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Search results

  1. Centaur

    Pathfinder 1E Power of the Djinn

    I am just curious peoples interpretations of the Sorcerer Djinni Bloodline ability "Power of the Djinn". It states that you gain the power of genies to grant wishes. Then in a separate sentence it says you have the ability to cast limited wish once per day but doesn't really tie it to the first...
  2. Centaur

    Pathfinder 1E Sylph & Iron Flask

    So this may seem a bit of a odd question, but would an Iron Flask work on a Sylph? Or any other race with the Type: "Outsiders with the native subtype"? From the write up on the Iron Flask, it fails to use a Type for what it can affect, just instead using the Descriptor "When the user speaks...
  3. Centaur

    Pathfinder 1E Minor/Major Creation and Animal Products.

    Maybe I missed something. Been searching google for a couple days on and off and so far haven't found any discussions on it. Maybe bad search criteria... However, to the the chase, in Pathfinder, (and DND 3.5) it seems that there is something missing from the Minor/Major creation spells (4th...
  4. Centaur

    Rapid Armor Donning

    What sort of value would you apply to magical armor that can be put on in 1 round. Keep in mind that a wizard can cast mage armor in 1 action. Also keep in mind that in most cases in most campaigns this is a bonus that doesn't have a lot of game value. It only applies generally when the PC is...
  5. Centaur

    Fast Paced Game Options

    The core rules in most games contain a wide range of options for creating "Down Time" within a campaign. From fighter training, to building a stronghold to transcribing spells etc.. However... Our gaming group routinely ignores most of these. In a typical game, we will spend multiple levels...
  6. Centaur

    D&D 3E/3.5 Lightning Bolt 3.0/3.5 vs older editions

    In 3rd edition D&D, lightning bolt originates from the casters hand and travels out to its range. this is great and easy to interpret, however it is also a huge departure from earlier editions of the spell. In earlier editions (IIRC), the caster was able to pick two points within range that...
  7. Centaur

    Restrictive Poly/Metamorph Spells

    Just wondering if anyone has experimented with polymorph or metamorphosis type spells with severe restrictions on them? Specifically what I am thinking of would be the following set of specs: 1. The form chosen would need to be one that is detrimental (from a role playing point of view) to...
  8. Centaur

    Starting Level

    I started playing AD&D in the fall of 1984, that means I have now been playing for 26 years... scary! In all those years, every game I have ever run or played in, has had the characters start at 1st level. And most games either die off or run to completion before characters reach beyond 12th...
  9. Centaur

    Magic Item Creation

    Been a long time since My Last post... I see things have evolved a bit... I was wondering if anyone has used an variations on the costs for creating magic Items in the D&D 3.0/3.5 system. What I am refering to is the Time/XP/GP costs generaly associated with creation of such items. I ask...
  10. Centaur


    I am wondering if anyone has ever come across or knows about any sort of complex or well developed set of rules for curses. Developing, delivering and removing. The rules in the basic books are all but nonexistent.
  11. Centaur

    Power Critical - Fixed or Nerfed?

    When the Power Critical Feat was originaly introduced, it allowed the user to declare one strike per day a critical hit, as long as he made both a regular hit roll and a follow up confirmation roll. In the new "Complete Warrior" Book, it has been down graded to a mear +4 to your confirmation...
  12. Centaur

    Extra Dimentional vs. Non-Dimentional

    Extra Dimentional vs. Non-Dimentional What is the difference between these two spaces. Bags of holding are described as Non-Dimentional, Portable holes are Extra Dimentional. Mordenkainen.s Magnificent Mansion is extra dimentional! I have yet to find a definition as to what the difference...
  13. Centaur

    Does Dimentional Lock Block Summon Monster

    An Argument broke out durring our game tonight about the specifics of the Dimensional Lock spell from MoF. It specifies that dimensional movement is blocked in the area of effect. It lists a number of example spells that this covers but does not specify Summon Monster. My contention was that...
  14. Centaur

    Dominate Person - Can you feel it?

    For a basic sense of completeness, I have included the write up of Dominate Person from the SRD below. My Question is this: If Character A Casts Dominate Person onto Character B from hiding (ie. ambush), but does not give any sorts of orders or otherwise activly use the spell, would Character...
  15. Centaur

    Dragon Disciple Variant (Anyone Seen One)

    The Dragon Disciple in the Tomb & Blood book is very cool, but one of the players in my group was wanting to know if there was a variant on the idea that focuses more on the draconic spellcasting nature rather than the physical aspects. I'm wondering if anyone has seen such a Variant of the...
  16. Centaur

    Value this Item!

    This has some significan't value to characters in any campaign where roleplaying is highly emphasised but where you could be attacked at any time. The concept is simple, the magic item is a "Mannequin" for lack of a better name. The character binds it to him by placing a small amount of blood...
  17. Centaur

    What can you WISH for?

    If you can get an Inherant Bonus of +1 to an ability, or a 15,000 gp Item from the casting of a wish spell, what else can you get? The Current Wish spell seems weak to me based on previous editions of D&D. 1. Could a Wish Spell Grant a New Feat 2. How about a bonus to a skill (+5 or +10) etc...
  18. Centaur

    XP Cost to use a Magical Item

    I am curious to see what people think of the idea of putting in place a cost to use a magic item. Specificaly an XP cost. This would make some players think twice about using some items as frivilously as they might. This question is in concept only. I'm not really interesting in talking...
  19. Centaur

    Rod of Healing (Pricing Help?)

    I'm thinking of introducing a magical item into the game as something purchasable. However, I'm not sure exactly how to put a price on it. I am calling it a Rod of Healing and it has the following effects: Essentialy, it allows a Arcane caster to channel a prepared spell or spell slot through...
  20. Centaur

    Positive Energy Ball

    If one was to make a new spell called Positive Energy Ball, how would you determine it's effects...? If you assume it's basic statistics were the same as Fire Ball then the only thing to determine is what it would damage or not damage. If we assume that the intention was for an area effect...