• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Goblyns Hoard

    Encounter Design - Single High Level Enemies

    I’m putting together my next game and I’d like some advice from those of you that have run more than my current two games of 4E. I’m curious as to how well the encounter creation calculator works when you start pitting parties against higher level foes. The idea is that the characters are on...
  2. Goblyns Hoard

    Minor Magic Items

    My home brew is a fairly high magic world - probably not as high magic as Eberron seems to be but magic is certainly prevalent. As such everyone, right down to commoners, expects a certain level of magic in the world. While some of the spells listed in the books have obvious applications...
  3. Goblyns Hoard

    Indigo's Actions

    ENWorlders - Me & my players (with the exception of my partner) all live fairly distant from each other and don't get the opportunity to game very often. I've set this thread up to discuss somethings that need to be resolved prior to the next game. I set it up here as I couldn't see anywhere...
  4. Goblyns Hoard

    A Paladin's Problem

    I need some help on this one because I don't want a TPK on my hands (what can I say I like telling good stories which means developed characters). One of my players has indicated he'd be interested in having his paladin go through a crisis of faith of some sort. This I like... it gives us a...
  5. Goblyns Hoard

    Immune to crits?

    Why are constructs and all undead immune to crits. For some of them it simply doesn't makie sense. I'll agree you can't crit an ooze, or a slime... they're a homogenous mass one bit no different to the rest. And the incorporeal undead, same thing goes there... it's just a spirit form so one...