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Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)


One of the weirdest features on any of their miniatures is on the KS5 troll - I thought it had a giant...ummm...butthole...but then found the accompanying troll nest with eggs and hatchlings, and realized that this troll must be reptilian and I was painting its cloaca. Which is interesting attention to detail on the sculptor's part.

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I just did a quick check and while I didn't see anything labelled "urban legend", they have a page and a bit full of various Sophies on their website.

Yeah, those are the ReaperCon Sophies - they put out a new one for every convention. But there were a couple "Urban Legend" figures back in the day, including a Jungle Queen, a 72mm Sophie figure, a 72mm Ellen Stone Cowgirl and a Sophie riding a motorcycle, that were, let's say, "missing" a few costume pieces found on the original versions... They were taken off the website decades ago, and you can't even get them at the factory during the ReaperCon tours anymore.

(Original safe-for-work versions)


This is a C'tan Nightbringer for the Warhammer 40k Necrons. I painted the cloth parts with Vallejo color shifters with an airbrush. The "flesh" was painted using Turbo Dorks first with one of their greens and then a highlight of yellow.

C'tan Nightshard.JPG


I'm generally really not a fan of the general GW aesthetic, but a decent number of their noncorporeal figures are pretty cool.
I like it in the context of their own games, and their quality is always top-notch.

I don't play GW games these days though, just TTRPGs, mostly D&D, and I do find it difficult to incorporate many of my old Fantasy Battles miniatures as the style is quite aggressive. That said, there are some absolute gems that still see a lot of use, such as their treants from the 90s, several of their dragons, and a bunch of dwarf berserkers who have made several appearances at my D&D games as a band of wacky bandits.

I also have purchased several pieces of their terrain recently - I don't buy a ton of it because it is non-modular and fragile, so tough to store efficiently, but they look gorgeous when I incorporate them into a build:

Forest Ruins.jpg
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I don't play GW games these days though, just TTRPGs, mostly D&D, and I do find it difficult to incorporate many of my old Fantasy Battles miniatures as the style is quite aggressive.
I don't own a lot of Warhammer fantasy miniatures, but thes ones I have work well enough for most fantasy games. Orcs are pretty much orcs, so long as I'm not using Troll slayers the dwarves are generic enough, and a lot of the human models are appropriate. For Warhammer 40k, the Necrons are fine for generic robots, Imperial Guard works fine for generic sci-fi soldiers, and the various Necromunda models work well for anything ranging from cyberpunk to post apocalypse. For Age of Sigmar, the lizard guys (whatever they're called) are great, the Sons of Behemoth make for some good giants, and the orcs are still orcs.

But, man, it's tough to use Space Marines for anything other than Space Marines.

Voidrunner's Codex

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