• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. S

    Which rules do you tend to forget or flub?

    Ok, my group is going to run our very first 4e session this Saturday morning. D&D and eggs and bacon... mmmm, bacon. None of us have played much over the last three years, but we're all keenly interested in trying out the new rules. All we're going to do this first session is run a couple of...
  2. S

    The economy of a Celestial campaign

    I'm about to start running a new campaign where the players are agents of the celestials. They travel the multiverse writing wrongs, unravelling fiendish plots, helping mortals in need, and generally Kicking Butt For Goodness. My question is, what to do about the campaign's economy...
  3. S

    Building a better bard

    Alrighty folks. I'm looking to create a reasonably combat-effective bard. Obviously this is in some sense a hopeless cause, but we can at least try to keep pace with our more combat-oriented brethren. Plus you never know when you're going to run into one of those sissy DMs who is into...
  4. S

    An anti-dump stat CHA feat chain

    Inspired by hong's combat-oriented Charisma feats, here are some more feats intended to decrease the "dump factor". Comments are welcome and appreciated. Call to Battle [General, Fighter] Your heroic fighting spirit spurs your comrades to action. Prerequisites: BAB +1, Cha 13+ Benefit: At the...