I had a lot of fun with the Fighting the Gray Tide thread I started in December 2022 and I appreciate everyone who participated in it throughout the year. It was nice to have an overhwhelmingly positive thread without the necessity of a + and it reinforced my belief that no matter the skill level of the painter, a painted miniature is always better than an unpainted miniature. But I’m going to change my focus for 2024, so I think it behooves me to start a new thread. I’ve got some new goals for next year.
Fighting the Gray Tide Part 2: The Electric Boogaloo
I still have a lot of unpainted miniatures, some of which I’ve had for roughly twenty years! I will continue to limit the number of miniatures I purchase in 2024 as I work to complete half-finished projects and not only start new ones but complete them.
It’s my right to live in a pigsty if I want!
Anytime you’re working with various tools and small parts, it’s important to keep your work area clean and organized. I’m terrible at keeping my work area clean and organized. Picture here is my work area which is neither clean nor organized. When was the last time I used my work area? I don’t think I used it at all in 2023, I used my computer desk. My plan is to get this mess cleaned up to give myself more room to work with. (Incidentally this is one of my work areas. I have a separate area for airbrushing.)
Go big or go home, cowboy!
Last year I gave a lot of thought into what I enjoy painting the most. One of the most fun projects I had this year was the flail snail which I bought on a Saturday and had it completed by Monday which is a very fast turnaround. Why was it so fun? Well, the novelty for one. It was the first snail I had ever painted. But last year I found some of the more enjoyable models I painted were the larger ones. They were still 28mm scale, but large creatures and vehicles provided me with the most satisfaction. There are a few big projects I intend to finish in 2024 including the Gargantuan Red Dragon from WizKids, some giants from Games Workshop, and a few other surprises coming along.
But I’d also like to finish the armies I’ve started. This can get rather repetitious, but I’m in no hurry so I can afford to take things as a reasonable pace and paint things in small batches. But this means finishing what Imperial Guard models I own, some Necrons, and the rest of my Zombicide: Undead or Alive miniatures (which I had fun painting in 2023).
Paint Bravely
I’m setting a goal for myself to improve my painting skills. At this point I should really be able to paint eyes on miniatures, but it’s a step I most often skip. In addition to eyes, I’d like to get better at painting smoother blends with my flesh colors, more interesting metallics, and better weathering effects. I don’t ever expect to be an award winning painter, but I’d like to paint something worthy of a display pieces rather than good tabletop gaming quality. It can be a little scary trying new things. I've got a Wizkids bear around here that looks absolutely terrible because I tried to do something with the fur that did not work out at all. But you know what? A little L.A.'s Awesome will clean away just about any mistake.
Does anyone have any painting goals of their own this year?
Fighting the Gray Tide Part 2: The Electric Boogaloo
I still have a lot of unpainted miniatures, some of which I’ve had for roughly twenty years! I will continue to limit the number of miniatures I purchase in 2024 as I work to complete half-finished projects and not only start new ones but complete them.
It’s my right to live in a pigsty if I want!
Anytime you’re working with various tools and small parts, it’s important to keep your work area clean and organized. I’m terrible at keeping my work area clean and organized. Picture here is my work area which is neither clean nor organized. When was the last time I used my work area? I don’t think I used it at all in 2023, I used my computer desk. My plan is to get this mess cleaned up to give myself more room to work with. (Incidentally this is one of my work areas. I have a separate area for airbrushing.)
Go big or go home, cowboy!
Last year I gave a lot of thought into what I enjoy painting the most. One of the most fun projects I had this year was the flail snail which I bought on a Saturday and had it completed by Monday which is a very fast turnaround. Why was it so fun? Well, the novelty for one. It was the first snail I had ever painted. But last year I found some of the more enjoyable models I painted were the larger ones. They were still 28mm scale, but large creatures and vehicles provided me with the most satisfaction. There are a few big projects I intend to finish in 2024 including the Gargantuan Red Dragon from WizKids, some giants from Games Workshop, and a few other surprises coming along.
But I’d also like to finish the armies I’ve started. This can get rather repetitious, but I’m in no hurry so I can afford to take things as a reasonable pace and paint things in small batches. But this means finishing what Imperial Guard models I own, some Necrons, and the rest of my Zombicide: Undead or Alive miniatures (which I had fun painting in 2023).
Paint Bravely
I’m setting a goal for myself to improve my painting skills. At this point I should really be able to paint eyes on miniatures, but it’s a step I most often skip. In addition to eyes, I’d like to get better at painting smoother blends with my flesh colors, more interesting metallics, and better weathering effects. I don’t ever expect to be an award winning painter, but I’d like to paint something worthy of a display pieces rather than good tabletop gaming quality. It can be a little scary trying new things. I've got a Wizkids bear around here that looks absolutely terrible because I tried to do something with the fur that did not work out at all. But you know what? A little L.A.'s Awesome will clean away just about any mistake.
Does anyone have any painting goals of their own this year?