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Level Up character sheet 9

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Revision of the Level Up character sheet, but with a full page for Features & Traits, and Maneuvers and Knacks moved to their own page.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Knack labels

    Added a label describing the various knack names, to make it easier to understand what belongs...
  2. Darkvision, climb, swim

    Added fields for darkvision, climb speed, and swim speed on the front page. Had to do a little...
  3. Fix tab ordering

    Fix various problems with tab ordering due to previous edits.

Latest reviews

One of the best character sheets for A5E that I've seen. I've tried 5 different ones, and this is the best of the bunch.

- I like how the first page mostly matches the style of LevelUp's default fillable PDF.
- The second page is more appropriate for non-fighter characters. I don't have "Combat Maneuvers", and thus don't want to leave a big chunk of empty space on page 2.
- This sheet doesn't do strange things with the font size. LevelUp's default fillable PDF will shrink the font the more you type, which means some fonts are like 2 pts large. Not this one.

- I wish the multi-line sections would do line wrapping. I'd like to be able to paste a chunk of text and have it spawn multiple lines.