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D&D General Maps, Maps, Maps! Dungeons, Ruins, Caverns, Temples, and more... aka Where Dyson Dumps His Maps.

#Dungeon23 Dyson's Delve II Level 5 Maps


With the announced death of my two #Dungeon23 projects, I'm going to keep posting the maps I've drawn for them and will hopefully finish off the map set at the very least (so we'll have all twelve maps for each project at least). I can't promise they'll all get done, and who knows - maybe I'll find the time to get back to writing these in the future, once I've cleared my desk a bit.

This level contains the "base level" of several rooms and chambers that we've only seen from above on other level maps. Room 14 is the bottom of the shaft we find in room 11 on level 3 (and connects to the otyugh pit above, as well as having a locked portcullis leading into the dungeon proper. Room 17 is an old library that sits under the mezzanine that is room 12 on level 4. Room 23 is the great hall and as anyone can tell looking within, it is infested with giant spiders that live in the mostly inaccessible mezzanine of areas 28-31 on level 4.

Access from above can be achieved through room 1 (stairs double-back and lead up to room 1 on level 4), room 15 (leading up to the dung goblin cave, area 27 on level 4), room 17 (stairs up to the mezzanine, area 12 on level 4), and room 18 (stairs up to room 15 on level 4).

Access to level 6 is via the stairs in areas 2 and 4.

The 1200 dpi version of the map was drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and is 10,800 pixels (36 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for 10′ squares) – so resizing it to either 2,520 pixels wide or 5,040 pixels wide, respectively.


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The Sanctuary of the Magi


The conjoined magi were masters of communication with the strange beings beyond the walls of sleep. As infants, they spoke strange tongues and received answers as if from the ether. As they aged, they took up the study of magic and the assistance of these same beings seemed to propel them into greatness – they worked opposite ends of the same spells, mastering light and darkness, heat and cold, the bright open of the air and sun and the dark enclosure of the heart of worlds.

Much to the horror of their mortal teachers, when one of the conjoined magi died, it only served to propel them into further studies of life and death, and the barriers between. By the age of twenty-two, they began to pull away from the world around them, locked in cerebral studies and attempting to forge and break new psionic bonds between them. But something else, not from beyond the wall of sleep but the wall of death, used that psionic conduit to infect the connection between the magi and to seize control over both – for it too wished to gain a semblance of their balance and control of life and death.

The magi sealed themselves away from time, capturing the entity within their psychic bond. They erstwhile teachers and mentors evacuated and sealed their sanctuary, and the three entities remain trapped within, locked to each other with bonds stronger than time and deeper than ignorance.

But there will always be those who think they can break the deadlock, or worse, who just want access to the tools, devices, and notes of the magi sealed within their sanctuary.

The 1200 dpi version of the map was drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and is 9,000 pixels (30 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for 10′ squares) – so resizing it to either 2,100 pixels wide or 4,200 pixels wide, respectively.


Release the Kraken on The Flooded Catacombs


Every month we go through our back catalogue of maps and the many amazing supporters of the blog over on Patreon vote on which two should be re-released under the free commercial use license. This week we’ll be making the final two public “Release the Kraken” releases. Patronage of the blog has decreased by over 20% in the past few years – but instead of ending the Release the Kraken process, we are going to make the Kraken re-releases a Patreon-exclusive… so only supporters of the Dodecahedron over on Patreon will receive these commercial re-releases in the future.

Bloody claw marks lead from the smashed door of the charcoaler’s house into the Big Sumac Woods. In the undergrowth where the trees refuse to grow tall are ancient stoneworks – a well, a few low remnants of walls and a pair of massive cornerstones… and the mossy punky remains of a door set into the stonework leading to the fetid depths below.

Down here is the den of the mutant monstrosity that hunted the charcoaler. But there’s obviously more. The half-flooded subterranean ruins are home to a number of oozes of strange scintillating colours – wild and painful ulfire, dreamy and feverish jale, and shifting deep dolm. Somewhere down here, something breached between worlds and these creatures of colours unknown have squeezed through the cracks.

The 1200 dpi version of the map was drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and is 3,600 pixels (12 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for 10′ squares) – so resizing it to either 840 pixels wide or 1,680 pixels wide, respectively.



These are exactly the kind of quality I wish I could produce. I don't suppose you've done any tutorials, on your Patreon, or elsewhere?

These are exactly the kind of quality I wish I could produce. I don't suppose you've done any tutorials, on your Patreon, or elsewhere?
My Tutorials page is here:

But the big one is practice. Practice practice practice. I've been drawing 10+ maps a month for about 15 years now.

Statues of the Thrall Gods


Based on the architecture and the spiralling hexagonal pit leading down below the structure proper, this would appear to have been an elven structure from the era of the great war. But beyond that, little makes sense here – there are rough-cut crypts and tombs in the lower level that don’t match any elven funerary rites, and of course, there are the massive collections of statues depicting divinities of all sizes, forms, and scales – many adorned with exaggerated elven traits but definitely not any gods that elves ever worshipped.

The rough-hewn tombs offer a potential explanation. Within are the corpses of a number of hunched humanoid creatures with a great variety of physical traits and possibly mutations – but it is the ones with partial and complete carapaces that stand out – these are the races of thralls that the elves created and used in the great war – their living alchemical and arcane creations that turned against them as most slave races do in time.

Of note, there is no connection from the spiralling descent down the hexagonal pit to the bottom of said pit. The ledge just… ends… about 60 feet above the wet and debris-strewn bottom of the pit and a cave leads from there into the unknown depths beyond…

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 14,400 pixels (48 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for the 10 foot squares indicated on the map) – so resizing the image to 3,360 pixels or 2,720 pixels wide, respectively.



My Tutorials page is here:

But the big one is practice. Practice practice practice. I've been drawing 10+ maps a month for about 15 years now.
Of course. :) Thanks for that page!

Greyrock Tower


Looking out over the edge of Triumph Mesa, Greyrock Tower is a small remnant of much larger ruins and would appear at first to be an entrance to the extensive “Catacombs Below” – but the dungeons of Greyrock Tower are not linked to those great underworld byways – just three levels of dungeons with an opening to a narrow ledge below the tower.

Greyrock Tower itself is still at its full height, a small two-story tower with damaged crenelations atop it. It is seldom used by anyone except to post a watch by those living below. The dungeons aren’t in much better shape, with broken doors, collapsing sections of wall, and fallen decorative stonework throughout.

The 1200 dpi versions of the map were drawn at a scale of 300 pixels per square and are 9,600 pixels (32 squares) wide. To use this with a VTT you would need to resize the squares to either 70 pixels (for 5′ squares) or 140 pixels (for the recommended 10 foot squares) – so resizing the image to 2,240 pixels or 4,480 pixels wide, respectively.


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