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Search results

  1. Tharen the Damned

    River of Heaven SF RPG is live!

    Disclaimer: I am a backer for the River of Heaven SF RPG Kickstarter campaign and a big Fan of the OpenQuest Engine (and was a backer for OpenQuest II at Indigogo). Other than that I am not affiliated with D101 Games. Because I want the book in full colour (a stretch goal), I pimp the campaign...
  2. Tharen the Damned

    Adventures Dark and Deep Bestiary

    I want to pimp the adventures-dark-and-deep-bestiary Fo those (like me) who have been burned by late or no delivery kickstarter projects: Josph Bloch delivered ths Players Manual Kickstarter EARLIER than proposed! That and the fact that the book is already written are good indicators that the...
  3. Tharen the Damned

    FR, the Spellplague & Tieflings

    It just came to me, how WoC might explain that there are suddenly a lot more Tieflings around than used to be. The spellplague! This magic disease might have transformed a lot of the affected into Tieflings.
  4. Tharen the Damned

    Gamers in Dublin

    Hi, are there any Gamers in Dublin? I am looking for a group to join as Player or DM. The preferred systems are D&D Core or D20 variants (like Thieves' World or Song of Ics and Fire D20) or Warhammer FRP.
  5. Tharen the Damned

    Skill Focus and other Skill Feat Bonus stacking?

    Ok, I have never though about stacking the Bonus from Skill Focus (say for Spellcraft) and from the Feat Magical Aptitude. Do they stack (and give a handy +5 to Spellcraft), as they seem to be unamend bonuses?
  6. Tharen the Damned

    An unfinished Orcus Avatar

    I am ending my campaign the next week. My Players are 13th to 14th level and it will be my usual 5 + 2 "Guest Players". The finish will be an encounter with an unfinished Orcus Avatar. This Avatar is still being fed with Blood and Souls in an egg like cocoon called the Heart of Darkness in a...
  7. Tharen the Damned

    Gamers in Dublin

    Hi, In recently moved from Frankfurt Main in Germany to Dublin. I lam looking for a Gaming Group in Dublin. I am 34 years old, and play since 23 years. The last 3 years I DMed a D&D 3ed Campaign but now I like to be a player again. I am familiar and have played/like to play: D&D Core...
  8. Tharen the Damned

    The Unliving Room

    In the campaign I am currently running, my PCs are on theri way to encounter a high Priest of Orcus. In honor to his master, he created a special Temple: The Unliving Room. This temple is build from hundreds of creatures, all sacrificed and now undead. Arms, temtacles, pincer Claws and stingers...
  9. Tharen the Damned

    D&D 4E 1st 4E Threat after breakdown

    Had to do it, so go on and rant or praise the upcoming 4E! Will it be the end of OGL or a new brightdawn for all roleplayers?
  10. Tharen the Damned

    New Green Ronin products

    Hi, just spotted some new Green Ronin Products for next year. Freeport: Crisis in Freeport Bleeding Edge #1:Mansion of Shadows: d20 Adv for 1st to 3rd Level Characters Advanced Class Codex: A Sourcebook For The d20 System deleted Tome of Magic.
  11. Tharen the Damned

    sell me on Liber Mechanica

    So I have the Character Guide and World Guide and Mosnternomicon for IK. How does Liber Mechanica compare? What is in it and how does it work? Is the Warjack construction process better the in the Character Guide?
  12. Tharen the Damned

    Beholders and Blindess

    So my Players will fight against a Beholder. The Cleric had the idea to use Blindness/Deafness against the Beholder. Will this work? I think, if the misses his save he is blind, but his rays and the central eye still works. He has the normal 50% miss chance and so on. Or does this not work?
  13. Tharen the Damned

    Shackled City Player Handouts online

    Hi, I just wanted to inform all Shackled City DMs that they can download the Player Handouts and don´t need to scan or copy them. Just go on the link below: Shackled City And if you go to the following link and download the Cauldron surrounding area Players Map. from Dragon #115.
  14. Tharen the Damned

    So Voldemort is a... (HP 6 Spoilers!)

    ...Lich that has no less than 7 Phylacteries! Why? because he can not be destroyed without all his Phylacteries (or Horcruxes) are also destroyed. This is a great Idea by Mrs. Rowling. Imagine the Players, having destroyed the obvious Phylactery but facing the Lich again....
  15. Tharen the Damned

    GRs Thieves World products - are you excited?

    Well, I really looking forward to the four upcoming Thieves World Campaign Books by Green Ronin -Thieves World Players Guide (the main Campaign Book), Murder at the Vulgar Unicorn (adventure), Shadowspans Guide to Sanctuary (history & NPCs galore) and Thieves World Gazetteer (more of the...
  16. Tharen the Damned

    Charm Person, Suggestion how do you playit?

    So how do you handle these Spells? How does a charmed person react, if the PCs slaughter his friends (say, a charmed Ork Shaman and the PCs killing his Warriors). What does the charmed enemy tell you about the Plans of the PCs opponents? If you charm a person in the middle of a battle, what does...
  17. Tharen the Damned

    How would you design the Malazan Campaign Setting?

    I am currently reading the Malazan Books of the Fallen by Steven Erikson (Gardens of the Moon, Deadhouse Gates, Memories of Ice, House of Chains, Midnight Tides). While reading I am thinking about how to design the Mechanics for this Setting (not that I have the time to actually do this -just...
  18. Tharen the Damned

    Manyshot & True Strike

    So, if I have cast True Strike and use the Manyshot Feat, does the +20 bonus apply to ALL arrows or only to the FIRST? As it is only ONE attack roll, it could well be applied to all arrows. As these are more than one ATTACKS (but with only one roll for them), it could also only be for ONE...