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  1. P

    Naming characters after older video games.

    I'm most likely starting a new game tomorrow night, using one of the retro-clones (not that rule set matters for this topic). On a lark I decided to name the three characters I rolled up after video games from my youth. I decided to throw some alliteration into the mix with the first two...
  2. P

    Guns in a fantasy setting

    I'm wondering how the evolution of ballistic weapons would come about in a world filled with magic, something along the lines of Eberron, where magic has supplemented technology. I'm brewing up a setting for personal use, and I'm going to be taking a lot out of Eberron, but I'm wondering what...
  3. P

    4e Pre-Gens. more, More, MORE!

    I just purchased the over expensive Keep on the Shadowfall. It looks nifty, and it will determine if I am going to buy the regular rule books. My only problem is with the pre-gens. I looking for more human-o-centric ones. Or even other classes, like Ranger or Warlock. Does anybody know where I...
  4. P

    June: What are you reading?

    Nobody started one yet? I started Elric; The Stealer of Souls (Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melnibone: Volume 1). I tried reading some Elric back when White Wolf was reprinting them under their Borealis imprint. I hated it. I'm a bit more aware of Elric's historical significance in...
  5. P

    Um....where should I post a question about Boardgames?

    I've looked through the forums, and I have no idea where something like this would go. Is off topic the best place to put it? Thanks in advance.
  6. P

    Steampunk Star Wars

    I originally saw this on Erik Mona's blog (I think), but here's another example. Pages 4 and 5 have the best ones for my money. I'd love to see something like this in an animated movie form. I'd upload some pictures from it to give everybody an example, but I don't know how to :heh: :o
  7. P

    Recommend five (and only five) sci-fi books

    Like Whizbang's fantasy book post..... Here are mine, in no order: Hyperion by Dan Simmons Dune by Frank Herbert The Carpet Makers by Andreas Eschbach Girl, In Landscape by Jonathan Lethem Nova by Samuel R. Delaney
  8. P

    Any Clark Ashton Smith experts out there?

    I'm interested in reading some of his work, but I don't quite know where to start. His Zothique tales appeal to me the most, so that's where I want to begin. Night Shade books has started a 5 volume collection of his tales, but cross checking them with this Zothique wiki, it appears that the...
  9. P

    Any Gundam fans out there?

    In a case of impulse shopping, I just dropped about $70 on the Gundam Zeta Boxed set over at Amazon market place. 50 episodes. Can anybody tell me if I just wasted my money. I know next to nothing about Gundam. My introduction to it was finding a Gundam ZZ model book when I was in Junior High...
  10. P

    Anybody ever read M. John Harrison?

    I have. I love "The Course Of The Heart". I'm Ambivilent about "Viriconium". The only thing I can say about "Light" is that I liked it. Has anybody read anything else by him? There's "Sign's of Life", which seems more in the vein of Course of the Heart. There's the "Centauri Device" which has...
  11. P

    Recommend A Good Sci-Fi novel to me.

    My reading habits usually go from contemporary literature to sci-fi/fantasy. However, the last few novels I've read have been all contemporary lit. I'm actually in the middle of the new Dave Eggers novel "What is the What". While it's very good, it is getting a bit tedious. I need something to...
  12. P

    WW's Aberrant. Metaplot question.

    Let me explain. Recently, I found a dog eared copy of the original Aberrant in an old rpg box in my basement. While it was the only Aberrant product I've ever owned, I have looked through a few of the other titles during my time as a book seller at a major chain. One of the biggest parts of the...
  13. P

    How is YOUR Forgotten Realms Different?

    Do you run a FR campaign? What have you changed about the basic setting? Have you imported classes/races/gods/nations/ from other game settings (Scarred Lands,Eberron, Arcana Evolved,etc.). Have you changed entire countries to your liking? I've always had a love/hate relationship with FR. I...
  14. P

    Monte Cooks "Ptolus"

    Monte's long running "Ptolus" campaign, in a book. 640 pages?! How much is this thing going to be? And is anybody else excited about it?
  15. P

    Help me come up with a character concept!

    I'm kinda dry here folks. I want to play something a little different. I don't want to play a pious human paladin, a dim-witted half-orc barbarian,a nature loving elven ranger, or a sneaky halfling rogue, or anything "typical" (not that there are any problems with playing something "typical"). I...
  16. P

    Anybody See GITS:SAC on 4/23?

    Anybody watch last Saturday's Episode of Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex? I don't want to give anything away for people who haven't, but it was pretty intense and seemed like a season finale. Am I right in this assumption? Does anybody know? I once read that the second movie takes place...