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Search results

  1. Marcon

    What's cooking for 13th Age?

    Pre-ordered the book and went through the PDF. I liked what I read. Then I tried to navigate Pelgrane Press's dysfunctional web site (I hate "blog-like" sites) digging for what's coming up next and I couldn't find a thing. When I clicked on 13th Age - All Releases (Which should be pretty...
  2. Marcon

    WotBS WotBS Adventure 2 : Cool ways to deal w/ Indomitability

    ** Spoilers abound. ** Playing the campaign in 3.5 but I don't think it matters. I fell in love with the concept of those "one-word" Trillith having weaknesses based on what they embody (Such as Indomitability suffering full damage from "once-alive" material). I want my players to get the...
  3. Marcon

    Song of Forms - Suggestion of an appropriate musical piece

    Possible WotBS spoilers! My players will most likely reach the seela village during our next session. I would desperately love to be able to play something that would closely emulate what it would be like to hear the same lamenting lyrics over and over again. My understanding is that the Song...
  4. Marcon

    War of the Burning Sky : The Scouring of Gate Pass

    This will be a playtest review more than anything. It will be especially useful to people who read through the adventure and are wondering how it can unfold with the interaction of a real group of PCs. In case it's not clear enough, this review will make more sense if you already know the...
  5. Marcon

    Help me come up with interesting encounters in the Fire Forest

    I like a few of those suggested (The dying man begging the PCs to end his life, the hellhound mafia-style "warning" and of course Indomitability's trial) but the rest is leaving me on my appetite. When my PCs get to the Elf Village, I have no doubt the moral issues and having to ponder whether...
  6. Marcon

    Using a Ride check to get cover

    I don't think there is a more ambiguous paragraph than the one found on p.80 detailing the way you can use your mount as cover. It's unbelievably short for the flurry of options it allows in my head and I want to make sure I get it straight before trying to use it at the table. Could someone...
  7. Marcon

    Did anyone design funny items from Councilman Menash's collection?

    Title pretty much says it all. I intend to give each of my PC something with a boon along with a very minor drawback. Loot is hard to come by in the 1st adventure so they pretty much have no choice but to use the extravagant stuff. The bard will get the peeled banana dagger (Gotta find...
  8. Marcon

    NPC vs NPC fights : Should I just fake them?

    So your PCs have a NPC ally with them or they happen to be involved in a fight between good guys and bad guys (Obviously taking one side or the other in the process). Do you systematically roll every attack die, keep track of HPs, etc. for the allied NPCs? If you handwave it, do you bluff your...
  9. Marcon

    Help me build a cool encounter for the 2nd half of the 1st adventure

    After one session, my players just retrieved the case. They did it diplomatically, one of them being Lord Shaaladel nephew and successfully convincing Shealis she was misguided in bringing the case back to her homeland, potentially by an infiltrated Shahalesti traitor (Hopefully, I was able to...
  10. Marcon

    How to handle a Shahalesti PC?

    One of my players decided to play an undercover Shahalesti agent in Gate Pass. He has been sent on a mission a while back to investigate the rumors of an imminent war on the city. I can foresee this as being a problem as early as Act 2 in the first adventure. When it becomes obvious that...
  11. Marcon

    Scouring of GP : Better encounters on the way to retrieving the case

    Hey guys, I'll be kicking off my WotBS campaign shortly so expect a few posts from me as I finish up the prep work. Right after the fight at the Poison Apple Pub, the PCs are having a few scripted encounters on their way to the Depository Tower. I don't find any of these encounters thrilling...
  12. Marcon

    Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

    There has been a lot of talk on the Boards (Albeit less than I expected) about Expedition to Castle Ravenloft but still no reviews per se. Having read the book from cover to cover, I'll try to give you a good idea of what it's all about. Bear in mind that I started playing AD&D 4 years before...
  13. Marcon

    Link me to the Ravenloft Story hours please!

    I know there are some not listed in the stickied thread and a search will yield a whole bunch of false-positives. Can anyone help? -Marcon
  14. Marcon

    Torrent as a PC - Did you do it and how?

    I'm meddling with the idea of converting Torrent into a PC. I'm not a big fan of having to play "lead-them-by-the-nose NPC". I understand I don't have to spill it out everytime the heroes are wondering what to do but then again, Torrent knows a lot of things, has a lot of contacts and, quite...
  15. Marcon

    Help with a naval adventure

    Hi, I'll be running a cross of the Maiden Voyage module and the Neither Man nor Beast intro to kick-start my new campaign, the goal being to crash my PCs on Markovia and go on with Neither Man nor Beast. The reason why I'm using parts of 2 separate modules is mainly because none of them fully...
  16. Marcon

    "Neither man nor beast" - Have you played/DM'ed it?

    After years of learning D&D with a DM who was basically creating his dungeons on the spot, I joined another group where the DM intended to bring us into Ravenloft and its (Back then) host of published adventures. It all started with "Neither man nor beast". Spoilers follow, though I guess it...
  17. Marcon

    A dragon can outwit a party of adventurers. Can you?

    I brought this issue in another thread but I feel like it deserves its own discussion. So you sometimes play board games against your friends. You're obviously not omniscient so you make mistakes and therefore, you lose more often than not. But among the same group of friends, you happen to...
  18. Marcon

    Gridless combats - How do you do it?

    Thinking about reverting to gridless combats in my new campaign. The goal here is not debating "To Grid or not to Grid", let's say I have my reasons, the main one being that there's no way my players can stay in-character when they are plotting their next move over squares and minis. I want...
  19. Marcon

    Listing of "popular" RPG systems?

    Just wondering if someone could point me to a list of all the "widely-played" RPG systems out there (Or those worth knowing about or even taking a look at even though they are not widespread). Wikipedia lists an awful lot, including dead games and very obscure ones. Some of them ring a bell...
  20. Marcon

    Compilation of the most renowned/widespread house rules?

    Just wondering if anyone has ever bothered to put up a list of all the "best" house rules out there. "Best" could be further expanded into "House rules that a lot of DMs have incorporated into their game because they just plainly make sense, improve the game, simplify it, etc." If such a...