What's cooking for 13th Age?


First Post
Pre-ordered the book and went through the PDF. I liked what I read. Then I tried to navigate Pelgrane Press's dysfunctional web site (I hate "blog-like" sites) digging for what's coming up next and I couldn't find a thing. When I clicked on 13th Age - All Releases (Which should be pretty self-explanatory), there's just a bunch of 2012 posts. The forum is a mess as well.

So I looked on the Kickstarter site and I learned about 13 True Ways. I thought that was it but today, EN World talks about an upcoming Bestiary? Is there anything else I should know about? I gave up on the setting because I want to use published adventures in a campaign beginning shortly and I figured my only hope was if 13 True Ways achieved its final stretch goal (An adventure by Rob Heinsoo) so it was, no pun intended, a stretch.

What products (Official or not) are slated for release for the 13th Age setting in the near future?

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
To the best of my knowledge:

  • Core rule book (August)
  • 13 True Ways (April 2014) - new classes, monsters etc. The Kickstarter.
  • Bestiary - date unknown (our preview)
  • Shards of the Broken Sky by Rob Heinsoo - "...an adventurer tier sandbox adventure that could even be played twice by the same group with different characters and icon connections."

Plus Noonan/Baker's Primeval Thule setting is being tri-stated for 4E, Pathfinder and 13th Age.
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Yep, Morrus has it right. The Bestiary and 13 True Ways are in the works now. Shards was put on the back burner while Rob Heinsoo works on the Bestiary. I hear rumors that another designer's pitched an adventure, but nothing's official.

Pelgrane tends to put things under All Releases once they've been released, or at least available for pre-order. I'll see what I can do to make those current/upcoming projects more visible on the site.


Part of the problem is that the info seems to be nowhere... I checked the Pelgrane site, Fire Opal media's site and both Rob and Johnathan's blogs, and hardly saw any mention of 13 True Ways or the Bestiary on any of them. I think 13A needs a focus of "official" news/future plans somewhere, with links from/to it to/from all those places. While I'm on that - I think they could do with being more interconnected between themselves, too, just as a suggestion.


13th Age did a bit of a website overhaul a little while back - which made it easier to find basic information on the game - but that was when the core book was still further out itself than it is now. Waderockett's been super responsive to people's concerns about information visibility on the website in the past, and has done a great job getting things rearranged.


Yep - I notice some links being added already, so I have hope for a great development :)

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I added Bestiary and 13TW links to the sticky post at 13thAge.com. Sometime soon -- maybe next week -- I'll write dedicated posts summarizing those books, and ask Cat or Simon to link to them in the sidebar.

Part of the problem is that the info seems to be nowhere... I checked the Pelgrane site, Fire Opal media's site and both Rob and Johnathan's blogs, and hardly saw any mention of 13 True Ways or the Bestiary on any of them. I think 13A needs a focus of "official" news/future plans somewhere, with links from/to it to/from all those places. While I'm on that - I think they could do with being more interconnected between themselves, too, just as a suggestion.

Agreed. Right now, 13thAge.com makes the most sense as a central hub of news.

Rob and Jonathan's blogs are their own; they post whatever they want, whenever they want. In spite of being uncomfortable with self-promotion they kindly accommodate my requests to sometimes publicize 13th Age, and they try not to write things that will make me cry.

Also, Jonathan isn't involved with the Bestiary, and Rob originally wasn't going to be involved. He's helping but it's not really his project -- it's Ken Hite's.

Fire Opal Media's website...could be 80 million times more informative and connected than it is. I'd love to do something about that but I don't know when I'll be able to. (I also don't have access to it the way I do Pelgrane's site.)

A bigger challenge will be when Pelgrane starts doing 13th Age products that Fire Opal isn't involved in, and Fire Opal starts doing stuff with the 13th Age IP that Pelgrane isn't involved in. Oh, and Lee and Aaron have the rights to create their own products using their 13th Age artwork. We'll have to adapt our approach a bit.


Wow, looks like the IP stuff is a mess but I appreciate seeing the improvements coming along!

Heh. The IP is fine -- creator-owned FTW! I just need to figure out how I'll keep everyone up to date on what's cooking, regardless of who it's coming from. We'll work it out somehow.

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