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    Tactical Supervision (Warlord 6)

    Hey everyone! Tactical Supervision Encounter Martial Immediate Interrupt Close burst 10 Trigger: An ally makes a basic attack, a bull rush, or a charge within 10 squares of you Target: The triggering ally in burst Effect: The target gains a power bonus to the attack roll equal to...
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    Damage Rolls

    I am looking to get a better grasp on when Damage Roll bonuses are not applied. Please correct me on anything that I am incorrect on. Damage Rolls Roll the damage indicated in the power description. If you’re using a weapon for the attack, the damage is some multiple of your weapon damage...
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    Darkvision Vs. Cloud of Darkness

    Darkvision: A creature that has darkvision can see in dim light and darkness without penalty. Darkness: Characters who have normal vision or low-light vision can’t see creatures or objects in darkness. Characters who have darkvision can see without penalty. Cloud of Darkness: The burst...
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    Off-hand Weapon Properties

    If someone is wielding two weapons, do they gain any property bonuses from the other 'other' weapon when attacking with the primary weapon. For instance, a Rogue wielding a Frost blade and a Subtle dagger who attacks with the Frost blade - do they gain the damage bonus from the subtle dagger...
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    Chaos Bolt LoS and LoE

    Hello, I have a question regarding the Sorceror at will Chaos Bolt. When determining secondary targets for the 'rolled an even' effect, must they be within Line of Sight and/or Line of Effect to the Sorcerer herself, or must they only be within LOS/LOE of the last target targeted by the...
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    Slaying Action (Feat)

    Hey Everyone, I am having a bit of trouble understanding the nuances (if there are any) of the feat Slaying Action. If you spend an action point to take an extra action and have already dealt Sneak Attack damage during this round, you can deal the extra damage a second time during this turn...
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    Magical Weapons as Implements

    So one of my PC's is a sorcerer with a +2 Vicious Quarterstaff. When casting spells he can use the staff as an implement, gaining +2 to hit and damage rolls but does not gain the proficiency bonus from the staff. My question is in regards to Vicious - on a critical hit with a spell, does the...
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    PS3 RPG Titles???

    So apparently my parents decided they wanted a Blu-Ray to go with their Flatscreen - the kindly BB salesman sold them on a PS3 as their player. My 16 year old anime-loving daughter is wondering if there are any good RPG style games for the PS3? I am a PC person - so I really don't know. I...
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    Understanding 'Hunting Party'

    Hey All, I have a question for 'Hunting Party' - Ranger Utility 10. Effect: Until the stance ends, each time you miss your quarry with an attack, you can choose an ally within 5 squares of the quarry. If that ally hits the quarry before the start of your next turn, the ally’s attack deals...
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    Combat Superiority Question

    Hey Everyone, I have a question on the timing of Opportunity Attacks as relates to movement and the Fighter's Combat Superiority Trait. An enemy adjacent to the Fighter attempts to move six squares. He grants and Opportunity Attack due to his movement, and the Fighter hits him. The enemies...
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    Dragonbreath and Marking

    If a Dragonborn fighter uses her Dragonbreath on 3 foes, can she immediately mark all 3? Thanks!
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    Firing into Melee

    Is there a penalty for firing into Melee? I was not able to find one, and the lack of said penalty seems odd.
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    Wizards Fall Catalogue

    So I received Wizards Fall Catalog from Random House today:> Tome of Treasures September 16th 224 Pages, $29.95 "nearly a thousand magic items, weapons, tools and other useful items for your D&D character...features a mix of classic items updated to the 4th edition rules and brand new items...