What's cooking for 13th Age?


Heh. The IP is fine -- creator-owned FTW! I just need to figure out how I'll keep everyone up to date on what's cooking, regardless of who it's coming from. We'll work it out somehow.

My first suggestion --- DITCH WORDPRESS, and get a true Web content management system.

If you haven't looked at MODX, do so now. For the kind of site you're looking to run, it's a much better fit.

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My first suggestion --- DITCH WORDPRESS, and get a true Web content management system.

If you haven't looked at MODX, do so now. For the kind of site you're looking to run, it's a much better fit.

Thanks for the suggestion! An overhaul of the website isn't currently a project that's on our plates. When we eventually do that, we'll be sure and ask for recommendations.


We at Magique Productions have a long list of 13th Age compatible books on our slate. We love 13th Age and are poised to support this game with a lot of useful new products. Our first offering is the Tome of Races. Our Indiegogo campaign went live today and we have some great rewards for supporters. To check out the funding campaign go to Indiegogo and type Annals of Ages in the search.

Voidrunner's Codex

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