This is a zip version of the Creature Catalog collection of monster conversions for 3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons.
This download will be updated periodically when batches of conversions are completed.
Conversions are still ongoing on the Creature Catalog Forums General Monster Talk hosted by Enworld, and anyone is welcome to join in. We're hoping the webpage version of the Creature Catalog that used to be on this website will eventually return, but have no news when (or if) that will happen.
The creature catalog was originally created by Scott Green who then passed it into the hands of other contributors, most notably the late Eric Jansing.
This download will be updated periodically when batches of conversions are completed.
Conversions are still ongoing on the Creature Catalog Forums General Monster Talk hosted by Enworld, and anyone is welcome to join in. We're hoping the webpage version of the Creature Catalog that used to be on this website will eventually return, but have no news when (or if) that will happen.
The creature catalog was originally created by Scott Green who then passed it into the hands of other contributors, most notably the late Eric Jansing.