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Search results

  1. Sabaron

    How old should a dragon villain be?

    I'm running a PbP political game, with the players as dukes running a kingdom. Meanwhile, the kingdom to the south is getting stomped on by an ambitious black dragon and its army. Soon the southern kingdom will be overrun, and it will be up to the players to deal with this... I'm trying to...
  2. Sabaron

    How old should a dragon villain be?

    I'm running a PbP political game, with the players as dukes running a kingdom. Meanwhile, the kingdom to the south is getting stomped on by an ambitious black dragon and its army. Soon the southern kingdom will be overrun, and it will be up to the players to deal with this... I'm trying to...
  3. Sabaron

    Politics and Intrigue; a game of Dukes and Kings

    I'm running a Fields of Blood game on a dedicated forum here: http://azzmodan.delnet.nl/Forum.asp?ForumID=13 I've got sixteen players so far, and am looking for politically minded players from the best community I know of, this one. :) I haven't been around in a while, but I still remember...
  4. Sabaron

    Storming the castle door

    So my players are planning on storming a castle next session (a Cheap Keep, from the Stronghold Builder's Guide). The first major obstacle is the gatehouse, with its sturdy wooden doors and portcullis. The wooden door has clear, simple rules to get past it (set HP and break DC), and so does...
  5. Sabaron

    How far can you see in the dark?

    After our party was ambushed by horse archers in the dark, a question arose. How far exactly can you see in moonlight or starlight outside at night? We didn't find anything in either the DMG or PHB (3.5 or 3.0), besides the ranges for torches and other light sources, and degrees of...
  6. Sabaron

    A taste of leadership

    The most recent campaign I've been DMing has been a bit stagnant lately. Granted, it's only been going for four sessions, and the PCs are second level, but still, nothing of import is happening. I could go into needless detail about why, but I won't. To spice things up a bit, I've decided...
  7. Sabaron

    Where should I put this?

    I've used the Mecha d20 rules to stat out the ships from the DMG (Rowboat, Keelboat, Sailing Ship, Longboat, Galley, and modified Galley). I created them with standard D&D use in mind. I'd like to share my work with ENWorlders, but am unsure of the proper forum to place them in. Rowboat: This...
  8. Sabaron

    Pages not updating for me

    I'm having a strange problem with the boards. They seem to be sending me pages from a day or so ago. Each forum that I regularly visit is "set back in time" for me, but forums I haven't visited are not until I revisit them. For example, Story Hour worked fine the first time I visited it, but...
  9. Sabaron

    [YB] Mirashi defeats Rathan and forfeits to Kalanyr!

    Near the small mountain village of Fu-ting, Imperial soldiers have noticed a strange sight. A massive army of chaotic demons has been pouring out of the mountains toward the town. Each demon is different: there are large and small demons, some that look like men and others like twisted...
  10. Sabaron

    Who wants to be today's villain?

    Pretend you're Raghla Gyaria. You've recieved this letter from your superior; what would you do next? Figured it could be fun to have a mind other than my own working on this for once. For reference: A Fist of Hextor is composed of 1 3rd level mounted priest, 2 2nd level mounted fighters...
  11. Sabaron

    Rebuking undead

    A fellow D&Der and I are having an argument. Here is the language (from the SRD) we are arguing over: What he argues is that, in lieu of rebuking an undead with more HD than you, you may command it. I say that if this were true, the section describing this (Alternatively, an evil cleric...)...
  12. Sabaron

    Christmas vacations/absences

    Since I now know I'm not the *only* one who's going have no access, I figured this would be a good thread to start. I, personally, will not be here from the 24th until the 2nd. Yellow Sign will be out until the 30th.
  13. Sabaron

    MidKnight! Calling MidKnight!

    Well, he's been gone for over two weeks now. No word of explanation or anything. Does anyone have any idea what's happened to him? I sure don't...
  14. Sabaron

    Sabaron Corlagon defeats Leomon of File Island! (Kabuki Doll judged)

    <center><table bgcolor=550000 border=5 width=100%cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><center><table bgcolor=#550000 border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><tr><td colspan=2><center><font color=#FFCC00 size=4 face="verdana">Sabaron </font></center></td></tr><tr><td valign=top><font...
  15. Sabaron

    Note: 3 day weekend

    Since Monday's Columbus day, I probably won't be back until the 15th (I might get a chance to use a comp earlier, but I doubt it)
  16. Sabaron

    Winter Snow, the Hero of Quantung, defeats Mirashi Iso (Thanks Kal)

    Life is good. I came to this country seeking a rebel, a rogue knight who was plotting against the king of a faraway land. I found that I am one of the greatest warriors of this land; I almost never lose a fight. The rogue knight is forgotten, now that I realize I could rule this land... all I...
  17. Sabaron

    Mirashi the Dark Gem defeats Dirty Harry and...

    <center><table bgcolor=000000 border=5 width=100%cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><center><table bgcolor=#000000 border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><tr><td colspan=2><center><font color=#bbbbbb size=4 face="verdana">Mirashi Iso </font></center></td></tr><tr><td valign=top><font...
  18. Sabaron

    Sabaron defeats Kendaz! (Thanks Lord Soth!)

    <center><table bgcolor=550000 border=5 width=100%cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><center><table bgcolor=#550000 border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><tr><td colspan=2><center><font color=#FFCC00 size=4 face="verdana">Sabaron </font></center></td></tr><tr><td valign=top><font...
  19. Sabaron

    Noir dishonors Sabaron in 3 rounds! (Rathan judged) (Soth came too!)

    After his epic battle with Dalamar, Sabaron returned to his tower. "I doubt I'll ever find King Scott's heir in this land. But I cannot just leave my homeland to suffer under Mikhail's treacherous reign. We need a new king... me. But first I must hone my skills in battle." Sabaron raises a...
  20. Sabaron

    Eilan Cooger contributes to the Meowthcendance!

    "I been hearing that a wee lil plush toy has been running the show around here a mite too long. I challenge you, silly little toy." Eilan Cooger Copper Sash 0 1-3 0 yen Sig Style: Chain