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    Dual Subscribers

    Hello, I subscribed to the "RPGNow" WotBS as well as I'm a community supporter. What will the WotBS release schedule be for me?
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    Brainstorming: Campaign "Pitches"

    An idea I've been mulling over is the concept of the "Campaign Pitch". Far too often I invest a lot of energy prepping for a campaign I'm about to run, only to find about .... 3 sessions in the players have NO interest in the actual campaign. Ultimately it leaves me with a lot of wasted work...
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    July PDF

    Hello, I subscribed to the WotBS campaign PDFs. I noticed Adventure #3 was supposed to be released in July. Is this schedule up to date with all the latest information, or has the schedule been adjusted? When can we anticipate #3's release?
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    Storm of Blades + Planeshaper + Epic Resurgence

    I had a player pull of the following combos, and I'm trying to find out if I'm missing anything illegal 1) War Chanter uses action point giving all PCs +7 hit / dmg 2) Warden with Barb MC uses Storm of Blades with a reckless weapon +5. For merely a -2 AC penalty he gets 8 attacks with an...
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    Eberron PrCs -> Paragon Paths, initial concepts

    With the upcoming release of Eberron for 4ed, I'm going back over my Eberron books and looking at the PrCs I liked and trying to think how I would convert them to Paragon Paths. I figured I'd start with the Thranish themed ones: Silver Pyromancer Exorcist of the Silver Flame Silver...
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    D&D 4E Pre PHB2: Are we happy with WotC's maintenance of 4ED

    Firstly I'm a huge 4ED fan, but the one thing that I'm concerned over is retroactive maintenance of existing material. Take "Veteran's Armor" for example. The official line was it was determined to be broken, but the group that determines if it was broken or not is not the group that could fix...
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    How to make the Warlord more Roguish?

    I'm trying to think of how one would go about tweaking the warlord class to be not STR dependent to hit, but instead DEX based like the Rogue. Problem is the INT or CHA choice means CHA is clearly the better option. Plus other things. Has anyone thought about how to make a more roguish...
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    Fighting Wraiths aka how to annoy your players

    So I ran the big Wraith fight from SoW: Shadow Rift of Umbraforge, aka the mid-boss fight. In short I like the tactics the status effects played on my players, but an entire fight with 6 insubstantial enemies (all the time) was more than annoying to them. What are people's thoughts on the...
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    Hard Solo Encounters: How Difficult is n + 3?

    DMG pg 58 starts listing sample formulas for East / Average / Hard encounters. I want to run a solo encounter for my 6 level 3 pcs (assume just below total optimization, I've got 2 optimizers, 2 semi-optimized, 1 average optimization, and one unknown (new player)). I want to run a dragon...
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    D&D 4E Anyone made a 4ed Warduke yet?

    Either in PC or Monster format? Mostly out of nostalgic curiosity.
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    Simple Stealth Scenario Question

    Ok, this is a debate my friends back east are getting into, and it's got me confused. Help would be appreciated all using RAW plz. Say I've got a 5' wide hallway, that's ... 15' deep. At the end of it is a monster with a passive perception of 11. I am trained in Stealth but not a rogue...
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    Blade Sweep balanced? (Level 3 Enc)

    Does anyone think that the Barbarian Level 3 Encounter Power "Blade Sweep" is unbalanced, specifically when you have Rageblood Vigor? I think that the power seems balanced except in the Rageblood Vigor case. Seems like a minion sweeper with only one attack roll, since you'd be doing CON MOD dmg...
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    House Rule: Flanking Grants CA to all melee combatants

    My DM is thinking of house ruling flanking to provide Combat Advantage to all Melee Combatants on the target (reminds me of the harried rule from Earthdawn). The idea being that both monsters and PCs will benefit. Has anyone done this as a House Rule? I'm looking for feedback and suggestions pro...
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    Clarify the Combat Challenge?

    Hello, So I've got the 4ed books, but my DM snapped them up pretty quickly right after I got them. That's ok, I'm happy playing for the time being. Anyways, I'm playing a Warforged Fighter with Hammer + Shield. So far at Level 2 it's pretty cool. I'd like some clarification on...
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    D&D 4E Porting the RHoD to 4e

    Has anyone looked at porting the Red Hand of Doom to 4ed? Do you think it's an appropriate adventure to try to port, or are the design considerations too different?
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    Smart DM, Stupid Monsters (possible KotS spoilers)

    Hello, I'm curious to get people's take on this issue. It's not 4ed specific, but being that I'm going to be running some more 4ed encounters, that will be the context I'm apply the ideas to. So firstly, I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but I consider myself a reasonably...
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    Smart DM, Stupid Monsters (possible KotS spoilers)

    Hello, I'm curious to get people's take on this issue. It's not 4ed specific, but being that I'm going to be running some more 4ed encounters, that will be the context I'm apply the ideas to. So firstly, I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but I consider myself a reasonably...