hanging above the table. Behind the curtain, her bed is a grotesque mess, the floor is covered with dirty clothes and pieces of food/humanoids, and her chamber pot is probably overflowing. Luckily the smell is suppressed by the Censer of Spring Air she lights whenever a guest knocks. She wishes it was one of Autumn Air with that hint of decay, but what are you going to do.

Myrsina is actually a Green Hag and loves for small groups to board or for severely injured larger parties to think they will be safe coming back to rest and recover. On the other hand, a large healthy group has nothing to fear and she will be a perfect hostess and likely even give truthful information about everyone except her children next door (room 59) and the dwarves. If an attack is going poorly, she will invisibly flee, open the door to 59 if possible, and then head to the fountain in 62.

View attachment 274158

Censer of Spring Air - Wondrous item, uncommon.
While the incense is burning in this censer, unpleasant odors are removed from the person lighting it and are suppressed in an up to 20'x20' room where they are replaced with the smell of a spring field and orchard. The censer can be used for up to 3 hours each day, recharging again at dawn (minimum of 15 minutes usage counted against it each time it is lit). Anyone trying to track by scent will have disadvantage while it is lit or if the target passed through the area.

Room 59 - The Nursery

The reinforced wooden door of this 15'x15' room is locked and protected by an Arcane Lock (keyed to Myrsina in 60; without the Arcane lock it is DC 15 to pick the lock or force it open, with it it is DC 25). There is no sound from the other side. A dispel magic spell cast on the door after dusk will also remove the silence effect of the plaque affixed to the other side of the door until the next dusk (a knock spell only affects the Arcane lock). Removing the silence effect would make for a very noisy night!

The room appears to be a long unused nursery with a layer of dust on the floor (no footprints). The flagstone floor has a large dark-brown bearskin rug in the middle with several toys on it, two empty cribs against the wall (one with a lidded diaper bucket), two small beds (with chamber pots underneath), a small cabinet filled with childrens' clothes of different sizes, and a pair of bowls, spoons, and cups (with lids with small holes in them) on top. There are two hooks on the walls (one east, one west) with unlit but filled oil lamps.

Anyone moving the rug and checking the floor will notice that several of the flagstones are not well mortared in and are very loose. The hole has the bones of eight children rudely stuffed into cloth bags or articles of clothing. Five of the remains are apparently either human, elvish, or orc and the other three are halfling or gnome, and they range from toddler to pre-teen.

Myrsina hasn't had much of a chance to dispose of parents and adopt children recently. Four of the ones she had adopted now haunt this place at night (or if their bones are disturbed during the day) as Mylings (a toddler elf girl, four year old half-orc boy, six year old Halfling boy, and eight year old human girl). They desperately want to be interred somewhere else with respect, but will only leave the room in the company of a possessed individual or someone who can convey that they will give them that rest. Myrsina is not above tricking someone into being locked in the room and having them possessed until the would be rescuer starves to death, and then using the remains for soup. She will also use the room as a distraction if severely pressed. The dead children are still afraid of her.

There is a Plaque of Restful Nights on the door.


The Mylings (CR 4, Small/Medium Undead) are from Izegrim Creations's "Twilight Fables". See D&D 5E - Twilight Fables Now Publicly Available! or contact @Sacrosanct to get a copy.

Plaque of Restful Nights - Wondrous item, uncommon.
Each dusk the Plaque of Restful Nights puts a shaped silence spell effect on the (up to) four doorways, window openings, or the like nearest it in the room where it is affixed. This works on up to 144 total square feet (up to four large doors) that are within 40' of the plaque. The effect lasts until dawn. It does not add sound proofing to walls.

The next room created (#58) is in post #456 D&D General - #Dungeon23 .
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