Zio's magic set editor card templates for RPG's

Zio's magic set editor card templates for RPG's 1.0

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What's this:

This template is designed to use with tabletop and/or board games with RPG elements.
It's not perfect but if you like to customize your games like I do it can help ;)
To install just unzip this file into you MSE “data” folder!
If you know how to edit MSE files, feel free to change whatever please you!
Most cards have multiple styles available to customize them in the style tab.
Many symbols are available through the “Format--Insert symbol” menu to put in text fields.
Fonts in the “CustomRPG.mse-include” folder need to be installed for all templates to work correctly.

Link1: MSEtemplate152dpi
Link2: MSEtemplate254dpi

Original overlays used for the cards (in psd): Overlays

Links to my other tools for RPG (Campaign manager in Excel):
Link to the tool:
DM tools

Link to optional pictures for campaign manager: Optional-Pictures

What’s the difference between 254dpi and 152 dpi?
The dpi value is the print resolution of the card. The two sets print cards of the same size, only the resolution of the card change. I do this to allow users with lower resolution screen (like a laptop) to be able to use the template. There’s a problem with MSE when opening a picture field that is too large for your screen resolution, you won’t be able to see the buttons in the editor (but pressing the enter key will work to exit the menu).

To put it in a nutshell, if your screen resolution is 1920x1080 or higher you should use the 254dpi version. Otherwise, use the 152dpi version.

How to use (by style):

Mini/Standard/Portrait/Oversize: These styles are designed for generic use (I use them for my custom version of Heroquest) and can fit almost any game you think of if you’re starting from scratch (ie create new game and/or rules for an existing game).

I don’t use styling options, but instead you will find small boxes around the card borders with a description on what will be affected by the box current value. Update: now use styling options!!

Fields available: name, type, subtype, text, main symbol, infoboxes (3), statboxes (up to 12, standard and larger only), symbolboxes (up to 12, standard and larger only).

Filtering values: name, type, subtype, infobox1 (numbers only), infobox2 (numbers only), background.

Options: Font size of name, text, infoboxes and statboxes. Color of infoboxes text, Picture display (small, large, no picture, cardback), Number of statboxes displayed, Type-subtype with or without symbol in between, Single or double textbox, Watermark, Background.

D&D-PF: This style is more geared towards tabletop RPG following the D&D rules. As with the generic style, boxes are around to let you customize the look and feel of the card as well as choose the overlay for the card you're making (for now generic, items, spell, power, monsters for 3rd and 4th editions).

Filtering values: depends on the overlay selected.

Options: Font size of name, Overlay, Background, Texture, Borders, Watermark.

Descent Mini/Standard/Large: This style is for making custom cards for the board game Descent. The style is WIP so everything is not finished. For now treasure, items, relics, feats, status, monster front & back, overlord and hero cards are available, though they are not perfect these are perfectly useable if you don't mind the card being exactly like original ones.

Filtering values: depends on the card type.

Options: Background, Numbers of abilities for minion and master (monster front cards only).

DnDBoard Standard/Large: This style is for making custom cards for the board game D&D by parker. As the Descent style this is very much a WIP. I had to cheat a little for hero cards because the original cards are almost impossible to reproduce in MSE (I think).

Filtering values: depends on the card type.

Options: Background.

Pawns: This style is for creating pawns token (for those who played pathfinder you'll know what this mean). You select a picture (you can also add a name and/or short info), and print on 300g paper then glue the two parts after bending them to have a figurine to put on a plastic base.

NB: Filtering value are displayed as "Name", "Type", "Subtype", "Info1", "Info2", "Background". I had to do that in order to mix all the styles rather than creating a different game file for each to keep the number of displayed fields sane.

Sample cards:


Cotte de mailles naine 1.jpg

Cyclone enflammé.jpg

Coffre au trésor.jpg

Décharge mentale.jpg

Champion du chaos.jpg


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Latest updates

  1. Small update

    I did a small update to the template (254dpi only) If you love printing gaming cards for your...